- Kumasaka Choohan 熊坂長範 Kumasaka Chohan -
Oku no Hosomichi
. - - - Station 33 - Echigo 越後路 - - - .
- quote
Kumasaka Chohan was the head of a gang of robbers in feudal Japan of the 12th century. He became famous more by the guy who finally knocked him out. It was no lesser than Yoshitsune, then 15 years old. Yoshitsune was a small, thin boy. But he had learned sword fighting and other martial arts from the tsengu, legendary beings - half humans, half birds.
- source : www.artelino.com
Kumasaka, lit. "Bear Slope"
. WKD : Noo 能 Noh-Theater .

Kumasaka fighting Yoshitsune
© More images in the Japanese WIKIPEDIA !
. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経 (1159 - 1189) .
- Introduction -
A Play in two Acts, by Ujinobu, adopted son of Motokiyo
A Priest.
First Shite, or Hero, the apparition of Kumasaka in the form of an old priest.
Second Shite, the apparition of Kumasaka in his true form.
Chorus. This chorus sometimes speaks what the chief characters are thinking, sometimes it describes or interprets the meaning of their movements.
PLOT. -- The ghost of Kumasaka makes reparation for his brigandage by protecting the country. He comes back to praise the bravery of the young man who had killed him in single combat.
- - - Read the text here :
- source : etext.virginia.edu

A PRIEST OF AKASAKA (really the ghost of the robber KUMASAKA NO CHOHAN).
To-day is some one's birthday. I beg of you to pray for the salvation of his soul.
- - - Read the text here :
- source : www.sacred-texts.com

Famous places related to the Noh theater in Kaga, Ishikawa
source : mugiya/kaga-2.
熊坂長範出生地 〔加賀市熊坂町〕Kaga, Kumasaka village
With a special Noh theater to appease the souls of Kumasaka.

sword guard with Kumasaka 熊坂長範の図の鍔

With more images about Kumasaka in Ishikawa :
- source : kelu-cafe/e
. tsuba 鍔 sword guard .
Kumasaka Camellia - Camellia japonica 'Kumasaka'

Kumasaka camellia
evergreen accent for the shade
native to Asia
- Shared by Gennady Nov -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
- - - - - Matsuo Basho - - - - -
Kumasaka ga yukari ya itsu no tama matsuri
remembering Kumasaka
right here - the festival
for the souls
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written on the way from Echuu to Kaga, on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month 1689,元禄2年7月15日.
Kumasaka is said to have been born in Ishikawa prefecture 石川県国江沼郡三木村.
This is an allusion to the Noh song (yookyoku 謡曲) about him.
In the records of his companion Sora, it reads
熊坂がその名やいつの玉祭 - Kumasaka ga sono na ya itsu no tama matsuri
The cut marker YA is in the middle of line 2.
. WKD : tama matsuri 玉祭 festival for the souls, O-Bon.
- - - - - Kobayashi Issa - - - - -
kumasaka ga oonaginata o aki no kaze
blowing on Kumasaka's
great halberd ...
autumn wind
Tr. David Lanoue
kumasaka ga oonaginata o arare kana
on the great halbeard
of Kumasaka . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
kumasaka ga naginata ni chiru hotaru kana
scattered by the halberd
of Kumasaka . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

by Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳
Click for more images !
. naginata 薙刀 / 長刀 / 眉尖刀 Japanese halberd .
kasumikeri monomi no matsu ni kumasaka ka
spring haze
at the "Lookout Pine"
is that Kumasaka ?
. Natsume Soseki 夏目漱石 .
monomi no matsu 物見松 the lookout pine

by Ichieisai Yoshitsuya
At the Lookout Pine Tree, the Bandits Plot against the Kaneuri Brothers
(Gôzokura no monomi no matsu ni Kaneuri kyôdai o hakaran to su):
The Story of Ushiwakamaru and Kumasaka Chôhan
source : www.mfa.org/collections
kumazemi no kumasaka choohan nakidasu yo
Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi
kumazemi 熊蝉 bear cicada, Cryptotympana japonensis
Oku no Hosomichi
. - - - Station 33 - Echigo 越後路 - - - .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .