- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
12th day of the fifth month, now June 29
- - - Station 22 - Ishinomaki 石の巻 Ishi-no-Maki - - -
I left for Hiraizumi on the twelfth. I wanted to see the pine tree of Aneha and the bridge of Odae on my way. So I followed a lonely mountain trail trodden only by hunters and woodcutters, but somehow I lost my way and came to the port of Ishinomaki. The port is located in a spacious bay, across which lay the island of Kinkazan, an old goldmine once celebrated as 'blooming with flowers of gold. There were hundreds of ships, large and small, anchored in the harbor, and countless streaks of smoke continually rising from the houses that thronged the shore. I was pleased to see this busy place, though it was mere chance that had brought me here, and began to look for a suitable place to stay.
Strangely enough however, no one offered me hospitality. After much inquiring, I found a miserable house, and, spending an uneasy night, I wandered out again on the following morning on a road that was totally unknown to me. Looking across to the ford of Sode, the meadow of Obuchi and the pampas-moor of Mano,
I pushed along the road that formed the embankment of a river. Sleeping overnight at Toima, where the long, swampish river came to an end at last, I arrived at Hiraizumi after wandering some twenty miles in two days.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
source : terebess.hu/english
奥の細道: Basho's Narrow Road to a Far Province
Dorothy Britton - Ishi-no-Maki
- source : books.google.co.jp
Aneha 姉歯の松 Aneha-no-Matsu - Big Sister Pine
Aneha no matsu pine tree of Aneha - is written with the characters for "Elder sister's teeth," whatever that means.
Ise Monogatari makes a reference to "Kurihara no Aneha no matsu."

source : krzo.blog110.fc2.com
Odae - Odae-bashi - 緒絶橋 Thong-breaking Bridge
"Odae no hashi" is referred to in a poem by Sakyo Daifu Michinori in the Goshuishu #751:
Michinoku no/ Odae no hashi ya/ korenaramu/ fumimi fumazumi/ kokoro matowasu.
Both this and "Aneha no matsu" mentioned above are utamakura. Although Basho did not actually visit these places he wanted to refer to them as famous poetic sites.

source and more photos : basyo.okunohosomichi.net
Ishinomaki 石巻
According to Sora's detailed account it was no accident that they visited Ishinomaki and no fictional account either. The only fiction is the claim that they were lost.

source : www.bashouan.com
Basho and Sora 日和山公園の芭蕉と曽良の像
Flowers of gold - kogane hana 黄金花
The blooming flowers of gold refers to a poem by Otomo Iemochi in the Manyoshu #4097:
sumerogi no miyo sakaemu to azuma naru
michinoku yama ni kogane hana saku
The story is that in the reign of the Emperor Shomu (749) a tribute of gold was brought to the court from Okushu accompanied by the above poem by Iemochi.
Mano 真野
There is a whole list of utamakura here; Sode no watari, Obuchi no maki, and mano no kayahara.
Basho was not really lost here, but pretends a poetic confusion in real space to emphasize his familiarity with poetic space. On this last is a famous poem by Lady Kasa in the Manyoshu:
Michinoku no mano no kayahara toukedomo
omokage ni shite miyu tofu mono o
Far off as the reed-plain of manu
Lies in 'Road's End'
Yet in vision, they say,
It comes near.
Sora says they visited all these places on the 10th rather than on the 12th.

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/manyou-kikou
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
. Ishinomaki Kaido 石巻街道 Highway .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake 2011 .
- #ishinomaki -