- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
鶴岡 10日 - 15日 - 6月
酒田 18日 - 25日
6月10日 arrived at the home of Nagayama with his companion Romaru 呂丸, Basho ate some rice gruel and slept.
For Atsumi Onsen wooden dolls, see below.
- - - Station 31 - Sakata 酒田 - Tsurugaoka 鶴が岡 - - -
Leaving Mount Haguro on the following day, I came to the castle town called Tsuru-ga-oka, where I was received warmly by Nagayama Shigeyuki, a warrior, and composed a book of linked verse with him and Zushi Sakichi who had accompanied me all the way from Mount Haguro. Bidding them farewell, I again descended the River Mogami in a boat and arrived at the port of Sakata, where I was entertained by the physician named En'an Fugyoku.
I enjoyed the evening cool
Along the windy beach of Fukuura,
Behind me, Mount Atsumi
Still in the hot sun.
The River Mogami has drowned
Far and deep
Beneath its surging waves
The flaming sun of summer.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
source : terebess.hu/english
あつみ山や吹浦かけて夕すゞみ - Atsumiyama 温海山
暑き日を海にいれたり最上川 - atsuku hi o umi ni iretari Mogamigawa

source : itoyo/basho
Atsumiyama ya Fukuura kakete yuusuzumi
Atsumi-yama ya Fuku-Ura kakete yuu-suzumi
Mount Atsumi -
all the way to Fuku Bay,
the evening cool
Tr. Barnhill
From Hot Springs Mountain
to the Bay of Breezes,
the Evening cool!
Tr. Shirane
Atsumi Onsen 温海温泉 - あつみ温泉 Atsumi Hot Spring
With its history of more than 1000 years, this old hot spring is located along Atsumi river.
Hotels are staning along the river at the foot of Mount Atsumi which is about 2km ascended from the mouth of Atsumi river. The origin of discovery has several theories. Some says a child appeared in Kobo Daishi's dream and gave him a wise remark.
The others say a woodman found a wounded crane bathing its leg into the spring water.
source : en.yamagata-info.com

source : guzurabo/basyo
atsuku hi o umi ni iretari Mogamigawa
thrusting the hot sun
into the sea:
Mogami River
Tr. Barnhill
Pouring the hot day
into the sea -
Mogami River
Tr. Shirane
source : books.google.co.jp
- - - - - The original version of the MOGAMIGAWA poem, praising the view from the house of his host, the rich merchant Terajima Hikosuke 寺島彦助:
涼しさや 海にいれたる 最上川
suzushisa ya umi ni iretaru Mogamigawa
pouring into the sea–
Mogami River
Tr. Shirane
"Instead of the river pouring into the sea, the Mogami River pours the atsuki hi, which dan be read either as "hot sun" or "hot day", suggesting both a setting sun washed by the waves at sea and a hot summer's day coming to a dramatic close in the sea.
Basho drops the word "coolness" (suzushisa) and the constraints of the poetic greeting to a more dramatic image, one that suggests coolness without using the word."
source : http://books.google.co.jp
mezurashi ya yama o Dewa no hatsu nasubi
how wonderful and extraordinary !
coming out of the sacred Dewa mountains
to these first eggplants
. WKD : Eggplant なすび nasu, nasubi .
. hatsu makuwa yotsu no ya kiran wa ni kiran .
hatsu makuwa yotsu ni ya tatan wa ni kiran
His joy of slicing the first Makuwa melon of the season.
Written in 元禄2年6月23日, in Sakata, Oku no Hosomichi.
He stayed at the home of 近江屋三郎兵衛 / Abumiya Gyokushi 近江屋玉志, where they enjoyed the fruit in the cool evening.
- - - - - LINKS with many photos of Sakata town
酒田 その1 山形県酒田市
source : basyo.okunohosomichi.net/06yamagata 1
酒田 その2(酒田港界隈)
source : basyo.okunohosomichi.net/06yamagata 2
. Yamagata Folk Art - 山形県 .
温海温泉 kiji gangu 木地玩具 Atsumi Hot Spring wooden toys
dadakko 駄々っ子 Dadako, a brat, an unmanageable child
Here is a baby doll (about 17 cm) with head, arms and legs moving, making a noise (batabata バタバタ)
doing its dada o koneru 駄々をこねる throwing a tantrum

A kind of kurumamono 車もの doll on wheels
other items on the car are Daruma san, famous persons and animals.
wa nage 輪投げ doll throwing rings
To make these kinds of small rings is a special skill of the local woodworkers. Now there are very few makers of them.
The human doll is ready to throw a ring on the stand before it. He is figured after a well-loved manga figure before the war, called nonki na toosan のんきな父さん a carefree father. The figure is about 37 cm high.

- source : asahi-net.or.jp -
. Tsurugaoka 鶴が岡 Tsuruoka mingei 鶴岡民芸 folk art from Tsuruoka .
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .