His Wife ? Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼
His Son ? Jirobei 二郎兵衛
His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin

- Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼 Juteini, the Nun Jutei -
(? - 1694)
Much is unclear about this woman and her relation to Basho.
She is said to have been the wife or mistress of Matsuo Basho in his younger days.
She was maybe the only woman Basho ever loved.
Or she was the wife of his nephew Toin.
Toin had stayed at Basho-an for more than 17 years, and died of tuberculosis.
His son might have been Jirobei.
Most probably she was from Iga, Ueno, like Basho himself.
Maybe she followed Basho to Edo and lived with him there.
She had three children, one boy Jirobei 二郎兵衛
and two girls Masa まさ and Fuu ふう
For five years Matsuo resided in Kyoto (returning now and again to Ueno). Little is known of the details of his life during this period; but his artistic and scholarly pursuits would seem to have been coupled with a bohemian existence. A woman named Jutei is believed to have been his mistress for a time.
Then Kigin—having found employment with the Shogun— moved to Edo; and Matsuo decided to follow him there.
- snip
The literary scene in Edo was thriving; and he was its star.
But he began to yearn for solitude—and for relief from responsibilities. For he was contributing now to the support of several persons: his former mistress Jutei and her children, and an ailing nephew.
Finally this worldly involvement became too much for him. So Basho locked his gate and became a recluse.
source : terebess.hu/english
Juteini became a nun (NI 尼) later in life. But this seems speculation too.
She died in Edo, at Basho-An in 1694, where she had lived taking care while Basho was traveling.
Basho heard of her death later in the on the 8th day 6月8日, when he was in Saga, Kyoto, at Rakushisha 落柿舎.
In other records in a temple in Iga there is a record of a death of
Matsuo Jutei 松誉寿貞
Basho himself died in the same year in the 10th lunar month.
. aki chikaki kokoro no yoru ya yojoohan .
His friends Bokusetsu, Hirose Izen and Kagami Shiko were trying to console him at a tea ceremony on the 21st day of the 6th lunar month, when he had gotten the news of her death.
ko ni aku to moosu hito ni wa hana mo nashi
For one who says,
"I am tired of children,"
there are no blossoms.
When love is absent, cherry blossoms go unappreciated ...
Robert Aitken ... more
source : books.google.co.jp
for one who says
"I 'm weary of my children"
there are no blossoms
Tr. Barnhill
Written about 1684 貞亨元年, Basho age 41 or later.
(Other sources state it was written by someone else.)
Blossom, short for "cherry blossoms", well loved by all in spring.
Maybe it was written after he had begun to take care of the children of Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼.
. WKD : Kodomo 子供 children .
- - - - - The last hokku in her memory

kazu naranu mi to na omoi so tama matsuri
do not think
you did not count:
Festival of Spirits
Tr. Barnhill
never think of yourself
as someone who did not count -
festival of the souls
Tr. Ueda
Written in 元禄7年, Basho age 51.
Basho had to celebrate her first O-Bon festival.
The hokku shows how important this woman had been in his life and how deeply he mourned her death.
Tamamatsuri - the Bon Festival
. Bon Festival お盆 O-Bon, Obon .
source : intweb.co.jp/basyou_jutei
source : itoyo/basho
- His Son ? Jirobei 二郎兵衛 -
. . . . in the summer of 1694 Basho traveled westward on the familiar road along the Pacific coast, taking with him one of Jutei's children, Jirobei.
He rested at Ueno for a while, and then visited his students in Kyoto and in town near the southern coast of Lake Biwa. Jutei, who had been struggling against ill health at the Basho Hut, died at this time and Jirobei temporarily returned to Edo. Much saddened, Basho went back to Ueno in early autumn for about a month's rest. He then left for Osaka with a few friends and relatives including his elder brother's son Mataemon as well as Jirobei.
source : terebess.hu/english
- His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin, To-In -
(?1661 - 1693)
When Toin was about 6 years old, Basho was 23. Toin might have been the son of his sister, who either was divorced or her husband had died and she came back to the main Basho family.
Basho's Brother Hansaemon 半左衛門 was too poor to care for them.
When Basho was rich enough to make a living in Edo he called Toin to come live with him. Toin became the adopted son of Basho.
But Toin died young, of tuberculosis, at age 33.
This made Basho think about his own mortality and life in general.
Basho may also have been forced to borrow money to care for the medical bills of his nephew.
It is not clear if Toin was the husband of Jutei and the three children were his.
Yuushi Tooin 猶子桃印 Yushi Toin
yuushi means an adopted child.
When Toin died in 1693, Basho was very upset and wrote the following two poems to overcome his pain:
hototogisu koe yokotau ya mizu no ue
hito-koe no e ni yokotau ya hototogisu
. Matuo Basho - hototogisu 郭公 / ほととぎす - .
. chichi haha no shikiri ni koishi kiji no koe .
his parents, father and mother
Matsuo Yozaemon 松尾与左衛門 (? - 1656)
his father
The family is said to date back to the Heike.

kokeshi dolls of Issa and Basho on the road
- - - His elder brother
. Matsuo Hanzaemon 松尾半左衛門 .
Katano Boosui 片野望翠 Katano Bosui / 井筒屋新蔵
(? - 1705) died at the age of 49
Said to be the husband of the sister of Basho.
He lived in Iga Ueno. Basho stayed with Bosui in 1694.
. sato furite kaki no ki motanu ie mo nashi .
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - About himself and his life .