- matsu 松 pine tree -
The Pine itself is not connected to any special season, but there are many other words used as kigo, using the pine as a part of it. There also various types of PINE in Japan.
MATSU 待つ can also mean: to wait for somebody and is a favorite pun in Japanese poetry.
. WKD : matsu 松 the pine tree and its kigo .
Shigeoka no kamu sabitachite sakaetaru
chiyo matsu no ki no toshi no shiranaku
The pine, the tree that waits for a thousand reigns,
that flourishes and stands godly at Shigeoka, knows no year.
Manyo-Shu Poetry Collection - 紀朝臣鹿人
Haruo Shirane - Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons
source : books.google.co.jp
under construction

source : koushinetsu/niigata
松尾芭蕉も見た市振宿の海道の松 The Pine Basho might have seen at Ichiburi . . .
Oku no Hosomichi - - - - Station 34 - Ichiburi 市振 - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. dote no matsu hana ya ko bukaki tono-zukuri .
(spring) cherry blossoms. pines on the embankment. stately mansion
. Karasaki no matsu wa hana yori oboro nite .
(spring) hazy cherry blossoms, pines of Karasaki 辛崎
. kinbyoo no matsu no furusa yo fuyugomori .
(winter) winter seclusion. golden folding screen. pine looks old
. kiyotaki ya nami ni chirikomu aomatsuba .
(autumn) pine needles. Kiyotaki waterfall. scattering
. kono matsu no mibae seshi yo ya kami no aki .
(autumn) autumn of the Gods. this pine.
at Kashima Shrine 鹿島神宮 Kashima Jingu
- - - - - matsukaze, matsu kaze, shoofuu 松風 - まつかぜ wind in the pines - - - - -
This expression is already used in old poems of Japan.
It often alludes to the loneliness at a bay and puns on MATSU - to wait for someone.

Ariwara no Yukihira and the two brinewomen, Murasame and Matsukaze, in an 1886 woodblock print by Yoshitoshi.
Matsukaze (松風, Wind in the Pines)
is a Noh play of the third category by Kanami, revised by Zeami Motokiyo. One of the most highly-regarded of Noh plays, it is mentioned more than any other in Zeami's own writings, and is depicted numerous times in the visual arts.
. . . The name of the chief character, and title of the play, Matsukaze, bears a poetic double meaning. Though Matsu can mean "pine tree" (松), it can also mean "to wait" or "to pine" (待つ). Matsukaze pines for the return of her courtier love, like the woman of Akashi in the Genji, and like the woman in Zeami's play Izutsu.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
matsukaze no ochiba ka mizu no oto suzushi
are needles falling
in the pine wind ?
the water's cool sound
Tr. Barnhill
are needles falling
as the wind blows through the pines ?
cool sound of water
Tr. Chilcott
Written around 貞亨元年, Basho age 41 to 51.
Maybe this was the text on a painting?

source : itoyo/basho
memorial stone in the garden of the Nishimura family, Tsuruga 敦賀市新道、西村家
- - - - -
matsukaze ya noki o megutte aki kurenu
wind in the pines -
swirling round the eaves
as autumn ends
Tr. Barnhill
the wind in the pines -
swirling now around the eaves
as the autumn ends
Tr. Chilcott
Written on day 26 of the 9th lunar month, 1694 元禄7年9月26日.
Written on request of Chaya Shirozaemon 茶店四郎左衛門 / 大坂清水茶店 四郎右衛門
Basho was up at temple Kiyomizudera in Kyoto, enjoying some tea at the tea shop.
On the same day, Basho also wrote these two :
この道や行く人なしに秋の暮 - kono michi ya yuku hito nashi ni aki no kure
この秋は何で年寄る雲に鳥 - kono aki wa nande toshiyoru kumo ni tori
. WKD : . hatsu matsukaze 初松風 first wind in the pines .
kigo for the New Year
matsu nare ya / kiri ei sara ei to / hiku hodo ni
. Matsushima ya aa Matsushima ya Matushima ya .
- famous poem by 狂歌師田原坊 Tawara Bo, often attributed to Basho
. matsu sugi o homete ya kaze no kaoru oto .
- (matsusugi)
(summer) fragrant breeze, sound, pines. Shigure no Matsu 時雨の松
planted by Fujiwara no Sadaie
. Saigyoo no waraji mo kakare matsu no tsuyu .
(autumn) dew, remembering priest Saigyo 西行, straw sandals. pine
sakura yori / matsu wa futaki o / mitsuki goshi
. shigure o ya modokashigarite matsu no yuki .
(winter) sleet. to be impatient. snow on the pines
shiorashiki / na ya komatsu fuku / hagi susuki
. soo asagao ikushi ni kaeru nori no matsu .
(autumn) morning glories. monks. to die. Dharma pine
at temple Taimadera 当麻寺

source : itoyo/basho
suzushisa ya sugu ni nomatsu no eda no nari
coolness -
naturally, the branches
of a wild pine
Tr. Barnhill
Written on day 11 of the 5th lunar month 1694 元禄7年5月11日.
At the home of Hirooka Sesshi 広岡雪芝 in Iga Ueno.
Basho is praising the beautiful pines in the garden of his host, even including part of his haikai name, Nomatsu 野松 Wild Pine.
Sesshi did not bent and cut them for any special effect but let them grow quite naturally. The pines had just been planted in the garden when Basho visited.
Hirooka Sesshi 広岡雪芝 (1670 - 1711)
( - 正徳元年(1711)9月28日)
Sesshi was the owner of the Yamada Sake brewery in Iga Ueno.
His full name was 広岡七郎右衛門保俊.
His haikai name was Nomatsu An 野松庵 "Hut of the wild pine"
- - - - Poems by Sesshi

- - - - - matsutake 松茸 the "pine mushroom" - - - - -
. matsutake ya kabureta hodo wa matsu no nari .
(autumn), Matsutake mushroom. ragged. like a pine
. matsutake ya shiranu ko-no-ha no nebaritsuku .
(autumn), Matsutake mushroom. unknown leaf. sticking to it
. WKD : matsu 松 the pine tree and its kigo .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .