- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
- - - Station 6 - Nasu 那須 - - -
A friend was living in the town of Kurobane in the province of Nasu. There was a wide expanse of grass-moor, and the town was on the other side of it. I decided to follow a shortcut which ran straight for miles and miles across the moor. I noticed a small village in the distance, but before I reached it, rain began to fall and darkness closed in. I put up at a solitary farmer's house for the night, and started again early next morning. As I was plodding though the grass, I noticed a horse grazing by the roadside and a farmer cutting grass with a sickle. I asked him to do me the favor of lending me his horse. The farmer hesitated for a while, but finally with a touch of sympathy in his face, he said to me,
'There are hundreds of cross-roads in the grass-moor. A stranger like you can easily go astray. This horse knows the way. You can send him back when he won't go any further.'
So I mounted the horse and started off, when two small children came running after me. One of them was a girl named kasane, which means manifold. I thought her name was somewhat strange but exceptionally beautiful.
If your name, Kasane,
Means manifold,
How befitting it is also
For a double-flowered pink.
By and by I came to a small village. I therefore sent back the horse, with a small amount of money tied to the saddle.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
source : terebess.hu/english
那須の 黒はねと云所に知人あれば是より野越にかゝりて直道をゆかんとす。遥に一村を見かけて行に、雨降日暮る。農夫の家に一夜をかりて、明れば又野中を行。そこに野飼の馬あり。草刈おのこになげきよれば、野夫といへどもさすがに情しらぬには非ず「 いかゝすべきや、されども此野は縦横にわかれてうゐ/\敷旅人の道ふみたがえん、あやしう侍れば、此馬のとゞまる所にて馬を返し給へ」とかし侍ぬ。ちいさき者ふたり馬の跡したひてはしる。独は小姫にて名を「かさね」と云。聞なれぬ名のやさしかりければ、
かさねとは八重撫子の名成べし kasane to wa yae nadeshiko no naru beshi 曾良 - Sora

source : hosomichi.roudokus.com
With more information and modern Japanese text.
iku haru o kasane gasane no hana-goromo
shiwa yoru made no oi mo miru beku
Spring passes by
Again and again in layers
Of blossom-kimono
May you see wrinkles
Come with old age.
. - Blessings Unto Kasane - .
discussion of this tanka by Matsuo Basho
kasane to wa yae nadeshiko no naru beshi
must be another name
for "Eightfold Pink"
n Sora's poem, Nadeshiko, the pink, is the season word indicating summer. Although this flower is numbered among the seven grasses of autumn, in haikai it is considered to indicate summer.
Since ancient times there have been many examples in literature of children named
Nadeshiko; we see it used in The Tale of Genji in the "Broom Tree" chapter. Because this name is one of charm and beauty, Sora did not expect to find it in the rustic countryside, and consequently he took it to mean, "layered," a more commonplace word pronounced the same way.
Realizing his mistake, he combined the words to create "yae nadeshiko," the "layered pink." Although there is no such flower as the "layered pink," by using the poem to acknowledge his own mistake and correct it, Sora demonstrates his own sensibility. This notion of finding rude country people more esthetically senitive than expected is a leitmotif throughout this work in particular and Japanese literature in general.
Evidently meeting this little girl named Kasane in such an auspicious way greatly affected Basho for the memory of the encounter stayed with him. He dscribes the meeting in other places besides this diary, and once, when a friend asked him to suggest a name for his newborn daughter, gave Kasane as his recommendation.
On another occasion, Basho recalled this episode and told Sora that if he had had a little girl of his own, he would have named her Kasane.
Tr. and Comment by Ad G. Blankestijn
- quote
For haiku fans, the quiet former castle town of Kurobane in northern Tochigi is an important pilgrimage place, as Basho spent two weeks here in 1689 on his way to the Deep North.
- source : www.japannavigator.com - Ad Blankestijn
. WKD : nadeshiko 撫子 Fringed Pink, wild carnation .
kasane to wa yae nadeshiko no naru beshi
„Vielfältige“ heißt du?
Dein Name – Kosekind – sei fortan:
„Vollprangende Nelke“!
Tr. G. S. Dombrady
Basho stayed at the home of Suitoo 翆桃 Suito
Kanokobata 鹿子畑(かのこばた)豊明
The haikai poets from Nasu produced this volume : 秣おふの巻
with Basho, Sora, 芭蕉・曽良
Toosetsu 桃雪(とうせつ)(別号 Shuuo 秋鴉・しゅうあ)- Suitoo 翆桃- Shirin 翅輪(しりん)- Toori 桃里(とうり) Nisun 二寸(にすん)
- Reference -
- - - - - Three Poems by Basho in the travel diary of Sora 曾良旅日記.
ochi kuru ya Takaku no shuku no hototogisu
falling from high above -
at a Takaku lodging,
Tr. Barnhill
the hototogisu at the lodging in Takaku
Sesshooseki 殺生石 The Killer Stone
ishi no ka ya natsukusa akaku tsuyu atsushi
the stone's smell
summer grasses look red,
dewdrops warm
Tr. Ueda
. - - - Station 9 - Sesshoseki 殺生岩・蘆野 The Murder Stone - - - .

yu o musubu chikai mo onaji iwashimizu
to be bound
by the same pledge
with Iwashimizu
Tr. Gabi Greve
The deity of this hot spring is Onsen Daimyoojin 温泉大明神 , related to the deity of Iwashimizu in Kyoto. Legend has it that if you scoop water from the Hot Spring and drink it, you have the benefit of visiting both places. This was called "yu o musubu" 湯が結ぶ.
It is also a pun with 掬ぶ - to scoop or to be bound by a common fate.
. WKD : Iwashimizu Hachimangū Gokokuji .
source : xxx
おくのほそ道 - 七 那須の黒ばね
source : www.bashouan.com/Database
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .