- Oomi 近江 89 poems written in Omi, Shiga 滋賀 - 志賀 -
The area around Lake Biwa was once called Omi.
Biwako 琵琶湖 Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture is the largest lake in Japan.
Adjacent to the country's political center, Kyoto, Omi district used to be transportation hub between east and west Japan since ancient times. Rice produced in regions facing the Sea of Japan were carried by ship through Lake Biwa to Kyoto and Osaka.
In the Edo period (1603-1868), although the transportation of rice was switched to marine routes, various products from northern Japan were still brought to Kyoto and Osaka via the lake and as economy of the country continued to grow, water transport on Lake Biwa flourished, and Omi district thrived in commerce.
Surrounded by mountains, Lake Biwa has long been known as a place of beautiful scenery with green mountains and crystal-clear water, and is featured in many poems and paintings. For example, the lake appears in every one of the eight selected beautiful landscapes in Omi district known as "Omi Hakkei."
source : web-japan.org/atlas

. Basho and The Eight Views of Omi 近江八景 or Omi Hakkei .
Basho was very fond of the Omi region and even said:
"I want to spend my old age in Omi." - - 老後はここで過ごしたい.
- - and later
"I want to stay in Omi after my death." - - 死後もここで過ごしたい.
From the more than 980 hokku of Basho there are 89 which were written in Omi ,
that is more than the 52 he wrote on the road of "Oku no Hosomichi".
From his 36 most important disciples 俳仙 (haisen) there were
12 from Omi, 5 from Edo, 4 from Mino and Nagoya each and 3 from Iga Ueno.
Basho stayed for extensive periods in the region, making friends with important samurai, doctors, merchants, craftsmen and all kinds of townspeople and enjoyed a lot of haikai meetings in the two years he spent in Otsu late in his life.
Matuo Basho first came to Omi on his way to become a student of Kitamura Kigin in 1674 in Kyoto. He was quite fascinated with the beautiful landscape of the huge lake and high mountains in the background, which was quite different from his homeland, Iga Ueno.
His most representative hokku about Omi was written in 1690
yuku haru o Oomi no hito to oshimikeru
The departing spring !
With the people of Omi
I missed it deeply.
Tr. Oseko
I deplore with my friends of Ômi
the passing along of Spring so swiftly
Tr. ?
spring is departing
and with the people (friends) of Omi
I lament its passing . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
This hokku is one sentence and has the cut at the end of line 3.
oshimu 惜しむ to miss, to deplore
to hold something dear, place great value on something
to lament the passing of a season
. Emotions expressed by Basho .
Please check the poems in the ABC index.
- - - - - 1677 - - - - -

Oomi-gaya ase ya sazanami yoru no toko / Oomigaya
mosquito net from Omi -
my sweat - gentle waves
my bed at night
Written in 1677 延宝5年 Basho age 34.
The cut marker YA is in the middle of line 2.
When using this famous mosquito net in Edo, the poet can remember the gentle waves of Lake Biwa.
- - - - - 1684 - - - - -
野ざらしを 心に風の しむ身かな - nozarashi o kokoro ni kaze no shimu mi kana
山路来て 何やらゆかし 菫草 - yamaji kite
辛崎の 松は花より 朧(おぼろ)にて - Karasaki no matsu
つつじ生けて その陰に 干鱈(ひだら) 割く女 - tsutsuji uete
命二つの 中にいきたる 桜かな - inochi futatsu
五月雨に 鳰の浮巣を 見にゆかん - samidare ni nio no ukisu
. Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行 .
- - - - - 1688 - - - - -
梅雨どき - during the rainy season
五月雨に 隠れぬものや 瀬田の橋 - samidare ni kakurenu mono ya
草の葉を 落つるより飛ぶ 螢哉 - kusa no ha o
目に残る 吉野を瀬田の 螢哉 - me ni nokoru Yoshino
この螢 田毎の月に くらべみん - kono hotaru
In Ootsu 大津 Otsu
世の夏や 湖水に浮む 浪の上 - yo no natsu ya
海は晴れて 比叡降り残す 五月哉 - umi wa harete Hiei furinokosu satsuki kana
夕顔や 秋はいろいろの 瓢(ふくべ)哉 - yuuga ya aki wa iroiro no
鼓子花(ひるがお)の 短夜眠る 昼間哉 - hirugao no mijika yo
昼顔に 昼寝せうもの 床の山 - hirugao ni hirune
Mount Hieizan, Hiei-zan 比叡山 Mount Hiei
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
- - - - - 1689 - - - - -
そのままよ 月もたのまじ 伊吹山 - sono mama yo tsuki mo tanomaji Ibukiyama
on the way to Oku no Hosomichi at Mount Ibuki
. Mount Ibuki 伊吹山 .
- - - - - 1690 - - - - -
He spent some time in Konan town 湖南に過ごす "town in the South of the lake"
少将の 尼の話や 志賀の雪 - shooshoo no ama no hanashi ya
これや世の 煤に染まらぬ 古合子 - kore ya yo no
何にこの 師走の市に ゆく烏 - nani ni kono
霰せば 網代の 氷魚(ひお)を 煮て出さん - arare se ba / ajiro no hio o / nite dasan
薦を着て 誰人(たれひと)います 花の春 - komo o kite tarebito
草枕 まことの華見 しても来よ - kusa makura makoto no hanami
蛇食ふと 聞けばおそろし 雉子の声 - hebi kuu to kikeba
かわうその 祭見て来よ 瀬田の奥 - kawauso no matsuri
四方より 花吹き入れて 鳰の波 - shihoo yori hanafubuki
四方より 花吹き入れて 鳰の湖 - nio no umi (Lake Biwako)
木のもとに 汁も膾も 桜かな - ki no moto ni shiru mo namasu mo
曙は まだ紫に ほととぎす- akebono wa mada
- - - - - yuku haru o - - - - - 行く春を近江の人と惜しみける (see above)
4月‐7月 幻住庵 - from the 4th to the 6th lunar month at Genju-An
先ず頼む 椎の木も有り 夏木立 - mazu tanomu
夏草に 富貴を飾れ 蛇の衣 - natsukusa ni fuuki o kazare
夏草や 我先達ちて 蛇狩らん - natsukusa o ware saki
蛍見や 船頭酔うて おぼつかな - hotarumi ya
己が火を 木々に蛍や 花の宿 - onore ga hi o
夕にも 朝にもつかず 瓜の花 - yoru ni mo asa ni mo
猪も ともに吹かるる 野わき分かな - inoshishi mo
我が宿は 蚊の小さきを 馳走かな - waga yado wa
やがて死ぬ けしきは見えず 蝉の声 - yagate shinu
こちら向け 我もさびしき 秋の暮 - kochira muke
玉祭り 今日も焼場の 煙哉 - tama matsuri
. - Genjuuan Ki 幻住庵記 Genju-an Records - .
7月‐9月 義仲寺無名庵 - from the 7th to the 9th lunar month at Gichu-Ji
白髪抜く 枕の下や きりぎりす - shiraga nuku makura no shita ya
名月や 座に美しき 顔もなし - meigetsu ya za ni utsukushiki
月代や 膝に手を置く 宵の宿 - tsuki shiro ya hiza ni te o oku
病雁(やむかり)の 夜寒に落ちて 旅寝哉 - byoogan no (yamukari no)
朝茶飲む 僧静かなり 菊の花 - asacha nomu
海士の屋は 小海老にまじる いとど哉 - ama no ya wa koebi ni majiru
稲妻に 悟らぬ人の 貴さよ - inazuma ni
草の戸を 知れや穂蓼(ほだて)に 唐辛子 - kusa no to o shire ya
. - Gichuuji 義仲寺 Gichu-Ji - .
Gichuuan 義仲庵 Gichu-An // Mumyooan 無名庵 Mumyo-An
- - - - - 1690 - 1691 - - - - -
New Year at the home of Otokuni 大津乙訓宅 / 乙州
人に家を 買はせて我は 年忘れ - hito ni ie o kawasete
比良三上 雪さしわたせ さぎの橋 - Hira Mikami yuki
かくれけり 師走の海の かいつぶり - kakurekeri shiwasu
三尺の 山も嵐の 木の葉哉 - sanshaku no yama mo
たふとさや 雪降らぬ日も 蓑と笠 - tootosa ya . mino to kasa
梅若菜 丸子の宿の とろろ汁 - ume wakana
- Otsu-e paintings - 大津絵の 筆のはじめは 何仏 - Ootsu-e no fude -
木曽の情 雪や生えぬく 春の草 - Kiso no joo yuki ya
ひごろ憎き からす烏も雪の 朝哉 - higoro nikuki karasu
. Kawai Otokuni 川井乙州/ 河井乙州 / 河合乙州 .

. Otsu and Otsu-E paintings 大津絵 .
- - - - - 1691 - - - - -
6月‐9月 義仲寺無名庵 - from the 6th to the 9th lunar month at temple Gichu-Ji
牛部屋に 蚊の声暗き 残暑哉 - ushi-beya ni ka no koe
米くるる 友を今宵の 月の客 - kome kururu tomo o koyoi no
三井寺の 門敲かばや 今日の月 - Miidera no mon
錠明けて 月さし入れよ 浮御堂 - joo akete . . . Ukimidoo
やすやすと 出でていざよふ 月の雲 - yasuyasu to idete
十六夜や 海老煮るほどの 宵の闇 - izayoi ya ebi niru hodo
祖父親 孫の栄えや 柿蜜柑 - ooji oya mago no sakae ya - kaki mikan - persimmons and mikan
名月は ふたつ過ぎても 瀬田の月 - meigetsu wa futatsu sugite mo Seta no tsuki
草の戸や 日暮れてくれし 菊の酒 - kusa no to ya . . . kiku no sake
橋桁の しのぶ忍は月の 残り哉 - hashigeta no shinobu wa
石山の 石にたばしる 霰哉 - ishiyama no ishi ni tabashiru
秋の色 糠味噌壷も なかりけり - aki no iro nukamiso tsubo
淋しさや 釘に掛けたる きりぎりす - sabishisa ya kugi ni kaketaru
稲雀 茶の木畠や 逃げ処 - inasuzume cha no kibatake
鷹の目も 今や暮れぬと 鳴くうずら - taka no me mo
蕎麦も見て けなりがらせ 野良の萩 - soba mo mite / kenarigara seyo
煮麺の 下焚きたつる 夜寒哉 - nyuumen no shita takitatsuru
稲こきの 姥もめでたし 菊の花 (菊は長寿の象徴)- ine koki no uba mo medetashi
百歳の 気色を庭の 落葉哉 - momo tose no keshiki o niwa
尊がる 涙や染めて 散る紅葉 - tootogaru namida ya somete
折々に 伊吹を見ては 冬籠り - oriorii ni Ibuki o mite
. - Gichuuji 義仲寺 Gichu-Ji - .
Gichuuan 義仲庵 Gichu-An // Mumyooan 無名庵 Mumyo-An
- - - - - 1692 - 1693 - - - - -
corresponding with Morikawa Kyoroku / Kyoriku 江戸にて許六との交友 - 森川許六
霧雨の 空を芙蓉の 天気哉 - kirisame no sora
旅人の 心にも似よ 椎の花 - tabibito no kokoro
椎の花の 心にも似よ 木曽の旅 - shii no hana . . . Kiso no tabi
憂き人の 旅にも習へ 木曽の蝿 - ukihito no tabi ni mo narae Kiso no hae
- - - - - 1694 - - - - -
6月 - 最期の近江 - sixth lunar month until his death in Omi
さざ波や 風のかおり薫の 相拍子 - sazanami ya
湖や 暑さを惜しむ 雲の峰 - mizuumi ya atsusa o oshimu
夏の夜や 崩れて明けし 冷し物 - natsu no yo ya
飯あふぐ 嬶が馳走や 夕涼み - meshi augu kaka ga
皿鉢も ほのかに闇の 宵涼み - sarabachi mo honoka ni
秋近き 心の寄るや 四畳半 - aki chikaki kokoro no yoru ya yojoohan
ひらひらと 挙ぐる扇や 雲の峰 - hirahira ot
蓮の香を 目にかよはすや 面の鼻 - hasu no ka o
稲妻や 顔のところが 薄の穂 - inazuma ya kao no tokoro ga
道ほそし 相撲取り草の 花の露 - michi hososhi sumotorigusa no hana no tsuyu
ひやひやと 壁をふまえて 昼寝哉 - hiyahiya to kabe o fumaete
秋深き 隣は何を する人ぞ - aki fukaki tonari wa nani o suru hito zo
- - - - - His last poem - - - - -
旅に病で夢は枯野をかけめぐる - . tabi ni yande yume wa kareno o kakemeguru .
. Shooshoo no ama no hanashi ya Shiga no yuki .
Snow in Shiga - and the nun Sooheki Mon-In no Shooshoo 藻壁門院少将 Soheki Mon-In no Shosho
芭蕉と近江 Basho and Omi
- Reference : ikoi98/bashou
. Basho and The Eight Views of Omi 近江八景 or Omi Hakkei .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .