- cha 茶 tea - Tee -
Inviting friends for the tea ceremony was a well-loved entertainment of the learned poets of Edo.
The tea ceremony comes with a saijiki of its own.
. WKD : Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記 .
. WKD : Green tea from Japan 茶 .
under construction

source : matsukama.jugem
お茶をどうぞ! Basho invites for a cup of tea in Matsushima
. asacha nomu soo shizuka nari kiku no hana .
a priest drinking tea in the morning
. Fuji no yama nomi ga chausu no ooi kana .
Mount Fuji looks like a mortar for grinding tea
. inasuzume cha no kibatake ya nigedokoro .
sparrows from the rice paddies hiding in the tea bushes
. itsutsu mutsu cha no ko ni narabu irori kana .
five or six sweets for tea
. kogakurete chatsumi mo kiku ya hototogisu .
the song of a hototogisu and the tea pickers
. shiba no to ni cha o konoha kaku asashi kana .
the wind sweeps tea leaves against a brushwood gate
. Suruga ji ya hana tachibana mo cha no nioi .
tachibana citrus blossoms smell of tea in Suruga
tsumiken ya cha o kogarashi no aki to mo shirade
they pick tea leaves -
without considering that for the plant
it must feel like a winter storm
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 延宝9年, Basho age 38.
When the leaves are picked by the girls in late spring, the bushes must feel like in an autumn storm, shedding their leaves. But the picking girls do not even know this.
On the other hand, tea shrubs shed their leaves in spring, they say.
The meaning is not quite clear.
This hokku has three kigo,
chatsumi for spring, aki for autumn and kogarashi for winter.
It has the meter 5 7 7.
uma ni nete zanmu tsuki tooshi cha no kemuri / 茶のけぶり
dozing on my horse,
with dream lingering and moon distant:
smoke from a tea fire
Tr. Barnhill
On horseback half-asleep,
Half-dreaming, the moon far off,
Smoke from the morning tea.
Bashō left the inn in the early morning. He had not slept well, and he sat on the horse still half-asleep. In the western sky the moon was fading as it sank, and from here and there rose in the air the smoke of the fires being lit for the morning cup of tea. The horse, Bashō himself, the dreams of the night, the faintness of the moon in the distance, and the unwilling smoke are all in harmony with the morning stillness and half-awakeness.
Tr. and Comment by Blyth
Dozing on horseback
I’m half in a dream faraway from the moon --
smoke for morning tea
The Basho’s haiku differs from his earlier mere playfulness with words and depicts his vividly half-dreaming consciousness on a painful trip. It demonstrates a sophisticated urban rhetoric, an allusion to ancient Chinese poetry, as well as novelty in diction which when combined were useful tools for Basho to express unexpected and previously unarticulated experiences found on his trip.
source : Ban’ya Natsuishi
Napping upon my horse,
A dream lingering, a distant moon --
Smoke from preparing Tea
Tr. only1tanuki
This is an allusion to a waka by Saigyo Hoshi 西行.
In the haikai collection Sanzooshi 三冊子 it reads
Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行, 1684
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. wabite sume tsuki wabisai ga Naracha uta .
and the importance of haikai
Hokku where the word CHA is not used directly
hoiro 焙炉 fire-heated rolling table to dry tea leaves
source : alit.city.iruma.saitama.jp
A hoiro was a box made of wood and bamboo. The plate was made of many layers of strong Japanese washi paper. The tea leaves are constantly moved on the table while they are steamed from the oven placed below.
During this process, the tea leaves give off a very pleasing aroma.

source :lovecafe.exblog.jp
a tea house in Uji
yamabuki ya Uji no hoiro no niou toki
mountain roses -
when tea ovens at Uji
are so fragrant
Tr. Barnhill
Yellow mountain roses -
when the ovens at Uji give off
the fragrance of tea leaves
Tr. Blyth
Yellow Japanese roses !
Smell of the green tea of Uji
Coming from the drier.
Tr. Oseko
Written in the spring of 1690, 元禄4年春
this hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 1.
It ends with TOKI 時, the time when . . .

source : Naokimi Yamada
The two parts of the toriawase are closely connected: Uji, a village south of Kyoto, was noted for both its tea and its yamabuki (“yellow mountain roses”). In spring, when the yamabuki bloom, the freshly picked tea leaves were placed in ovens to dry, thus creating a memorable aroma.
The headnote suggests that as the speaker gazes at the yamabuki in the painting, he is reminded of Uji and the aroma of tea leaves in the spring. An even more profound connection can be found, however, at the level of a mutual, diaphoric metaphor: the glow of the yellow flowers of the yamabuki (kerria) synesthetically resembles the warm fragrance of the new tea leaves being dried and roasted at Uji and vice versa.
Blyth on Basho
source : terebess.hu

source : wikipedia
By hand of Basho: 芭蕉自畫, 1691
. WKD : Uji matsuri 宇治祭 Uji Festival .
The Uji region is famous for its green tea, gryokro 玉露, and also for its beautiful yamabuki mountain roses.
. WKD : Yellow Mountain Rose (yamabuki 山吹).
Kerria japonica
hoiro 焙炉, a contraption to dry tea leaves.

source : www.ndl.go.jp
special hoiro by Takamatsu san
焙茶炉 - National Diet Library
Long ago when tea was produced entirely by hand, the tea rollers would shout
"hoiro age!"
as they passed their just rolled tea off the fire-heated rolling table, the hoiro.
These words now are a traditional greeting uttered at the end of the shincha harvest of new tea leaves.
source : apaluya.net/Japantea
Two hokku related to the
. Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記 .
kuchikiri, kuchi kiri kuchikiri 口切 opening a new jar of tea
. kuchikiri ni Sakai no niwa zo natsukashiki .
(winter) opening a new jar of green tea. garden in Sakai. full of memories
Remembering Sakai in Osaka and Sen Rikyu, the famous Tea Master.

robiraki 炉開き "opening the hearth"
irori hiraku 囲炉裏開く(いろりひらく)"opening the open hearth"
On the first of the lunar 10th month, now in November.
Sometimes on the first day of the wild boar.
The hearth 炉 is opened for the first time since April. Tea for this ceremony is prepared with tea powder made from leaves freshly picked that summer.
This hearth, ro, will be used from now until the following April.
robiraki ya sakan oi yuku bin no shimo
opening the hearth —
the aging plasterer
with sideburns of frost
Tr. Barnhill
Fireplace opening -
The plasterer is getting old
With frost in his sidelocks.
Tr. Oseko
On the 1st day of the 10th lunar month, 1692
Basho has the same plasterer come every year to help with the repairing of the hearth. When observing his hair getting white, he thought about his own ageing.
. WKD : bin 鬢 hair at the temple .
source : www.cafepress.co.uk
. WKD : Tea Ceremony Saijiki 茶道の歳時記 .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .