- meigetsu 名月 harvest moon
The full moon of the eighth lunar month, now in September.
This refers to the Chinese custom of celebrating the full moon.
People celebrated the changes of all things, now from a full moon to the waning moon.
There are many different customs in various regions of Japan to celebrate this day with special offerings and rituals.
For example sweet potatoes, edamame beans, moon-viewing dumplings and susuki reed grass.
In some areas, the day 13 is also celebrated in this way, but more often in the ninth lunar month.
. WKD : meigetsu 名月 "famous moon" harvest moon .

under construction
meigetsu ni / fumoto no kiri ya / ta no kumori
The harvest moon
and the fog at the mountain foot—
mists over the field.
meigetsu no / hana ka to miete / wata-batake
As if blossoms have fallen
from the harvest moon—
the cotton field
While both poems depict the view under the harvest moon, the ¤rst one is a simple and straightforward portrait, which Dohô describes as “the style of the unchanging.”
The second uses explicit symbols. It gives the traditional poetic images, the moon and the flower, fresh significance.
Instead of using hana in its conventional way to mean cherry blossoms specifically as a seasonal word for spring, here it describes the beautiful whiteness of cotton bolls reflecting the bright light of the harvest moon, an image that traditionally signifies the autumn season.
The presentation of the moon in the second poem also departs from its conventional hon’i: while portraying the harvest moon, the poetic vision focuses, not on the moon, nor on its surroundings, but on the cotton field on the earth. It heightens the charm and miraculous power of the moonlight through its reflection on the cotton, which had not been considered a poetic image in classical tradition.
Despite these novel conceptions, the verse shows no trace of striving for ingenuity. The images naturally evoke an autumn moonlight view and the beholder’s feeling. This kind of novelty out of naturalness is the variety that Bashô wished to pursue: change that shares the same base with constancy.
source : Basho-and-the-Dao - Peipei-Qiu
meigetsu no / izuru ya goyū / ichi kajō
. meigetsu no midokoro towan tabine sen .
Oku no Hosomichi, in Fukui
meigetsu wa / futatsu sugite mo / Seta no tsuki
. meigetsu ya chigotachi narabu doo no en .
(autumn) moon. temple acolytes
. meigetsu ya Hokkoku biyori sadame naki .
at Tsuruga
. meigetsu ya ike o megurite yo mo sugara . yomosugara
(autumn) moon, pond, night
. meigetsu ya mon ni sashi kuru shiogashira .
(autumn) moon. my gate. rising tide
. meigetsu ya tsuru hagi takaki too higata .
(autumn) moon. lower legs of cranes. far tidal flats
. meigetsu ya umi ni mukaeba nana Komachi .
(autumn) moon. the sea.
- remembering the Heian-beauty Ono no Komachi 小野 小町

source : PW_paperback
natsu kakete meigetsu atsuki suzumi kana
past summer
the full moon night is still so hot
I feel "summer coolness" . . .
Written on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month of 1693 元禄6年8月15日.
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
The main kigo here is the "full moon of autumn". Basho uses three words to indicate the heat:
natsu - summer
atsuki - it is hot
suzumi - to feel cool in summer
In this hot summer of 1683, Basho had lost all of his energy and shut down his haikai "workshop".
Matsuo Basho and
. - suzumi 涼み - すゞみ to enjoy a cool breeze in summer - .
yuki to yuki / koyoi shiwasu no / meigetsu ka
. WKD : meigetsu 名月 "famous moon" harvest moon .
. KIGO used by Basho .