- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .

source : www.yumekougei.com
- - - Station 43 - O0gaki 大垣 Ogaki - - -
As I returned to Tsuruga, Rotsu met me and accompanied me to the province of Mino. When we entered the city of Ogaki on horseback, Sora joined us again, having arrived from the province of Ise; Etsujin, too, came hurrying on horseback, and we all went to the house of Joko, where I enjoyed reunion with Zensen, Keiko, and his sons and many other old friends of mine who came to see me by day or by night. Everybody was overjoyed to see me as if I had returned unexpectedly from the dead. On September the sixth, however, I left for the Ise Shrine, though the fatigue of the long journey was still with me, for I wanted to see a dedication of a new shrine there. As I stepped into the boat, I wrote:
As firmly cemented clam shells
Fall apart in autumn,
So I must take to the road again,
Farewell, my friends.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
source : terebess.hu/english

source : www.maff.go.jp/tokai/seibi
Painting by Yosa Buson 奥の細道絵巻
hamaguri no futami ni wakare yuku aki zo
(like) a clamshell
divided in two we depart now
into this autumn . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
Discussion of this hokku
. WKD : clamshell, hard clam, hamaguri 蛤 (はまぐり) .
. - Yasomura Rotsuu 八十村路通 Rotsu - .

At the Ogaki Town Museum for the End of the Trip
It is a small Memorial Museum, with one hall and free entry.
Basho visited Ogaki four times, this is the third time.
At his time, it was a rich merchant town with access to the river.
The daimyo Toda 戸田 was a great patron of haikai and of Basho.

Basho with his friend Tani Bokuin 谷木因
(1646 - 1725).
Bokuin was a ship merchant from Ogaki and knew Kitamura Kingin and the Danrin school of haikai very well.
〒503-0922 岐阜県大垣市馬場町124 Gifu
Look at a short viedo here:
source : www.city.ogaki.lg.jp
source : 芭蕉館の見どころ
source : 常設展示室
Photos about Basho in Okagi
source : yuucyanlove.blog91
Basho wrote this in response to a poem by Bokuin
. miyamori yo waga na o chirase ochibagawa .
. . . . . scatter my name into the river
- - - - -

kakureya - memorial stone in Ogaki
Basho wrote two hokku for Boku-In:
. kakurega ya tsuki to kiku to ni ta san tan .
this hermitage
- - - - - and
kite mireba shishi no botan no sumai kana

source : magpie03
Ogaki Taraibune おおがきたらい舟
The Town Mascot Basho sitting in the barrel-boat (taraibune)
fuji no mi wa haikai ni sen hana no ato
fuji seed pods
as theme for our haikai -
after the flowers
For Hirose Izen 広瀬維然.
1689 Oku no Hosomichi, at Ogaki, 元禄2年9月, ninth lunar month
The town of Seki 関 in Gifu was quite famous for its wisteria flowers, but when Basho arrived at Ogaki, it was autumn. So he composed this poem for his host, Hirose Izen 広瀬維然 from Seki.
(Maybe Izen was insecure about the various possibilities of haikai and this was an instruction for him.)
For Basho, anything at hand was worth a subject for a greeting poem and a haikai session.
This shows his true haikai spirit.
The priest Soogi 宗祇 Sogi (1421 - 1502) is famous for his waka about wisteria blossoms.
. Hirose Izen 広瀬維然 .
. Basho, Hokku and Haikai 発句と俳諧 .
kochoo ni mo narade aki furu namushi kana
Never becoming a butterfly
Into autumn lives
A caterpillar.
Tr. Nelson/Saito
Written on day 21 of the 8th lunar month, 1689 元禄2年8月21日頃.
Basho stayed at the home of
. Kondoo Jokoo 近藤如行 Kondo Joko. .
. Matsuo Basho and his Butterfly Hokku .
. namushi 菜虫 (なむし) "leaf worm" .
with more translations by Barnhill, Reichhold, Ueda and Hass.
Barnhill translates namushi literally as 'rape-worm'; Ueda translates it as 'vegetable-worm'. Reichhold translates it as 'caterpillar'
. hayaku sake Kunichi mo chikashi kiku no hana .
at the home of Asai Saryuu 浅井左柳 Asai Saryu on the 6th day of the 9th lunar month.

source : www.basyo.com/ogaki/musubi
Stone markers of 20 poems in a walk around Ogaki town.
. - wakare 別れ Basho parting with friends - .
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .