
Matsuo Basho - Welcome !


Welcome to the Matsuo Basho Archives 松尾芭蕉!

I want to show you this poet and his work in its own historical and cultural context
of Edo period Japan and the intellectual aspirations of its poets.

. WKD : Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Main Entry .
(1644 - 1694)

source : www.city.iga.lg.jp

hion myoojin 飛音明神 "Jumping Sound God"
Deity of Jumping Sound - his posthumous name

The WKD features many articles about Matsuo Basho.
There are also many hokku discussed, introducing various translations
and the cultural background necessary to their understanding.
Check the long list of "Cultural Keywords".

The hokku are listed in an alphabetical index,
according to the first Japanese word of the poem.
See the sidebar (AAA to XYZ) for the entries.


Basho nishiki -
a brocade woven
by so many hands

I want to thank all my online friends for the strong support and help with this project.
I hope to be weaving this thread for the next few years.

Gabi Greve, November 2012
Darumapedia, World Kigo Database, Daruma Museum Japan


. Basho Memorial Day 芭蕉忌 Bashoo ki .
October 12, November 8, November 25 and November 28 of 1694 ?
also called
Winter Rain Anniversary (shigure ki 時雨忌, shigure-e 時雨会)
Old Master's Day (Okina no hi 翁の日)
Green Peach Day (Toosei ki 桃青忌) 
'Green Peach' was Basho's pen name before he choose the Banana plant, Basho.

. Family Ties .
His Wife ? Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼
His Son ? Jirobei 二郎兵衛
His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin
His father, Matsuo Yozaemon 松尾与左衛門 (? - 1656)
His elder brother, Matsuo Hanzaemon 松尾半左衛門

. - - - - - List of his works - - - - - .
. - Moto no Mizu もとの水 - 句集 - A Hokku Collection attributed to Basho in 1787 - .

. Haikai Meeting with Shayo 潮江車要 .
1694. Shioe Choohei, Osaka 潮江長兵衛,

. Learn from the pine ! .

. Basho jittetsu 芭蕉十哲 .
The 10 most important disciples of Matsuo Basho
and the Genroku period haikai 元禄俳諧.

. Iga Shoomon 伊賀蕉門 Basho students of Iga province .

. Was Basho a ninja or onmitsu spy? .
Onmitsu : Oku no Hosomichi 隠密 - 奥の細道
Sora, Kawai Sora 河合曾良
Basho working for the mizu-bugyoo 水奉行
the water "mayor" of the Edo government.
The job of managing the city's water system is handled by the mizu-bugyo and a staff of mizu-bannin (water technicians).

. One Hundred Frogs - translating problems .

Some Fun on the Way

. お守り Amulet for better haiku writing skills .
with Basho and Sora


During his many travels throughout Japan, Basho introduces famous people,
places and a lot of the local history, culture, legends and even local food.

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. Basho introducing regional food .

. Basho travelling in Japan .
utamakura 歌枕 place names used in Poetry
Basho the fuuraboo 風羅坊 Furabo, "wind-gauze-priest"

Basho's hokku have been called a "poetry of nouns" by Barnhill.
. What is Basho's poetic style? .
karumi - lightness
- - - - - . Imagination versus reality .


- - - - - Buildings in honor of Matsuo Basho

. Basho-An 芭蕉庵 in Fukagawa, Edo .
- - - - Basho Kinenkan 芭蕉記念館 Basho Memorial Museum . 江東区
- - - - Sekiguchi Bashoan 関口芭蕉庵 Sekiguchi Basho-An

. Basho-An 芭蕉庵 in Kyoto, temple Konpuku-Ji 金福寺 / 金福寺 .

. Bashoo doo 芭蕉堂 Basho Do Hall .
Higashiyama Kyoto and Takakuwa Rankoo 高桑闌更 Takakuwa Ranko

. Basho Inari Jinja 芭蕉稲荷神社 Basho Fox Shrine .
Tokiwa, Koto Ward 江東区常盤1-3 Tokyo

. Haiseiden 俳聖殿 Haisei-Den Hall of the Haiku Saint .
Iga Ueno 伊賀上野

. Shrine Matsuo Jinja 松尾神社 .

. Shigure-An 時雨庵 .

. MORE - Museums in Honor of Matsuo Basho .

. - Gichuuji 義仲寺 Temple Gichu-Ji and his grave - .

- - - - -

. Basho on Stamps 切手 kitte .


Basho teaches his students about objective observation
(the word SHASEI 写生 had not been invented yet):

Learn from the pine!

To do that you must leave behind you all subjective prejudice.
Otherwise you will force your own self onto the object
and can learn nothing from it.

Your poem will well-up of its own accord
when you and the object become one,
when you dive deep enough into the object,
to discover something of its hidden glimmer.

. Hokku and Haikai   発句と俳諧 .

造化にしたがひ 造化に帰れ.
"Follow the zooka, return to the zooka."
. Zooka, zōka 造化 and Matsuo Basho .

Bashō and the Dao:
The Zhuangzi and the Transformation of Haikai

Peipei Qiu

. WKD : The Chinese Connection .
The Chinese origin of many Japanese kigo.

. Zen, Tao, Buddhism - and Matsuo Basho .


. Basho and Saigyo 芭蕉と西行法師 .

. Travelling with Basho, Travelling with Enku .


October 2015

Newly discovered Matsuo Basho's "kaishi" 懐紙(かいし)
shown at the Seatle Museum of Art


The hitherto unknown Basho haiku reads:
我しのふあるしは蔦(つた)の さひや哉(かな)

- source : chuplus.jp/paper -


. KIGO used by Basho .   

. TOPICS used by Basho .   

. - jiamari 字余り excessive syllables
jitarazu 字足らず insufficient syllables - .

. - About Matsuo Basho - WKD library - .

. REFERENCE - English .   
. REFERENCE - Japanese .   


kigo for all autumn
bashoo 芭蕉 (ばしょう) plantain, banana plant

. Banana plant - Musa paradisiaca .

. "Basho" Banana Plant 能「芭蕉」 .
a Noh Play


Check out the contents on the top right side!


Join the Basho Archives on Facebook !





- Newsletter -

The latest additions to this BLOG.

- - - - - latest aditions until 2013 - - - - -

. - - Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - updates - - .


. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. SAIJIKI - Basho - gyooji 行事 observances, rituals, festivals .

. SAIJIKI - Basho - seikatsu 生活 humanity, daily life .

. jiamari 字余り - jitarazu 字足らず too many, too few of 5 7 5 .

. - kaze no oto 風の音 the sound of wind - .

. - kokoro こころ - 心  "heart", mind, soul - .

. - shirazu, shiranu 知らず/ 知らぬ - I do not know - .

. - shigure 時雨 winter drizzle, sleet - .
Basho's pen name was SHIGURE.

. - Traveler's outfit of Matsuo Basho - .

. - Kyooto 京都 Kyoto, Kyo - Miyako 都 / みやこ- .

. - hatsumono 初物 first things - .

. - hototogisu 郭公 / ホトトギス - .

. - sake 酒 ricewine -
- sakazuki 杯 ricewine cup - .

. - uma 馬 - koma 駒  horse, horses - .


. Basho about Basho - about his own life .

. Basho-An 芭蕉庵 in Fukagawa, Edo .

. Basho shedding tears .
- tears 涙 namida - to cry 泣くnaku -

. One sentence hokku with three segments 5 7 5 .

- aware 哀れ touching, pityful, sorrow -

. - kami 神 Shinto deities, Gods - .

. Kitte 切手 Basho on Stamps .

. - - - karumi かるみ【軽み】 lightness - - - .

. - kire and kireji 切れ - 切字 cut and cut markers - .

. - kumo 雲 cloud, clouds - .

. mazu - first of all まづ mazu .

. Onomatopoetic expressions .

. pillow - 枕 makura, 草枕 kusamakura .

. Renku 連句 renga 連歌 Linked Verse .

- tootoi とうとい尊い / 貴い holy, noble, pathos, respectful -

. - ukiyo 浮世 the floating world - .

. - yume 夢 dream - .

. - Hanaya Nizaemon 花屋仁左衛門 - .
the death of Basho in Osaka - 大坂南御堂前

. Business in the name of Basho .

. Family Ties .
His Wife ? Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼
His Son ? Jirobei 二郎兵衛
His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin

. - Moto no Mizu もとの水 - 句集 - A Hokku Collection attributed to Basho - 1787 - .


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- A A A -


. aesthetics, Japanese aesthetics - introduction .


. abura koori tomoshibi hosoki nezame kana .
abura kōri tomoshi-bi hosoki nezame kana
(winter) freezing. oil freezes. light is low. I awake

. ajisai ya katabira doki no usu asagi .
(summer) hydrangea. linen summer kimono. light blue

. ajisai ya yabu o koniwa no betsu zashiki .
(summer) hydrangea. thicket. little garden. detached sitting room

- - - looking for the Japanese - - - 紫陽草 ajisai / 紫陽花 shiyooka

no matter how long
I stare at hydrangeas —
pure blue
Tr. Makoto Ueda

. . . . .

. akebono ya shirauo shiroki koto issun .
(spring) spring dawn. whitefish, whitebait. just one SUN

. ake yuku ya nijuushichiya mo mika no tsuki .
(autumn) moon. night of the 27th, like a crescent moon

- - - - - aki 秋 autumn - - - - -

. aki chikaki kokoro no yoru ya yojoohan .
(autumn) autumn approaches. hearts drawn together. four-and-a-half mat tea room

. aki fukaki tonari wa nani o suru hito zo .
(autumn) autumn deepens. my neighbour. what is he doing?

. akikaze ni orete kanashiki kuwa no tsue .
(autumn) wind. how sad. broken mulberry stick

. akikaze no fukedomo aoshi kuri no iga .
(autumn). wind. even if it blows, chestnut burrs are green

. akikaze no yarido no kuchi ya togarigoe .
(autumn) autumn wind. sliding door. piercing sound

. akikaze ya ishi fuki orosu Asama yama .
(autumn). autumn wind, stone, Mount Asamayama

. aki kaze ya yabu mo hatake mo Fuwa no seki .
(autumn) autumn wind. thickets, fields. the Fuwa barrier

. aki ki ni keri mimi o tazunete makura no kaze .
(autumn) autumn has come. to my ear, visiting my pillow, wind

. aki ni soute yukaba ya sue wa Komatsugawa .
aki ni soute / yuka baya sue wa / Komatsu-gawa
(autumn) travelling with autumn. river Komatsugawa

. aki no iro nukamiso tsubo mo nakari keri .
(autumn) . pot for fermented Miso paste. he does not have
for Yoshida Kenkoo 吉田兼好 Yoshida Kenko

. aki no kaze Ise no hakahara nao sugoshi .
(autumn) autumn wind. graveyard of Ise. desolate
for Arakida Moritake 荒木田守武

. aki no yo o uchikuzushitaru hanashi kana .
(autumn) night

. aki suzushi te goto ni muke ya uri nasubi .
(autumn) coolness. peeling. melon. eggplant. (at Kanazawa 金沢)

. aki totose kaette Edo o sasu kokyoo .
(autumn). ten years. Edo my hometown

. - aki no kure 秋の暮 - autumn dusk - .

- - - - -

. Akokuso no kokoro mo shirazu ume no hana .
(spring) plum blossoms. Ki no Tsurayuki - Akokuso. I do not know his heart

- - - - - . - ama 海女 woman diver - . - - - - -
ama no kao mazu miraruru ya keshi no hana - (summer) poppy flowers
ama no ya wa ko-ebi ni majiru itodo kana (autumn) cave cricket

- - - - - . . ama 尼 Buddhist Nun . . - - - - -

. ame no hi ya seken no aki o Sakai choo .
(autumn). rainy day. the every-day world. Sakai quarters (in Edo)

雨折々思ふことなき早苗哉 (木曽の峪)
ame ori ori omou koto naki sanae kana

- - - - - . Amida 阿弥陀 Amida Buddha - Amidaboo 阿弥陀坊  Amidabo . - - - - -

- - - - - . . an 庵 thatched hut, hermitage - yado 宿 my humble abode . . - - - - -

. anagachi ni u to seriawanu kamome kana .
(winter) sea gull. cormorant. do not fight. as usual (anagachi ni)

. ano naka ni maki-e kakitashi yado no tsuki .
(autumn) moon. at the inn. maki-e laquer. I want to draw

. aokute mo aru beki mono o toogarashi .
(autumn) red pepper. green. (for his student Shado 洒堂.)

aoyagi no / doro ni shidaruru / shiohi kana

. aozashi ya kusa mochi no ho ni ide tsu ran .
(summer) aozashi "fresh wheat sweets". mochi rice cakes. ears of wheat

. ara nani tomo ya kinoo wa sugite fukutojiru .
(winter) fugu blowfish soup. yesterday. nothing happened

. ara tooto aoba wakaba no hi no hikari - .
(summer) fresh leaves. at Nikko 日光

- - - - - . arare 霰 hail in winter . - - - - -
jewel-like pellets, tama arare 玉霰

. arare kiku ya kono mi wa moto no furugashiwa .
(winter) hail. I am the same as before, like an old oak tree

. arare seba ajiro no hio o nite dasan .
(winter) hail. wicker fish trap. small ayu trout. cooking

- - - - -

. araumi ya Sado ni yokotau ama no kawa .
ara umi ya Sado ni yokotau Amanogawa
(autumn) Milky Way. wild sea. Sado Island (at Tanabata star festival)

. ariake mo misoka ni chikashi mochi no oto .
(winter) sound of pounding mochi rice cakes. dawn. last day of the year

. arigataki sugata ogaman kakitsubata .
(summer) Kakitsubata iris. I am grateful to see his figure (for 山崎宗鑑 Yamazaki Sokan)

. arigataya yuki o kaorasu Minamidani .
- arigataya yuki o kaorasu kaze no oto
(winter) snow, valley Minamidani at Mount Haguro.
for the ascetic Egaku
- and
arigataya yuki o kaorasu kaze no oto

. asacha nomu soo shizuka nari kiku no hana .
(autumn) chrysanthemum. morning tea. quietude

- - - - - . - asagao 朝顔 morning glory - . - - - - -

. asagao ni ware wa meshi kuu otoko kana .
(autumn) morning glories. I am a man eating breakfast rice

. asagao wa heta no kaku sae aware nari .
(autumn) morning glories. painted poorly. showing pathos (aware)
for Hattori Ransetsu

. asagao wa sakamori shiranu sakari kana .
(autumn) morning glories. we drink sake and make merry

. asagao ya hiru wa joo orosu mon no kaki .
(autumn) morning glories. locked during daytime. my fence gate
- and
asagao ya kore mo mata waga tomo narazu
- Basho closes the Fukagawa Hermitage. heikan no setsu 閉関の説

- - - - -

- - - . asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 / 浅葱 hues of light yellow, green and blue ### . - - -

. asamutsu ya tsukimi no tabi no ake-banare .
(autumn) moon viewing. six in the morning. travelling. dawn

. asa-tsuyu ni yogorete suzushi uri no doro .
asatsuyu ni yogorete suzushi uri no tsuchi
(autumn) dew in the morning. melon. mud
and MELON haiku by Basho

ashi, Tamae no ashi 玉江の芦 Tamae reed grass
tsukimi seyo / Tamae no ashi o / karanu saki

. ashi aroote tsui akeyasuki marune kana .
(summer) dawn comes early. I washed my feet. a good sleep

- - - - - . asunaro あすならう Asunaro Hinoki, Thujopsis dolabrata, false cypress ### . - - - - -

. asu no tsuki ame uranawan Hinagatake - (Hinagadake, Hinaga-Dake) .
(autumn) moon. tomorrow. predicting rain. mount Hinagatake 比那が嶽 / 日永岳 Tsuruga

. asu wa chimaki Naniwa no kareha yume nare ya .
(summer) Chimaki ritual rice cakes. tomorrow. dry leaves from Naniwa (Osaka). dream

. atsuki hi o umi ni iretari Mogami-gawa .
(summer) hot day. pouring into the sea. river Mogamigawa
- - - - - and
suzushisa ya umi ni iretaru Mogamigawa

. Atsumiyama ya Fukuura kakete yuusuzumi / Atsumi-yama ya Fuku-Ura kakete yuu-suzumi .
(summer) evening cool. Mount Atsumi-Yama. Fukuura Bay. (at Sakata)

. awa hie ni toboshiku mo arazu kusa no io .
(autumn) foxtail and barn millet. not scarce. thatched hut

- - - - -. aware 哀れ / あわれ the human pathos ###. - - - - -

. ayamegusa ashi ni musuban waraji no o .
(summer) iris. straw sandals

. ayu no ko no shirauo okuru wakare kana .
(spring) ayu sweetfish. whitefish. to say good bye
Basho (the whitefish) at Senju, departing from his young disciples (ayu no ko).






- B B B -


. - Basho about Basho and his life - .

. Bashooki, Bashoo-ki 芭蕉忌 Basho Memorial Day .
also called
Winter Rain Anniversary (shigure ki 時雨忌, shigure-e 時雨会)
Old Master's Day (Okina no hi 翁の日)
Green Peach Day (Toosei ki 桃青忌) 
'Green Peach' was Basho's pen name before he choose the Banana plant, Basho.

Buson wrote
. Basho satte sono nochi imada toshi kurezu .

Since Basho left the world,
Not yet has
"The year drawn to its close."

Tr. Blyth


- - - - - . bantaroo 番太郎 flood warden, bridge warden in Edo ###. - - - - -

- - - - - bashoo 芭蕉 the banana plant - - - - -

. - Bashō-An, 芭蕉庵 Basho-An in Fukagawa 深川 - .

. - Basho Inari Jinja 芭蕉稲荷神社 Basho Fox Shrine - .
Tokiwa, Koto Ward 江東区常盤1-3 Tokyo

. bashooha o hashira ni kaken io no tsuki .
moon above my humble abode

. bashoo nowaki shite tarai ni ame o kiku yo kana .
- - bashooha o hashira ni kaken io no tsuki
- kigo about the banana plant

baseo uete mazu nikumu ogi no futaba kana
. bashoo uete mazu nikumu ogi no futaba kana .


- - - - - . betsu zashiki 別座敷 detached room, detached cottage . - - - - -

ぴいと啼く尻声悲し夜の鹿 - bii
. pii to naku shirigoe kanashi yoru no shika .
the sound of a deer, rendered as beee or heee in some translations

- - - - - . biwa 琵琶 lute Biwako 琵琶行 a Chinese poem . - - - - -

. biwakoo no yo ya samisen no oto arare .
(winter) hail. song of the biwa lute. shamisen. sound like hail falling

- - - - -

. botan shibe fukaku wake-izuru hachi no nagori kana .
(summer) peony. pistils the bee withdraws regretfully
for - Hayashi Tooyoo 桐葉 Hayashi Toyo -

. bushoosa ya kaki-okosareshi haru no ame .
(spring) rain in spring. such laziness. woken up by rain

- - - - - . byoobu 屏風 Byobu, folding screen . - - - - -

. byoobu ni wa yama o egaite fuyu-gomori .
(winter) winter seclusion. folding screen. a painted mountain

. byoogan no yosamu ni ochite tabine kana .
(autumn) sick goose. falling ill on a cold night, sleep on the journey







- C C C -


. - cat 猫 neko - .

. - cha 茶 tea - Tee - ### .

. - chatsumi 茶摘み picking tea leaves - * .

. cha-usu 茶臼 grinding tea * .


. chichi-haha no shikiri ni koishi kiji no koe .
(spring) voice of a pheasant, father, mother

- - - - - . chidori 千鳥 plover . - - - - -

. chidori tachi fuke-yuku shoya no hieoroshi .
(winter) plovers. night deepens. wind from Mount Hieizan

- - - - -

- - - - - . chigo 稚児 children temple acolytes *. - - - - -
. . . . . Chigozakura, Chigo-zakura 児桜 - famous cherry tree in Akita

- - - - - . Chikusai 竹斎 Doctor Chikusai *. - - - - -

. chimaki yuu katate ni hasamu hitai gami .
(summer) Chimaki ritual rice cakesd. one hand. hair.
for the Boy's Festival

. chi ni taore ne ni yori hana no wakare kana .
(spring) good bye to cherry blossoms. falling to the ground, returning to the roots.
honkadori of a waka by Sutoku-In 崇徳院

- - - - - chiru 散る ちる cherry blossoms fall - - - - -

. chiru hana ya tori mo odoroku koto no chiri .
(spring) falling cherry blossoms. surprized birds. dust on a koto zither

. chiru yanagi aruji mo ware mo kane o kiku .
(autumn) leaves of the willow are falling, myself

. . . . .

. chisa wa mada aoba nagara ni nasubi-jiru .
(summer) eggplant soup. salad. green

- - - - - . - choo, chō 蝶 butterfly - . - - - - -

. choo mo kite su o suu kiku no namasu kana .
(autumn) chrysanthemum. to sip vinegar. butterfly pickled chrysanthemum petals

. choo no ha no ikutabi koyuru hei no yane .
(spring) butterfly. how many times? wall with a roof

. choo no tobu bakari nonaka no hikage kana .
(spring) butterfly. fluttering fields. sunlight.

chō tori no / uwatsuki tatsu ya / hana no kumo

. choo yo choo yo Morokoshi no haikai towan .
(spring) butterfly. Haikai in China. I want to ask
For Chunag-Tsu. to ask about the Haikai in China


. Chooshoo no haka mo meguru ka hachi takaki - hachitataki.
(New Year) hachi tataki - Memorial service for saint Kuya Shonin. walk around a grave.
木下長嘯子 / Chooshoo 長嘯 Kinoshita Choshoshi


. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .







- D D D -


. Death of Matsuo Basho 芭蕉危篤 .
Osaka, at the residence of Hanaya Nizaemon 大坂南御堂前 花屋仁左衛門


. dairibina ningyoo tennoo no gyo-u to ka ya .
(spring) Emperor Dolls. The emperor rules today.

donmiri to / ouchi ya ame no / hana-gumori

. dote no matsu hana ya ko bukaki tono-zukuri .
(spring) cherry blossoms. pines on the embankment. stately mansion

- - - - - . doyoo boshi 土用干し airing during dog days *. - - - - -

. dream 夢 yume .







- E E E -


. Edo 江戸 - Basho lived in Fukagawa, Edo . ###

. Emotions expressed directly by Basho .

. Emptiness 無 mu - and the concept of nothingness .

. Enpitsu de Oku no Hosomichi えんぴつで奥の細道 practise Pencil writing .


- - - - - . Ebisu えびす 恵比寿 God of Good Luck . - - - - -
. Ebisu-koo su-uri ni hakama kisenikeri .
(winter) Ebisu festival. vinegar vendor. formal robe

edaburi no / higoto ni kawaru / fuyō kana

eda moroshi / hitōshi yaburu / aki no kaze

. eiryo nite nigiwau tami no niwakamado .
(winter) garden stove for the New Year. emperor's good grace.

. en naru yakko imayoo hana ni roosai su .
(spring) cherry blossoms. alluring Yakko fellows. sing the Rosai song (rōsaibushi 弄斎節).

e no mi chiru / muku no haoto ya / asa arashi







- F F F -


. Family Ties - his wife, son, brother, parents ### .

. Food and regional dishes savoured by Basho ### .

. fragrance, smell 香 ka, ko, incense .


. fue no ne ni nami mo yorikitaru Suma no aki .
(autumn) at Suma beach


- - - - - fuji 藤 wisteria - - - - -

. fuji no mi wa haikai ni sen hana no ato .
(autumn) wisteria seeds. no theme for haikai. after the flowers

. kutabirete yado karu koro ya fuji no hana .
(spring) wisteria flowers. I am so tired. looking for a lodging


- - - - - . Fujisan, Fuji no Yama 富士山  Mount Fuji ###. - - - - -

. Fuji no kaze ya oogi ni nosete Edo miyage .
(summer) handfan, wind from Mount Fuji, the town of Edo

. Fuji no yuki Rosei ga yume o tsukasetari .  
(winter) snow. Mount Fuji. Lu Sheng 廬生 Rosei (713 - 741). dream

. Fuji no yama nomi ga chausu no ooi kana .
(summer) lice. Mount Fuji. tea-grinding mill. to carry

- - - - -

. Fukagawa 深川 district in Edo .

. Fukagawa 深川 - Bashō-An 芭蕉庵 Basho-An - his "thatched hut" . ###
. . . Fukagawa Happin 深川八貧 "Eight Beggars of Fukagawa"

- - - - -

. fukitobasu ishi mo Asama no nowaki kana .
(autumn) typhoon, Mount Asamayama. blowing stones
- - - - - fuki-otosu Asama wa ishi no nowaki kana

. fuku kaze no naka o uo tobu misogi kana .
(summer) purifucation ritual. fish jump in the blowing wind

. fumi naranu iroha mo kakite kachuu kana .
(autumn) colored leaves 色葉 iroha. not enough for a letter. into the fire
- and iroha いろは, the Japanese alphabet.

. furazu tomo take uu hi wa mino to kasa .
(summer) planting bamboo. not raining. mino-raincoat and a rain-hat

. furi uri no gan aware nari Ebisu koo / furiuri .
(New Year) Ebisu festival. peddler. geese. pathos

. furuhata ya nazuna tsumiyuku otokodomo .
(spring/New Year) sheperd's purse. old fields. male companions

- - - - - furu-ike - 古池 the OLD POND - - - - -
. furuike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto . furu ike ya
(spring) the famous : old pond, frog jumps, sound of water

. furu ike no oshidori ni yuki furu yuube kana .
? attributed to Basho

. furuki na no Tsunuga ya koishi aki no tsuki .
(autumn) moon. old name of Tsunuga. full of memories (Tsuruga)

- - - - - . - furusato 故郷、古里 home village, home town, Heimat - * . - - - - -

. furusato ya hezo no o ni naku toshi no kure .
(winter) end of the year. my hometown, navel string

. furu su tada aware naru beki tonari kana .
(spring) old nest. so lonely. my neighbour

. futari mishi yuki wa kotoshi mo furikeru ka .
(winter) snow. seeing it together (with Ochi Etsujin)

. futsuka ni mo nukari haseji na hana no haru .
(spring) cherry blossoms. on the second day I won't fail (at temple Hasedera 長谷寺)

. futsukayoi mono kawa hana no aru aida .
(spring) cherry blossoms. hangover. who cares

. fuugetsu no sai mo hanareyo fukami-gusa .
fūgetsu no zai mo hanareyo fukamigusa
(summer) peony. love of nature "wind and moon" fugetsu. to go beyond

- - - - - . fuuryuu, fûryû 風流 (fengliu) FURYU and fuuga, fûga 風雅 FUGA elegance . - - - - - fuukyoo, fûkyô  風狂 FUKYO, poetic eccentricity

. fuuryuu no hajime ya Oku no taue uta .
(summer) planting rice in the paddies, Oku, furyu-the elegant, acomplished

. fuyugare ya yo wa hito iro ni kaze no oto .
(winter) withered plants in winter. the sound of wind in a world of one color

- - - - - fuyu 冬 winter - - - - -

. fuyu botan chidori yo yuki no hototogisu .
(winter) snow. winter peonies, plover, hototogisu (4 kigo in one poem!)

. - - - - - fuyugomori 冬篭り winter seclusion .
- - - - - sashikomoru さしこもる【鎖し籠もる】used by Basho

. fuyu-gomori mata yorisowan kono hashira .
(winter) seclusion. I lean against this pillar

- - - - -

fuyu niwa ya / tsuki mo ito naru / mushi no gin
fuyuniwa (hokku)

. fuyu no hi ya bajoo ni kooru kagebooshi .
- samuki ta ya bajoo ni sukumu kagebooshi
(winter) cold. shadow, horse

. fuyu shiranu yado ya momi suru oto arare .
(autumn) hulling rice. winter is not known. sound like hail







- G G G -


. ganjitsu wa tagoto no hi koso koishikere .
(spring - ganjitsu - First day of the New Year ) I long to see the sun over Tagoto.

. ganjitsu ya omoeba sabishi aki no kure .
(spring - ganjitsu - First day of the New Year). I remember - lonely, autumn evening

- - - - - . ge 夏 summer retreat . - - - - -

geni ya tsuki / maguchi senkin no / tōri chō
- 一亥価千金の月 - 通町 street in Kanda, Edo

- - - - - . geta 下駄 wooden sandals, clogs . - - - - -

- - - - - . - Gichuuji 義仲寺 Temple Gichu-Ji - . - - - - -
Gichuuan 義仲庵 Gichu-An // Mumyooan 無名庵 Mumyo-An // 巴寺, 木曽塚, 木曽寺

. Giō-ji 祇王寺 Temple Gio-Ji . Kyoto
related to Memorial Day for Gio, the mistress of Taira no Kiyomori
Gioo Ki 妓王忌 (ぎおうき) // Gioo Ki 祗王忌(ぎおうき)
- kigo for mid-spring -

. gobyoo toshi hete shinobu wa nani o shinobu-gusa .
(autumn) hare's foot fern. mausoleum. time passes. remembering
at the Temple Nyoirin-ji, Yoshino

- - - - - . . goki ichigu 五器一具 one set of begging bowls * . - - - - -

. go o taite tenugui aburu samusa kana .
(winter) cold. burning pine needles. to dry my hand towel

- - - - -. . goten 御殿 palace, manor - tonozukuri 殿造り * . - - - - -

. guanzuru ni meido mo kaku ya aki no kure / guan zuru.
(autumn) end of autumn. in my humble view. the netherworld

. gu ni kuraku ibara o tsukamu hotaru kana .
(summer) fireflies. foolishly in the darkness. I grab a thorn







- H H H -

. WKD - Hokku and Haikai  発句と俳諧 .  
The opening verse of a linked verse or beginning stanza was called " hokku 発句" .
Since about 1670, the haikai poets started composing stand-alone poems of 5 7 5, independent from the renku 連句 linked verse.
They were usually simply called KU 句, poem, verse.
A hokku and a haiku in Japan share the same basic formal criteria:
5 7 5 on
one kireji
one kigo/kidai

Shiki did not touch this formal definition when he promoted the naming of haiku 俳句.

. Haikai Kanjinchoo 俳諧勧進牒 - Collection to promote Haikai .
Compiled by Yasomura Rotsuu 八十村路通 Rotsu

. Heian - Basho in the footsteps of the Heian Period 平安時代  .

- - - - -. hut 庵 my thatched hut, hermitage ### . - - - - -


- - - - - . hachi takaki, hachitataki 鉢叩き ceremony for Saint Kuya 空也上人 * . - - - - -

. hafuguchi no higake ya yowaru yuu suzumi .
(summer) coolness. edge of the gable. sunlight is weakening

- - - - -. WKD : hagi  萩 bush clover . - - - - -
. hagihara ya hito-yo wa yadose yama no inu .
(atumn) bush clover field. shelter for a night. mountain dogs

. haiide yo kaiya ga shita no hiki no koe .
(summer) toad. crawl out! silkworm shed

- - - - - . haji 恥 shame, disgrace .  - - - - -  

- - - - - . hakama 袴 Hakama formal trouser skirt * . - - - - -

- - - - - . hakamairi 墓参り visiting graves at O-Bon * . - - - - -

- - - - - . hakkei 八景 Eight Views, eight famous scenic spots * . - - - - -

. Hakone kosu hito mo aru rashi kesa no yuki .  
(winter) snow. Hakone pass (along the Tokaido road). people crossing

. hamaguri no futami ni wakarete yuku aki zo . at Ogaki
(autumn) autumn is leaving hamaguri clams

. hamaguri no ikeru kai are toshi no kure .
(winter) end of the year. hamaguri clams.

- - - - - hana 花 cherry blossoms - - - - -

. hana ni akanu nageki ya kochi no utabukuro .
(spring) cherry blossoms. I can not open my poetry pouch.

hana ni asobu / abu na kurai so / tomo suzume

. hana ni ukiyo waga sake shiroku meshi kuroshi .
(spring) cherry blossoms. floating world. white ricewine. black rice

. hana ni yoeri haori kite katana sasu onna .
(spring) cherry blossoms. a lady wears a haori coat and sword

. hana no kage utai ni nitaru tabine kana .
(spring) cherry blossoms. I feel like in a Noh play. sleeping on the road - at Yoshino

hana no kao ni / hareute shite ya / oboro-zuki

. hana no kumo kane wa Ueno ka Asakusa ka .
(spring) clouds of cherry blossom. temple bell, Ueno, Asakusa (in Edo)

. hana no yado ni hajime owari ya hatsuka hodo .
(spring) cherry blossoms. from beginning to end about 20 days

. hana wa shizu no me ni mo mie-keri oni azami .
(autumn) demon thistle, the poor and lowly

. hanazakari - hana-zakari yama wa higoro no asaborake .
(spring) cherry blossoms. the Yoshino mountain at daybreak

- - - - -

- - - - - . hanami 花見 cherry blossom viewing - Basho SAIJIKI . - - - - -

. hanami ni to sasu fune ososhi Yanagihara .
(spring) cherry blossom viewing. leisurely boat. Yanagiwara embankment

- - - - - . hana no wakare 花の別れ I bid farwell to a cherry blossom . - - - - -


. hana ayame ichiya ni kareshi Motome kana .
(summer) Ayame iris. withering over night. Kabuki actor Yoshioka Motome

. ha ni somuku tsubaki no hana ya yosogokoro .
(spring) camellia blossom. leaf. yoso gokoro, yoso-gokoro ... the heart goes astray . . .

. hanjitsu wa kami o tomo ni ya toshi wasure .
(winter) end of year party. half a day. in the company of the Shinto gods

. hana mina karete aware o kobosu kusa no tane .
(winter) withered flowers. pity. seeds of weeds

- - - - - . haori 羽織 Japanese coat * . - - - - -

. haranaka ya mono ni mo tsukazu naku hibari .
(spring) field with skylarks. not attached to anything. (voice of an animal)

. haremono ni yanagi no sawaru shinae kana .
haremono ni sawaru yanagi no shinae kana
haremono ni fureru yanagi no shinae kana
(spring) willow tree. hand touching a tumor

. haritate ya kata ni tsuchi utsu karakoromo .
no season. acupuncture needle. pounding my shoulder. cast-off robe

- - - - - haru 春 spring - - - --

. haru kaze ni fukidashi warau hana mogana .
(spring) spring wind. burst into laughter. cherry blossoms

. haru mo yaya keshiki totonou tsuki to ume /
(spring) spring takes shape. moon and plum blossoms

. haru nare ya na mo naki yama no usugasumi .
(spring) mountain. without a name. light mist

. haru no yo ya komorido yukashi doo no sumi .
(spring) spring night. person in retreat. temple corner (at temple Hasedera 長谷寺 Nara )

- - - - - . harusame 春雨 spring rain - 春の雨 haru no ame rain in spring   . > - - - --

. harusame no koshita ni tsutau shimizu kana .
(spring spring rain. flowing down the trees. pure water

. harusame ya futaba ni moyuru nasubidane .
(spring) spring rain. two leaves sproutng. eggplant seedlings

. harusame ya hachi no su tsutau yane no mori .
(spring) spring rain. bee's nest, rain from the roof

. harusame ya mino fukikaesu kawa yanagi .
(spring) spring rain. river willow blown like a straw coat

. harusame ya yomogi o noabasu kusa no michi .
(spring) mugwort, road with weeds

- - - - -

. haru tatsu to warawa mo shiru ya kazari nawa .
(winter, New Year). spring begins. ritual rope decorations. children will know

. haru tatsu ya shinnen furuki kome goshoo .
(winter, New Year). spring begins. old rice. ten quarts

. haru ya koshi toshi ya yukiken kotsugomori .
(winter) second-last day of the year 小晦日. has spring come?

- - - - - . - Hasedera 長谷寺 Visiting Hase-Dera in Nara - . - - - - -

. hashigeta no shinobu wa tsuki no nagori kana .
(autumn) farewell-moon. bridge beams with "fern of longing" - nagori

. hasu-ike ya orade sonomama tamamatsuri .
(autumn) O-Bon. lotus pond. not plucked
- - - - and
tamamatsuri kyoo mo yakiba no kemuri kana
smoke from the crematorium

. hasu no ka o me ni kayowasu ya men no hana .
(summer)lotus. fragrance. reaches the eyes. nose of a Noh mask.

. hatake utsu oto ya arashi no sakura asa .
(spring) to plough the fields. sound. storm. "cherry-blossom hemp"

- - - - - . hatsumono, hatsu mono 初物 first things . - - - - -
- hatsugatsuo 初鰹 first bonito and more

. hatsu aki ya tataminagara no kaya no yogi . - hatsuaki
(autumn) first sign of autumn. my folded mosquito net as blanket

. hatsu aki ya umi mo aota mo hito midori .
(autumn) autumn begins. the sea and the fields one shade of green

. hatsu hana ni inochi nanajuu gonen hodo .
hatsu hana ni inochi shichi jū go nen hodo
(spring) first blossoms. I will gain at least 75 years

. hatsu makuwa yotsu ni ya tatan wa ni kiran .
hatsu makuwa yotsu no ya kiran wa ni kiran
(summer) first Makuwa melon. cut it in quarters? or round slices?

. hatsu shigure saru mo komino o hoshige nari .
(winter) winter drizzle, monkey, straw coat. - first from Sarumino 猿蓑

. hatsu shigure hatsu no ji o waga shigure kana .
(winter) first winter drizzle. the character "first".

. hatsu shimo ya kiku hie somuru koshi no wata .
(autumn) chrysanthemums. first frost. cotton wrapper around my hip

. hatsutake ya mada hikazu henu aki no tsuyu .
(autumn) first mushrooms. few days have passed. dew in autumn

. hatsu-uma ni kitsune no sorishi atama kana .
(New Year) First Day of the Horse. a fox shaved your head
for Zekitsu 是橘

. hatsuyuki ni usagi no kawa no hige tsukure .
(winter) first snow. rabbit, fur. beard

. hatsuyuki ya hijiri kozoo no oi no iro .
(winter) first snow. mendicant monk. color of his backpack

. hatsu yuki ya itsu Daibutsu no hashira date .
(winter) first snow. Daibutsu temple, Nara. erect new columns

. hatsu yuki ya kakekakaritaru hashi no ue .
(winter) first snow. on the bridge under construction - The Great Bridge of Fukagawa 深川大橋

. hatsu yuki ya saiwai an ni makariaru .
(winter) first snow. luckily. I am in my own hut.

. hatsu-yuki ya suisen no ha no tawamu made .
(winter) first snow. enough to bend the daffodils

. hatsuzakura orishi mo kyoo wa yoki hi nari .
(spring) first cherry blossom. today is a good day
at Iga Ueno 伊賀上野, temple Yakushi-Ji

. hayaku sake kunichi mo chikashi kiku no hana .
(autumn) chrysanthemums. hurry up to bloom! Chrysanthemum festival day

. hebi kuu to kikeba osoroshi kiji no koe .
(spring) voice of a pheasant. eating a snake. dreadful voice

- - - - - . hei 塀 wall, garden wall . - - - - -

- - - - - . heso no o, hozo no o 臍の緒 umbilical cord * . - - - - -

- - - - - . hibari 雲雀 lark . - - - - -

. hibari naku naka no hyooshi ya kiji no koe .
(autumn) voice of lark and pheasant

. hibari yori sora ni yasurau tooge kana.
(spring) lark. resting in the sky at the pass

- - - - -

- - - - - . Hida no takumi 飛騨の工 / 飛騨の匠 craftsman from Hida * . - - - - -

- - - - - . Hieizan, Hiei-Zan 比叡山 Mount Hiei in Omi ### . - - - - -
- - - Hie oroshi, hieoroshi 日枝颪 wind from Mount Hieizan

. higashi nishi aware sa hitotsu aki no kaze .
(autumn) autumn wind. East. West. deep feeling is the same
on the death of Mukai Chine 向井千子

. hige kaze o fuite boshuu tanzuru wa tare ga ko zo .
(autumn) wind, beard, remembering Tu Fu

. higoro nikuki karasu mo yuki no ashita kana .
(winter) snow in the morning. hateful crows. hokku including "to hate" - nikumu

- - - - -. hijiri, hijiri kozoo 聖小僧 mendicant monk, "holy man" * . - - - - -
Basho himself was on a kind of "hijiri" life, travelling all over Japan, without a regular home.

- - - - - . himuro 氷室 (ひむろ) icehouse, ice cellar * . - - - - -

hi no michi ya / aoi katamuku / satsuki ame

. hinzan no kama shimo ni naku koe samushi .
(winter) frost. poor mountain temple. the kettle sounds cold in the frost

- - - - -. hioke 火桶 wooden brazier for winter - hibachi 火鉢 .  - - - - -

. Hiraizumi 平泉 - Oku no Hosomichi Stage 23 .

. Hira Mikami yuki sashiwatase sagi no hashi .
(summer) Mount Hira, Mount Mikami at Lake Biwa

- - - - - hirugao - - - - -

. hirugao ni hirune seu mo no toko no yama .
(summer) bindweed, sleeping, remembering Urashima Taro

. hirugao ni kometsuki suzumu aware nari .
(summer) bindweed. noonflower. rice pounder. to cool. pityful

- - - - -

. WKD : hirune, hiru-ne 昼寝 nap, Mittagsschlaf .

. hito hi hito hi mugi akaramite naku hibari .
(spring) voice of the skylark. day by day the barley reddens

. hito-koe no e ni yokotau ya hototogisu .
(summer) little cuckoo. one call across the inlay

hito mo mi nu / haru ya kagami no / ura no ume

. hito ni ie o kawasete ware wa toshi wasure .
(winter) "forget the year". I make him buy a house.

. hito one wa shigururu kumo ka Fuji no yuki .
(winter) snow. Mount Fuji. one ridge. winter drizzle. clouds

. hitori ama wara ya sugenashi shiro tsutsuji .
(spring) azalea. lonely nun. straw-thatched hut

. hito shigure tsubute ya futte Koishikawa .
(winter) winter drizzle. hailstones falling. Koishikawa (in Edo)

. hitotose ni ichido tsumaruru nazuna kana .
(spring/New Year) sheperd's purse. picked only once a year

. hitotsu nugite ushiro ni oinu koromogae .
(summer) changing robes

. hitotsuya ni yuujo mo netari hagi to tsuki .
(autumn) bush clover, prostitute, moon

. hitozato wa mina hanamori no shison kana .
(spring) cherry blossom warden. everyone in the region. descent

. hi wa hana ni kurete sabishi ya asunaroo .
(spring) cherry blossoms. sunset. to feel lonely. Asunaro cypress

hiya hiya to / kabe o fumaete / hiru ne kana

. hokku nari Matsuo Toosei yado no haru .
(spring). the home of Matsuo Tosei (Basho). hokku

. hoorai ni kikabaya Ise no hatsudayori .
(New Year) 蓬莱 Horai decoration and first news. from Ise shrine

. horohoro to yamabuki chiru ka taki no oto . horo horo
(spring) yellow mountain rose. sound of a waterfall

. Hoshizaki no yami o miyo to ya naku chidori .
(winter) plover. darkness at Hoshizaki. take a good look!

- - - - - . - hotaru 蛍 (ほたる) firefly, fireflies - . - - - - -

. hotarubi no hiru wa kie-tsutsu hashira kana .
(summer) hotaru fireflies. the pillars (of the Golden Hall, Hiraizumi)

. hotarumi ya sendoo yoote obotsukana .
(summer) hotaru fireflies. drunken boatsman. worrying

- - - - -

. hotoke 仏 - ほとけ Buddha .

. hotoketachi 仏達 Buddha statues * .


- - - - - . - hototogisu 郭公 / ほととぎす - little cuckoo
- .
- - - - -
Cuculus poliocephalis

. hototogisu ima wa haikaishi naki yo kana .
(summer) little cuckoo. now a world without haikai masters

. hototogisu katsuo o some ni keri kerashi .
(summer) little cuckoo. skipjack sashimi

. hototogisu kieyuku kata ya shima hitotsu .
(summer) little cuckoo. it disappears. a single island

. hototogisu koe yokotau ya mizu no ue .
(summer. little cuckoo. its voice stretches over the water

. hototogisu naku ne ya furuki suzuri-bako / suzuribako .
(summer) little cuckoo. old inkstone box

. hototogisu naku ya go shaku no ayamegusa .
(summer) little cuckoo. iris of 5 shaku hight

. hototogisu ootakeyabu o moru tsukiyo .
(summer) little cuckoo. bamboo, moon night

. hototogisu Urami no Taki no ura omote .
(summer) little cuckoo. Urami no Taki waterfall (Nikko). back and front

- - - - -

- - - - - . hoya 穂屋 "shrine hut with a thatched wall" *. - - - - -

. hyaku ri kitari hodo wa kumoi no shita suzumi .
(summer) coolness. I walked 100 RI. ceiling of clouds

. hyorohyoro to nao tsuyukeshi ya ominaeshi .
(autumn) yellow valerian. covered with dew


