- hototogisu 郭公 / ほととぎす -
This is one of the classical season words, used in the poetry of the Heian period.
Basho sometimes uses the word and adds a new twist, closer to the normal life of the normal people of his Edo.
hototogisu can be written with many Chinese characters:
Basho uses the Chinese characters 郭公, which was common during the Heian period.
But now is often pronounced kakkoo, Japanese cuckoo, which is a different bird, Cuculus canorus.
. WKD : hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥 .
Little Cuckoo, Cuculus poliocephalis
Sometimes, even the bush warbler (uguisu 鶯) and the little cuckoo (hototogisu) get mixed up.

under construction
akebono wa / mada murasaki ni / hototogisu
fuyu botan / chidori yo yuki no / hototogisu
. hototogisu ima wa haikaishi naki yo kana .
(summer) little cuckoo. now a world without haikai masters
. hototogisu katsuo o some ni keri kerashi .
(summer) little cuckoo. skipjack sashimi
. hototogisu kieyuku kata ya shima hitotsu .
(summer) little cuckoo. it disappears. a single island

hototogisu koe yokotau ya mizu no ue
its call stretching out
across the water
Tr. Barnhill
sound of a cuckoo
whose cry now is stretching out
across the water
Tr. Chilcott
the shriek lies stretched
across the water
Tr. Ueda
The cut marker YA is at the end of line 2.
Written in summer 1693 元禄六年四月二十九日.
Basho had gotten the news that his nephew and adopted son Toin had died. Basho was very shocked and vowed not to write about the hototogisu any more. His friends Sunpu and Sora tried to help him overcome his sorrow
Basho also wrote
hito-koe no e ni yokotau ya hototogisu
a single call
comes across the inlet -
Tr. Gabi Greve
Basho was referring to a poem by Su Dongpo, Su Dungpo 蘇東坡 (So Toba そ とうば)
白露江ニ横タハリ / 白露江に横たはる
“The gleaming water extends to heaven,
and the white mist lies stretched across the water.”
“White mist lay across the water;
the light from the water reached the sky. .”
source : afe.easia.columbia.edu/song
..... which strongly suggests that the lingering sound of the hototogisu echoes the vanishing spirit of the dead youth.
Shirane, Traces of Dreams
. Matsuo Basho - His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin, To-In - .
(?1661 - 1693)
doobutsu no koe 動物の声 - a difficult expression to translate:
The voices of animals used by Basho -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
- Japanese Reference -
hototogisu / maneku ka mugi no / mura obana
hototogisu / matsuki wa ume no / hana sakeri
hototogisu / naku naku tobu zo / isogawashi
so busy!
. hototogisu naku ne ya furuki suzuri-bako / suzuribako .
(summer) little cuckoo. old inkstone box
hototogisu naku ya go shaku no ayamegusa
cries –– a blade of iris
five feet tall
Tr. Ueda
the Hototogisu
is calling - some iris
of five Shaku hight
Tr. Gabi Greve
This hokku is a version of a poem from the Kokin Shu 古今集 collection, by an unknown author.
ほととぎす鳴くや五月のあやめぐさ あやめも知らぬ恋もするかな
hototogisu naku ya gogatsu no ayamegusa ayame mo shiranu koi mo suru kana
Basho has only changed the gogatsu to goshaku.
. hototogisu ootakeyabu o moru tsukiyo .
(summer) little cuckoo. bamboo, moon night
. hototogisu Urami no Taki no ura omote .
(summer) little cuckoo. Urami no Taki waterfall (Nikko). back and front
. ika uri no koe magirawashi hototogisu .
(summer) squid vendor. hardly distinguishable. hototogisu. his voice

source : itoyo/basho
kiyoku kikan mimi ni koo taite hototogisu
the clear sound
of burning incense near the ear
天和3年, Basho age 40
koo o kiku, to "listen to incense" had become fashionable in the Genroku period.
The Way of Incense 香道
As in the analogous tea ceremony, various instruments (many of them made of gold or silver) were called for. Diverse formalities were developed and a proper name for the activity was created: kodo.
Eventually even the act of smelling became too common.
Instead one "listened" to incense. (koo o kiku 香を聞く)
. WKD : Incense, O-Koo お香 .
. kogakurete chatsumi mo kiku ya hototogisu .
(spring) picking tea leaves. to hear. hototogisu
. Kyoo ni te mo Kyoo natsukashi ya hototogisu .
Kyoo nite mo
(summer) little cuckoo, longing for Kyoto
matanu no ni / na uri ni kita ka / hototogisu
vendor of leaves for food
. no o yoko ni uma hikimuke yo hototogisu .
(summer) little cuckoo, horse
ochikuru ya Takaku no shuku no hototogisu
falling from high above -
at a Takaku lodging,
Tr. Barnhill
Oku no Hosomichi, Station 6 - Nasu 那須
shibashi ma mo matsu ya hototogi su sennen
shibashi ma mo matsu ya hototogisu sennen
I wait only for a short while
for the hototogisu - it feels
like some thousand years
This is an allusion to the Chinese poet Li Po (701-762)
My white hair is three thousand joo 丈 long.
The waterfall falls down three thousand feet.
(One 丈 is about 3 meters).
Written in 1666 寛文7年, Basho age 24.
This poem has a particular meter, with the cut marker YA in the middle of line 2 and the structure 5 8 4, if HOTOTOGISU is seen as one word.
matsu, to wait, is also a pun with the auspicious 1000 year old pine, sennen no matsu 千年の松.
quite a few places, temples and shrines, have such a long-living pine.
hototogi susennen, ほととぎ 数千年 the bird - a few thousand years suu sennenn 数千年.
Basho is still experimenting with the hokku form.
. Suma no ama yasaki ni naku ka hototogisu .
(summer) little cuckoo. fisherman as Suma
. ta ya mugi ya naka ni mo natsu no hototogisu .
(summer) hototogisu in summer. fields. barley.
tachibana ya / itsu no nonaka no / hototogisu
. to no kuchi ni yadofuda nanore hototogisu .
at the front entrance, hand out your visitor sign (yado fuda 宿札)
torisashi mo / kasa ya suteken / hototogisu
. WKD : hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥 .
Little Cuckoo, Cuculus poliocephalis
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .