- ka 香 fragrance - kaori 薫り
ka, kaori 香り
smell, fragrance, aroma
smell, nioi 匂い
bad smell, kusai 臭い くさい
. WKD : Smell and Fragrance in Haiku .
. koo 香 incense .
under construction
. hasu no ka o me ni kayowasu ya men no hana .
the fragrance of lotus
ishi no ka ya / natsukusa akaku / tsuyu atsushi
- 悦堂(えつだう)和尚の陰室にまゐりて
ka o nokosu ranchoo ran no yadori kana / ka o nokosu ranchō ran ga yadori kana
the remaining fragrance
of the room curtain
in a lodging of orchids . . .
written around 貞亨元年 , Basho age 41 to 51.
Basho visited the retired priest Etsudoo 悦堂和尚 Etsudo, while he was still alive or maybe after his death.
It is not quite clear what kind of orchids priest Etsudo kept in his garden or room.
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
ranchoo 蘭帳, tobari 帳, curtain, hangings, partition of a room
In this poem it might be the curtain in front of a miniature shrine for a statue in a room.
. WKD : ran 蘭 orchid, orchids .
. mon ni ireba sotetsu ni ran no nioi kana .
the fragrance of orchids
. Oi no Kobumi 笈の小文 1688 .

source : sixstairs.blog87 - 山田尚公
nani no ki no hana to wa shirazu nioi kana
from what tree's
blossoms I know not:
such fragrance!
Tr. Barnhill
from which tree’s bloom
it comes, I do not know––
this fragrance
Tr. Ueda
At Ise Yamada 伊勢山田
Written on the 4th day of the second lunar month, 貞亨5年2月4日
After visiting the outer shrine at Ise.
I don't know from which tree
these blossoms are, -
but such a fragrance !
Tr. Gabi Greve
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
This is in memory of a waka by Saigyo
nanigoto no owashimasu ka wa shirane domo
katajikenasa ni namida kobururu
What holy being
is there, I do not know
and yet
my heart feels the blessings so,
tears flow out of my eyes.
Tr. Ueda
. Saigyo 西行 and Basho .
. ran no ka ya choo no tsubasa ni takimono su .
(autumn) fragrance of orchids. butterfly's wings. incense

memorial stone in Otsu town, at the shore of Lake Biwako
sazanami ya kaze no kaori no ai byooshi
sazanami ya kaze no kaori no ai byōshi
gentle waves of Lake Biwako -
matching the rhythm
with the fragrant breeze
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in the 5th lunar month 1694 元禄7年5月, Basho age 51. Oi Nikki 笈日記
Basho was on his last trip to Kamigata and stayed in Zeze at the home of Yuutoo 能大夫游刀
Yuto, the No actor. This is the greeting ku to his host.
ai-byooshi 相拍子 is a technical term from Noh theater.
source : Haiku Sweets from kikyou0123
sazanami さざなみ is a pillow word for lake Biwako 琵琶湖, especially the West side along Shiga.
- - - - - . Temple Gichuuji 義仲寺 Gichu-Ji.
While Basho stayed with Yuto, he also wrote this:
mizuumi ya atsusa o oshimu kumo no mine
mizu-umi ya
this lake -
the billowing clouds
still hold the heat
A cool wind comes along the lake Biwako, but the clouds above Mount Hieizan seem red in the evening sun and still hot.
sazanami ya kaze no kaori no ai byooshi
. - Haiku - the Poetry of Nouns - Matsuo Basho .
. toshi no ichi senkoo kai ni idebayana .
(winter) Year-End Market. I go out to buy some incence
. - ume ga ka 梅が香 plum fragrance - .
わせの香や分入右は 有磯海
. wase no ka ya wakeiru migi wa Arisoumi .
fragrance of early rice Ariso-umi
kiyoku kikan / mimi ni kō taite / hototogisu
burning incense
Written in 天和3年, Basho age 40.
. WKD : Smell and Fragrance in Haiku .
. koo 香 incense .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .