- Basho about Basho and his life -
by Jack Galmitz, THF, Periplum 9 :
The tradition of eliminating the “I” from haiku
coincided with the idea (fostered by Blyth, a student of D.T. Suzuki) that haiku was an offshoot of Zen Buddhism and that haiku aimed at enlightenment. While it is true that there were haiku written that purposely were meant as such expressions, haiku generally were not viewed as a medium of such expression.
Basho was not a Buddhist, had minimal understanding of the religion,
and was a poet first and foremost.
- Read more here:
. WKD : I .. the first person .

Basho in Edo - - - Five Portraits
source : hakusyunetto
Basho often writes directly about his own life and situation.
Although the word "I" is not often used in the Japanese language, it is implied in the structure and use of the verb our noun to be understood as the author writing about himself.
There may be too many haiku in this way by Basho, here I will list just a few that come to mind.
Poet centric hokku - - - Thanks to Don Baird for the inspiration of this phrase.
- Matsuo Basho Archives, Facebook -
- - - - -
Basho also writes a lot about the people he meets during his lifetime.
He describes their activities during the seasons, including festivals, food, clothing . . . thus he paints a vivid picture of the Edo period he lived in.
The haiku categories "humanity" and "observances" tell us much about it.
Check the "Cultural Keywords" tab on the right side.
people-centered hokku, people-centric hokku
. - Names of Persons used by Basho .
Some persons he mentions by name,
others he implies by using the name of an animal or a flower for a lady.
There are just too many to even try to list them all.
hokku nari Matsuo Toosei yado no haru
this is a hokku -
Matsuo Tosei's
home on New Year
Basho using his own name, Basho Toosei 松尾桃青 "Green Peach"
and his thoughts about hokku and haikai
. WKD - Hokku and Haikai 発句と俳諧 .
. shini mo senu tabine no hate yo aki no kure .
I am not dead yet - - - shi ni mo senu - shinimosenu -
Basho uses the expressions WARE - われ /我 I, myself, me
WAGA わが / 我が - my
YO 予 me, myself
. asagao ya kore mo mata waga tomo narazu .
(autumn) morning glories. not my friend
. hana ni ukiyo waga sake shiroku meshi kuroshi .
(spring) cherry blossoms. floating world. white ricewine. black rice
. hatsu shigure hatsu no ji o waga shigure kana .
(winter) first winter drizzle. the character "first". my name "Shigure"
. hito ni ie o kawasete ware wa toshi wasure .
(winter) "forget the year". I make him buy a house.
for . Kawai Otokuni 川井乙州 .
. ide ya ware yoki nuno kitari semi-goromo .
Thank-you hokku to Sugiyama Sanpu for a new light summer robe.
. izayoi mo mada Sarashina no koori kana .
I am still in Sarashina
. kageroo no waga kata ni tatsu kamiko kana .
(spring) heat shimmers. my shoulder. paper robe
. ka o saguru ume ni kura miru nokiba kana .
I gaze at the eaves of the warehouse
. kimi ya cho ware ya Sooji ga yumegokoro .
(spring) butterfly. You are. I am Chuang-tzu.
. kinuta uchite ware ni kikase yo ya boo ga tsuma .
Let me hear it too !
. kochira muke ware mo sabishiki aki no kure .
I am lonely too. For Kitamuki Unchiku 北向雲竹
. miru ni ga mo oreru bakari zo ominaeshi .
I will break my vows too. For priest Soojoo Henjoo 僧正遍照 Sojo Henjo
. mono hitotsu waga yo wa karoki hisago kana .
(summer) gourd flowers, just one possession
. natsukusa ya ware sakidachite hebi karan .
I go first to catch a snake. At Genju-An 幻住庵
. neko no koi yamu toki neya no oborozuki .
after the cat's love, hazy moonlight in my bedroom
nōnashi no nemutashi ware o gyōgyōshi
. noonashi no nemutashi ware o gyoogyooshi .
I have not talent and am tired. Saga Nikki 嵯峨日記
. okiyo okiyo waga tomo ni sen neru kochoo .
please become my friend, dear butterfly
. sake nomeba itodo nerarenu yoru no yuki .
when I drink sake I can not sleep
. sanae ni mo waga iro kuroki hikazu kana .
I am suntanned from many days traveling
. suzushisa o waga yado ni shite nemaru nari .
coolness ad my lodgings
. tabibito to waga na yobaren hatsu shigure .
more haiku from Basho, the Eternal Traveller
. tabine shite waga ku o shire ya aki no kaze .
...then you'll know my poems ...
. tsuka mo ugoke waga naku koe wa aki no kaze .
... my wailing, my tears ... at the news of the early death of his disciple
Kosugi Isshoo 小杉一笑(こすぎ いっしょう) Kosugi Issho
. uki ware o sabishigarase yo kankoodori .
... this sorrowful me . . .
. waga kinu ni Fushimi no momo no shizuku seyo .
(spring) peach blossoms. my robes. peaches of Fushimi, Kyoto.
at Temple Saigan-Ji 西岸寺. for 任口上人 Saint Ninko
. waga tame ka tsuru hami-nokosu seri no meshi .
(spring) dropwort. cooked rice. just for me. crane left it over
. waga yado wa ka no chiisaki o chisoo kana .
(summer) mosquito. my humble home
. ware mo kami no hisoo ya aogu ume no hana .
(spring) plum blossoms. me too. I look up to god in the blue sky
for Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
. ware ni niru na futatsu ni wareshi makuwa uri .
Do not be like me. two halves of a melon
- for his disciple Enomoto Shido Toko 槐本之道 - 東湖
. wazuraeba mochi o mo kuwazu momo no hana .
I am so ill, I can't even eat rice cakes
yo ga fuuga wa karo toosen no gotoshi
my elegance
is like a fireplace in summer
like a fan in winter
Tr. Gabi Greve
He was referring to himself, his poetical activities were useless compared with the wishes of other people.
MORE discussion of this hokku :
. WKD : fuyu oogi 冬扇 (ふゆおうぎ) "handfan in winter" .
. kogarashi no mi wa Chikusai ni nitaru kana .
(winter) winter drizzle. I resemble the shabby doctor Chikusai
a kyooku 狂句 Kyoku, comic verse

Five Portraits
source : hakusyunetto
Basho about his thatched hut, Basho-An 芭蕉庵
. iori, an 庵, yado 宿 my humble abode .
Basho about his traveller's hat
. - kasa 笠 hat - .
Basho about his walking stick, cane, staff
. - tsue 杖 walking stick .
Basho about his facial expression : yoogan, yōgan 容顔
. WKD : face - 顔 kao, 面 tsura .
. Basho shedding tears .
- tears 涙 namida - to cry 泣くnaku -
. Basho and his dreams .
- yume 夢 dream -
. Basho drinking green tea 茶 .
. Basho about his illness, chronic stomach illness 腹病 fukubyoo .
. - Emotions expressed directly by Basho - .
. MORE Topics used by Basho .
food and regional dishes he enjoyed - - - - - and more on this growing list !
. ano naka ni maki-e kakitashi yado no tsuki .
I want to draw a maki-e laquer painting
. arare kiku ya kono mi wa moto no furugashiwa .
I am the same as before, like an old oak tree
. ashi aroote tsui akeyasuki marune kana .
I washed my feet (at the end of a long trip in Akashi)
. chichi haha no shikiri ni koishi kiji no koe .
I long for my dead parents
. chi ni taore ne ni yori hana no wakare kana .
I fall to the ground to bid farewell - for Zen priest 坦堂和尚 Tando
. futsuka ni mo nukari haseji na hana no haru .
on the second day I won't fail (at temple Hasedera 長谷寺)
. fuyugomori mata yorisowan kono hashira .
I will lean against this pillar
. fuyu no hi ya bajoo ni kooru kagebooshi .
my shadow is frozen on the horse's back
. go o taite tenugui aburu samusa kana .
I dry my hand towel
. guanzuru ni meido mo kaku ya aki no kure / guan zuru .
(autumn) end of autumn. in my humble view . the netherworld
. gu ni kuraku ibara o tsukamu hotaru kana .
foolishly in the darkness I grab a thorn
. hana no kage utai ni nitaru tabine kana . I feel myself to be in a Noh play. at Yoshino
. hanjitsu wa kami o tomo ni ya toshi wasure .
I spent half a day in the company of the deities
. haritate ya kata ni tsuchi utsu karakoromo .
acupuncture on my shoulder
and this about acupuncture - 月花の愚に針たてん寒の入 -tsuki hana no gu ni hari taten kan no iri
. hatsu aki ya tataminagara no kaya no yogi .
my folded mosquito net as my blanket
. hatsu hana ni inochi nanajuu gonen hodo .
I will gain at least 75 years
. ichibito yo kono kasa uroo yuki no kasa .
(winter) snow. I sell you this hat full of snow.
. iku shimo ni kokoro baseo no matsukazari .
(New Year) pine decoration. frost. home of Baseo (Basho)
. inochi futatsu no naka ni ikitaru sakura kana .
between our two lives - for Hattori Dohoo 服部土芳 Doho from Iga
. kachi naraba Tsuetsuki-zaka o rakuba kana .
If I had walked, I would not have fallen from the horse
. kame waruru yoru no koori no mezame kana .
(winter) ice. water jar. breaking. I wake up
. kari kiki ni miyako no aki ni omomukan .
I will set out to listen to the geese in the autumn in Kyoto.
. kure kurete mochi o kodama no wabine kana / kurekurete .
I sleep alone. My desolate sleep.
. kusuri nomu sarademo shimo no makura kana .
(winter) frost on my pillow. I drink medicine but
. kutabirete yado karu koro ya fuji no hana .
(spring) wisteria flowers. I am so tired. looking for a lodging
. medetaki hito no kazu ni mo iran oi no kure .
getting older - beyond 42
. mi ni shimite daikon karashi aki no kaze .
(autumn) autumn wind. penetrates my body. pungent radish
. mochi o yume ni ori musubu shida no kusa makura .
my pillow stuffed with grass
. mono ieba kuchibiru samushi aki no kaze .
my lips are cold when I talk
. mugi no ho o chikara ni tsukamu wakare kana .
I clutch to the barley ears to support myself
夏衣 いまだ虱を とりつくさず
. natsugoromo imada shirami o tori tsukusazu .
my summer robes sill full with lice
. natsu kakete meigetsu atsuki suzumi kana .
I feel summer coolness with the autumn full moon
蚤虱 馬の 尿 する枕もと
. nomi shirami uma no bari suru makuramoto .
fleas and lice and a horse pissing near my pillow
. omoitatsu Kiso ya shigatsu no sakuragari .
I am resolved, I am ready for cherry blossom hunting in Kiso
. oogi nite sake kumu kage ya chiru sakura .
(spring) cherry blossoms. my hand fan. I pretend to drink sake
. Oomi-gaya ase ya sazanami yoru no toko .
my sweat, my bed at night, mosquito net from Omi
. samidare ya kaiko wazurau kuwa no hata .
Basho compares himself to an ill silkworm
. sekimori no yado o kuina ni toou mono .
I ask for the home of the barrier guard.
. setsukarete toshi wasure suru kigen kana .
I feel great at the year-end party
. shibashi ma mo matsu ya hototogi su sennen .
I wait only for a short while
. shiraga nuku makura no shita ya kirigirisu .
white hair under my pillow
. shiro-ato ya furu-i no shimizu mazu towan .
I will seek pure well water first
. Sumadera ya fukanu fue kiku koshita yami .
I listen to a flute nobody plays at temple Sumadera 須磨寺
. tabigarasu furusu wa ume ni nari ni keri .
"traveling crow" (Basho about himself). old nest
. tabi ni akite kyoo ikuka yara aki no kaze .
I am tired of traveling . . .
. toshi no ichi senkoo kai ni idebayana .
I go out to buy some incense
. tsuki juuyokka koyoi sanjuu ku no warabe .
tonight I am a child of 39
. tsuki yuki to nosabari kerashi toshi no kure .
I have indulged myself in "moon and snow"
. tsuru naku ya sono koe ni bashoo yarenu beshi .
the voice of a crane will tear a banana plant leaf
. uzumi-bi ya kabe ni wa kyaku no kagebooshi .
my shadow like a visitor on the wall
. yadorisen akaza no tsue ni naru hi made .
(summer) pigweed Chenopodium album. I would lodge here. goosefoot grows a staff
. yamakage ya mi o yashinawan uribatake .
I nourish my body in the mountain cove (at Inaba yama), taking a rest
. yuki no ashita hitori karazake o kami etari .
Here Basho uses the word HITORI, I am alone, eating dry salmon
. yuku aki ya mi ni hikimatou mino-buton .
I wrap my body in a narrow bedding matress
. yu no nagori koyoi wa hada no samukaran .
tonight my skin will not feel cold - at Yamanaka Hot Spring 山中温泉
- - - - - and
湯の名残り幾度見るや霧のもと - yu no nagori iku tabi miru ya kiri no moto
I look back many times
. yuugao ya yoote kao dasu mado no ana .
I am drunk (Basho about himself)
座頭かと人に見られて月見哉 / zatō
. zatoo ka to hito ni mirarete tsukimi kana . 座頭 zatō
I appear like a blind man to people
. - shirazu, shiranu 知らず/ 知らぬ - I do not know - .
. - kokoro こころ - 心 "heart", mind, soul - .

Five Portraits
source : hakusyunetto
- BASHO about his neighbours - tonari 隣 -
. furu su tada aware naru beki tonari kana .
aware - for priest Sooha 宗波 Soha of the Obaku Zen school
(furusu - the old nest)
秋深き 隣は何を する人ぞ
aki fukaki tonari wa nani o suru hito zo
autumn deepens
and I wonder,
what is my neighbour doing?
Tr. Gabi Greve
MORE translations
. aki fukaki tonari wa nani o suru hito zo .
. Basho and his family .
His Wife ? Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼 / His Son ? Jirobei 二郎兵衛 / His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin
ko ni aku to moosu hito ni wa hana mo nashi
kazu naranu mi to na omoi so tama matsuri
Basho about his own children.
and a hokku for his wife, Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼
Basho talking to folks in the market place
. ichibito yo kono kasa uroo yuki no kasa .
let me sell you my hat!
YO is a very strong expression.
Hey you folks there!
Basho telling folks to listen up!
. mukashi kike Chichibu dono sae sumootori .
mukashi kike - listen to the old stories!
- - - - - His very last one :
tabi ni yande yume wa kareno o kakemeguru
falling ill while travelling -
in my dreams I am wandering
over withered fields
. WKD : Travelling with Haiku .

chiru yanagi aruji mo ware mo kane o kiku
waga yado no sabishisa omoe kiri hitoha
- - - - - details of these two hokku are here
. WKD : I .. the first person - ich selbst.