- ama 海女 woman diver -
lit. "woman of the sea"
..... isodo 磯人(いそど), iso ama 磯海女 "woman of the sea shore"
Ama are now famous for pearl diving, but originally they dove for food like seaweed, shellfish, lobsters, octopus, and sea urchins — and oysters which sometimes have pearls.
In a larger sense, ama can also be men, usually fishermen, since male divers were not common.
ama 海人 / 海士 fisherman, fishermen
. WKD : ama 海女 (あま) woman diver .

Awabi abalone collectors 鮑取り - by Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿
under construction
- - - - - Basho visiting Suma 須磨
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
ama no kao mazu miraruru ya keshi no hana
quote from Barnhill
The sky of mid-Fourth Month was still misty and the moon of the brief night was exceptionally lovely. The mountains were dark with young leaves, and at dawn, the time the cuckoo sings, light began to fall upon the sea. The high plain was reddened with waves of wheat, and white poppies were visible among the eaves of the fishers’ huts.
The faces of fishers are dark with suntan amid the white poppies.
the faces of the fishers
were seen first —
poppy flower
Tr. Barnhill
Oi no Kobumi 笈の小文 Knapsack notebook - Suma
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
あながちに何わざするとも みえず*。「藻塩たれつゝ」*など歌にもきこへ侍るも、いまはかゝるわざするなども見えず*。きすごといふうをゝ網して、眞砂の上にほしちらしけるを、からすの飛来りてつかみ去ル。是をにくみて弓をもてをどすぞ、海士のわざとも見えず。 若古戦場の名殘をとヾめて、かかる事をなすにやと、いとど罪ふかく、猶むかしの戀しきまゝに、てつかひが峯*にのぼらんとする。導きする子のくるしがりて、とかくいひまぎらはすを、さまざまにすかして、「麓の茶店にて物をくらはすべき」など 云て、わりなき躰に見えたり*。かれは十六と云けん里の童子*よりは、四つばかりもをとうとなるべきを、数百丈の先達として、羊腸 險岨の岩根*をはひのぼれば、すべり落ぬべき事あまたゝびなりけるを、つゝじ・根ざゝにとりつき*、息をきらし、汗をひたして、漸雲門に入こそ、心もとなき導師*のちからなりけらし。
source : itoyo/basho
須磨の海士の矢先に鳴くか郭公 / 須磨の あまの矢先に鳴か郭公
. Suma no ama yasaki ni naku ka hototogisu .
ama no ya wa ko-ebi ni majiru itodo kana
a fisher’s hut:
mingling with small shrimp,
Tr. Barnhill
in the fisherman's hut
among the small shrimp
there are cave crickets . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 1690 元禄3年9月, Basho age 47.
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

. WKD : itodo 竈馬 (いとど) cave cricket .
..... kamadomushi かまどむし"insect of the hearth"
ebi koorogi えび蟋蟀(えびこおろぎ)"locust cricket"
Diestrammena apicalis. This animal likes to live in the kitchen, especially of old farmhouses.

source : turbobf1516
kodai sasu yanagi suzushi ya ama ga tsuma
skewering small sea breams
on cool willow twigs —
the fisherman’s wife
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 1689 元禄2年7月12日
Oku no Hosomichi, in Echigo 越後西頸城郡にて - according to the Sora diary.
ama no tsuma 海士が妻 spelling of Sora.
. - - - Station 33 - Echigo 越後路 - - - .
. Matsuo Basho - suzushisa 涼しさ coolness - .
sode yogosuran tanishi no ama no hima o nami
with dirty sleeves
farmers-turned-fishermen pick up mud snails
ever so busy
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 天和2年, Basho age 39.
Written on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month, jooshi 上巳 , the Day of the Doll Festival (hina matsuri).
In this season, fishermen at the sea are busy picking shells and mussels.
On the other hand the farmers are picking tanishi mud snails as offerings for the Doll Festival, walking in the fields and getting all muddy.
The mud snails are prepared for a dish with vinegar and miso paste.
. WKD : tanishi 田螺 mud snail .
kigo for spring

source : ja.ukiyo-e.org/image/ohmi
Ama - by Wada Sanzo 和田三造
. WKD : ama 海女 (あま) woman diver .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .