- Basho travelling in Japan -
Basho visited many famous places and
sometimes used the name of them in the haiku itself.
- Respecting the Land
Basho wrote poetic greetings not only to people but also to the spirit of the land as well as to rocks, trees, mountains and other natural objects.
. . . . . the Master said:
"When you enter a large province or compose a poem on it, you must understand that province."
. . . verse about Mount Fuji. Unless the mountain is resented on this scale, Mount Fuji becomes just another mountain.
... A greeting to the land may focus on the local products.
... Greetings to the spirit of the land often employed complex wordplay, homophones, and associative words, which interwove the place-name into the physical description ...
- Shirane, Traces of Dreams, page 177
source : books.google.co.jp
. Poetic Traveling with Matsuo Basho .
Basho the fuuraboo 風羅坊 Furabo, "wind-gauze-priest"
utamakura 歌枕 "pillow word" place names used in Poetry
sazsanami 細波 pillow word for Biwako 琵琶湖 Lake Biwa

haiku including the words
. - tabi 旅 travel, travelling - .
- - - tabine 旅寝 sleeping on the road
- - - tabi no kokoro 旅の心 and more
In one of his most famous theoretical statements, Basho says,
“Learn about pines from the pine, and about bamboo from the bamboo.”
Each pine exhibits pineness but is not pineness itself: each pine alludes to, or is symbolic of, the essence of pine.
Contemporary writers may find Basho’s statement confusing. To use the Western terminology of essence we see in Reichhold and many modern Western haiku commentators, even the essence of pine is not the same as the essence of being. The essence of things is not located within the thing itself. The is-ness of a thing is not to be gained through attention to the thing alone. Indeed, is-ness is not the same as the “thingness” of a thing.
Barnhill says that in his travels Basho pursued
“the wayfaring life in order to embody physically and metaphorically the fundamental character of the universe.”
He visits places “loaded” with cultural and spiritual significance and his sense of “nature” is bound up with these traditions of place. This intertwining of place and significance, the local and the transcendental, is basic to Basho’s experience. The centrality of “place names” or utamakura is basic to Basho’s outlook.
Barnhill says,
“Basho tended to write of places in nature handed down through literature,
giving cultural depth to his experience of nature.”
source : JAMIE EDGECOMBE, 2011
This is a still growing list. Please come back again.
under construction
. Akasaka 赤坂 on the Tokaido Road .
. Akashi 明石 and Suma 須磨 . Hyogo
. Arashiyama 嵐山 Kyoto .
. Arisoumi, Ariso-umi, Ariso Umi 有磯海 .
. Asakusa 浅草 and Ueno 上野 in Edo .
. Asamayama, Asama Yama 浅間山 Mount Asama in Shinano .
. Atsumiyama 温海山 Mount Atsumi . Sakata
. Basho-An 芭蕉庵, temple Konpuku-Ji 金福寺 / 金福寺 .
at Ichijooji 一乗寺 Ichijo-Ji village - Kyoto
. Biwako lake Biwa 琵琶湖 and Ukimido hall 浮御堂 .
Karasaki town 唐崎
- - - - - . Temple Gichuuji 義仲寺 Gichu-Ji.
sazanami さざなみ / さざ波 is a pillow word for this lake.
. sazanami ya kaze no kaori no ai byooshi .
. Edo 江戸 the Samurai Capital .
. Fuji Fuji 富士山 Mount Fujisan .
. Fukagawa 深川 in Edo .
. Fukuura, Fuku-Ura 吹浦 Fukuura Inlay . Sakata
. Fushimi 伏見 . Kyoto. Momoyama 桃山. at Temple Saigan-Ji 西岸寺. for 任口上人 Saint Ninko
. Futamigaura, Futami-ga-ura - Futami ga Ura 二見が浦 / 二見ヶ浦 . and the Meoto Iwa 夫婦岩 "Wedded Rocks"
. Fuwa no seki 不破の関 Fuwa Barrier . in Mino 美濃, now Gifu 岐阜
. Gichuuji 義仲寺 Temple Gichu-Ji - Gichuuan 義仲庵 Gichu-An . - Minamoto no Yoshinaka 源義仲 (1154 - 1184)
and the last days of Matsuo Basho - his grave
. Goten 呉天 in China .
. Goyu 御油 on the Tokaido Road .
. Haguro Mountain 羽黒山 and Gassan 月山 .
- the three mountains Dewa Sanzan 出羽三山 and Yudono 湯殿 in Yamagata
. Hakone 箱根 .
. Hatsuse, Hase 初瀬 Temple Hasedera in Nara .
. Hida 飛騨 - in Gifu . - and Hida no takumi 飛騨の工 craftsmen from Hida
. Hieizan 比叡山, Oohie 大比叡 and 日枝颪 Hie oroshi, wind from Mount Hieizan .
. Hinagatake, Hinagadake 比那が嶽 / 日永岳 Mount Hinagatake . - Tsuruga
. Hirao Village 平尾村 and Mount Yoshino 吉野山 .
. Hiuchi ga joo 燧が城 - 火打城 Hiuchi Castle (Hyoochi Castle, Hyōchi Castle) . - and Tsuruga
. Hobi 保美の里 the village of Hobi . - (near Iragozaki)
. . . . . and his friend, who lived there . - Tsuboi Tokoku 坪井杜国 - .
. Hokkoku 北国 The Northern Provinces - Tsuruga .
. Hooraiji 蓬莱寺 temple Horai-Ji in Mikawa - Mount Hooraisan 蓬莱山 Horai-San .
- - - - - Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji
. Hoshizaki 星崎 near Narumi 鳴海, Nagoya . - temple 誓願寺 Seigan-Ji and Shimosato Chisoku 下里知足
. Ibukiyama, Ibuki yama 伊吹山 Mount Ibuki .
. Ide 井出 / 井手 . south of Kyoto
. Inaba yama, Inabayama 稲葉山 Mount Inaba and Inabayama Castle ruins 稲葉山城 . Mino no Kuni - Gifu
- - - - - and Juuhachiro no Ki 十八楼ノ記 Tower of Eighteen -
. Iragozaki 伊良湖崎 Iragosaki.
. Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Grand Shrine at Ise .
- - - - - and
Ise no hakahara 伊勢の墓原 graves at Ise / and Okoraago 御子良子 Okorago Shrine maidens
. Kamakura 鎌倉 . - and the first katsuo bonito
. Karasaki 辛崎 .
. Kasajima 笠島 . - sometimes spelled Kasashima - Station 16 of Oku no Hosomichi
. Katada, Katata 堅田 . Lake Biwako 琵琶湖
. Katsuragi 葛城 Nara (Kazuragi, Kazuraki) .
. Kehi 気比 .
. Kinome tooge 木目峠 / 木ノ芽峠 Kinome Toge . Hokuriku
. Kiso 木曽 - / The Hanging Bridge at Kiso 木曽のかけはし .
. Kiyotaki 清滝 Kiyotaki waterfall and River Kiyotakigawa 清滝川 .
. Koishikawa 小石川 - 礫川 . Edo
. Komatsu 小松 - Oku no Hosomichi Station 36 . Ishikawa
. Komatsugawa 小松川 River Komatsu, Komatsu-gawa in Edo .
. Konda Hachimanguu 誉田八幡宮 / 譽田八幡宮 Konda Hachiman . Habikino, Osaka
. Konpuku-Ji 金福寺 / 金福寺 and Tesshu 鉄舟和尚 Priest Tesshu . Kyoto
. Kooyasan, Kooya san 高野山 Mount Koya . Wakayama
. Kurikara Pass 倶利伽羅峠 .
. Kutsuki 朽木 . - tray from Kutsuki 朽木盆, Shiga prefecture
. - Kyooto 京都 Kyoto, Kyo - Miyako 都 / みやこ - .
. Masuho ますほ - chidori Masuhogai 千鳥ますほ貝 small shells from Masuho .
. Minamidani 南谷 "Southern Valley". -at Mount Gassan
. Mogamigawa 最上川 River Mogami, River Mogamigawa .
. Muronoyashima, Muro no Yashima 室の八嶋 "singing chauldron" - .
at shrine Omiwa in Tochigi 大神神社 - Oku no Hosomichi - Station 4 -
. Musashino 武蔵野 Musashino Plain, Kanto .
. Nagara no kawa 長良の川 / 長柄川, Nagaragawa 長良川 River Nagara .
Gifu. famous for cormorant fishing
. Nakasendo Road 中山道 - Traveling with Basho .
. Nakayama 佐夜の中山 Sayo no Nakayama . - Pass in Shizuoka, in memory of Saigyo
- - - - - and Nakayama on the 越路 Koshi road in Hokuriku.
. Naniwa 難波 and Naniwazu 難波津 - (now Osaka) .
. Nara 奈良 the ancient capital .
. Narumi 鳴海, Nagoya . - temple 誓願寺 Seigan-Ji and Shimosato Chisoku 下里知足
. Nasu Yumoto 那須湯元 Nasu Hot Spring . - Oku no Hosomichi
. Nikko 日光 .
. Oga no Shima 男鹿島 Oga Peninsula Akita .
. Oku no Hosomichi 奥の細道 .
. Ono 小野 Ono in Kyoto . - famous for charcoal
. Ooedera 大江寺 temple Oedera in Nabari town, Mie 名張市 .
. Ooigawa, Ōigawa 大井川 River Oigawa, Ohigawa .
and Kanaya-juku 金谷宿 Station 24 of the Tokaido road
. Oomi 近江 89 poems written in Omi, Shiga - .
. Rendaino 蓮台野 Cemetery in Kyoto .
. Sakai 堺 - a part of Edo and a town near Osaka .
. - Sarashina Kikoo 更科紀行 / 更級紀行 Sarashina Journal - .
. Saya 佐屋 . - and Saya Kaidoo 佐屋街道 The Saya Road
. Sayo no Nakayama 佐夜の中山 Pass in Shizuoka .
. Seta Town 瀬田- Seta bridge at lake Biwako 瀬田の大橋 .
. Shiga 志賀 - 滋賀 and Oomi 近江 Omi .
. Shisendoo 詩仙堂 Shisen-do - Kyoto - Joozanji 丈山寺 Jozan-ji .
. Suma and the beach Iro no Hama 須磨 と 色の浜 .
. Sumidagawa 隅田川 Sumidagawa in Edo. river Sumida .
. Suruga, Suruga road 駿河路 (Shizuoka) .
. Tagoto 田毎 "the many rice paddies" in Nagano .
. Taimadera 当麻寺 . Temple Taima-dera in Nara
. Takaku no juku 高久, 高久の宿 . - Oku no Hosomichi - Nasu. Basho stayed with 庄屋覚左衛門.
. Take no uchi, Takenouchi 竹之内 "Amid the Bamboo Groves" . Katsuge、Nara
. Tamae no ashi 玉江の蘆 reed from Tamae, Tsuruga . "Jewel Bay" .
. Tendo Mura 天童 Tendo village .
. Toba 鳥羽 near Fushimi, Kyoto .
. Tsuetsukizaka 杖突坂 "Slope to walk while using a stick" .
Mie prefecture. "Walking-stick Hill" . Tsuetsuki Pass
. Tsunuga 角鹿 . - - - old name for Tsuruga 敦賀
. Uchiyama 宇知山 . うち山 - temple Eikyuuji 永久寺 Eikyuji, Yamato .
. Uji 宇治 - a place famous for its tea .
. Ukimi Doo 浮御堂 Ukimido "Floating Hall" .
for Moon Viewing at Lake Biwa, temple Mangetsu-Ji 満月寺,
. Urami no taki 裏見の滝 - 裏見の瀧 . - Waterfall in Nikko
. Utsu no Yama mountain 宇津の山 .
. Wakanoura, Waka no Ura 和歌の浦 .
. Yamanaka 山中 "in the middle of the mountains" . - onsen 温泉 hot spring near Kanazawa
. Yamashiro 山城 . - south of Kyoto
. Yanagihara, Yanagiwara 柳原 an embankment for cherry blossom viewing in Edo .
. Yooroo no taki 養老の滝 Yoro Waterfall .
. Yoshino, Yoshinoyama 吉野山 .
the famous cherry blossoms and visiting temple Kinpusen-Ji 金剛峰寺
. Visiting Buddhist Temples 寺 - 堂 .
. Visiting Shinto Shrines 神社 - 宮 .
. The Nagasaki Connection 長崎 .
External LINKS
Bashō’s Oku no Hosomichi - Utamakura: Storied Places
source : Dennis Kawaharada
. WKD : Place Names 歌枕 Utamakura - Orte .
. Cultural Keywords .