- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
- - - Station 29 - Hagurosan 羽黒山 - - -
I climbed Mount Haguro on the third of June. Through the effort of my friend, Zushi Sakichi, I was granted an audience with the high priest Egaku, then presiding over this whole mountain temple acting as bishop. He received me kindly and gave me a comfortable lodging in one of the annexes in the South Valley.
On the following day, I sat with the priest in the main hall to compose some linked verse. I wrote:
Blessed indeed
Is this South Valley,
Where the gentle wind breathes
The faint aroma of snow.
I visited the Gongen shrine on the fifth. The founder of this shrine is the priest called Nojo, but no one knows exactly when he lived. Court Ceremonies and rites during the Years of Engi, however, mentions that there is a sacred shrine on Mount Sato in the province of Dewa. The scribe must have written Sato where he should have written Kuro in the province of Dewa. According to a local history book, the name of the province itself is derived from the fact that quantities of feathers were sent to the Emperor each year as a tribute from this province. Be that as it may, this shrine on Mount Haguro is counted among the three most sacred shrines of the north, together with the shrines on Mount Gassan and Mount Yudono, and is a sister shrine of the temple on Mount Toei in Edo.
Here the doctrine of Absolute Meditation preached in the Tendai sect shines forth like the clear beams of the moon, and the Laws of Spiritual Freedom and Enlightenment illuminate as lamps in utter darkness. There are hundreds of houses where the priests practice religious rites with absolute severity. Indeed the whole mountain is filled with miraculous inspiration and sacred awe. Its glory will never perish as long as man continues to live on the earth.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
source : terebess.hu/english
有難や雪をかほらす南谷 - arigataya yuki o kaorasu Minamidani
五日、権現に詣。当山開闢能除大師はいづれの代の人と云事をしらず。延喜式に羽州里山の神社と有。書写、黒の字を里山となせるにや。羽州黒山を中略して羽黒山と云にや。 出羽といへるも鳥の毛羽を此国の貢に献ると風土記に侍とやらん。月山湯殿を合て三山とす。当寺武江東叡に属して天台止観の月明らかに、円頓融通の法の灯かゝげそひて、僧坊棟をならべ、修験行法を励し、霊山霊地の験効、人貴且恐る。繁栄長にしてめで度御山と謂つべし。
涼しさやほの三か月の羽黒山 - suzushisa ya hono mikazuki no Haguroyama
arigataya yuki o kaorasu Minamidani
for Minamidani
smell of snow
Tr. Etsuko Yanagibori
suzushisa ya hono mikazuki no Haguroyama
coolness —
the crescent moon faint
over Black Feather Mountain
Tr. Barnhill
coolness -
faintly a crescent moon over
Feather Black Mountain
In this hokku the prefix hono ("faintly" or "barely") and mikazuki (third-day moon" create an implicit visual contrast between the thin light of the crescent moon and the blackness of the night, implied in the name, Haguroyama, Feather Black Mountain. The silver look of the moon, which casts a thin ray of light through the darkness, brings, amid the summer heat, a sense of "coolness" (suzushisa), suggesting both the hospitality and the spiritual purity of the sacred mountain.
- Shirane, Traces of Dreams, page 179
source : http://books.google.co.jp
the coolness -
faintly the crescent moon
above Mount Haguro
Tr. Makoto Ueda
. WKD : Haguro San 羽黒山 - Yamagata .

. Gabi Greve - photo album from Haguro / Yudono .
. sono tama ya Haguro ni kaesu nori no tsuki .
his soul (like a jewel)
has returned to Mount Haguro -
moon of the Buddhist Law
for priest Betto Tenyuu Hoo-in 別当 天佑法院 Tenyu Ho-In, the forefather of Mt. Haguro’s revival.
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .