- mochi 餅 rice cakes Reiskuchen -
. WKD : Rice cakes (mochi 餅) .
source : www.ichinoseki-hakken.com
naritai na angyoo kanete mochi Bashoo
I want to become like this !
continue my religious wanderings
to become a "Mochi Basho"
Mochi-Musume "Little Miss Mochi"
. aozashi ya kusa mochi no ho ni ide tsuran .
(summer) aozashi "fresh wheat sweets". mochi rice cakes. ears of wheat
ariake mo misoka ni chikashi mochi no oto
even dawn gets closer
to the last day of the year -
the sound of pounding mochi
Written in 1693, Genroku 6 元禄6年, Basho age 50
This was the last time he spent the New Year in Edo.
It is also the last time for him to spend the New Year, he died on the road in the following year, Genroku 7.
. WKD : mochi no oto 餅の音 sound of pounding mochi .
humanity kigo for mid-winter
Basho's hokku is an allusion to a waka by the famous poet
Yoshida Kenko 兼好法師
aritodani hito ni shirarenu mi no hodo ya
misoka ni chikaki ariake no tsuki
. Yoshida Kenko 吉田兼好 Yoshida Kenkoo .
1283? – 1350?
Comment from Robin D. Gill:
. . . we wonder if the mochi-making goes on right up to the last day's dark of the moon. The male/female yin/yang connotations of the pestle/mortar pounding was put into kyouka and that and feelings about the human role in rebirthing the heavenly bodies etc all should be felt in these things -- the year is dead, long live the (new) year around the corner --
the kagami mochi moon will, unlike the sun, be there long before the real moon grows back though . . .

source : tukitodora.exblog.jp
kure kurete mochi o kodama no wabine kana / kurekurete
the year ending
with echos of pounding rice-cakes -
a desolate sleep
Tr. Barnhill
The very end of this closing year -
With the echo of rice-cake pounding
I sleep alone.
Tr. Takafumi Saito
Written in 1681, 天和元年. Basho age 38.
Living alone at Basho-An, Fukagawa, Edo.
Since he lives alone, he does not pound mochi for himself and can only hear the echo from the neighbours.
the year ends fast
with the echo of pounding mochi
while I sleep alone . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
the year ends fast
with the echo of pounding mochi
while I spend a lonesome night . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
kure kurete has a nuance of "to close in" or "tick down,"
so how about this for L1:
clock ticking towards year end
Tr. Hideo Suzuki
the year-end ended
to the pounding of mochi
I sleep alone
Tr. John Carley
Trying to incorporate the repetition of KURE KURETE
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
Basho uses the characters for "tree spirit" 木魂, read "kodama".
Considering the huge wooden mortar and mallets, this is quite appropriate.
MORE about
. Kodama 木魂 The Tree Spirit .
. mochi o yume ni ori musubu shida no kusa makura .

source : kikyou0123
mochiyuki o shira-ito to nasu yanagi kana
like twisted white stripes
for the willow tree . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 寛文7年, Basho age 24.
A typical hokku in the Teimon style.
Large snowflakes are making
A willow into rice cake
Of twisted white thread!
Tr. Oseko
shiraito mochi 白糸餅, white striped mochi
the mochi dough is twisted into stripes.
A kind of . WKD : Yaseuma やせうま .
also called shinkomochi しん粉餅, because a special kind of flower is used.
mochiyuki is a kind of wet snow. Also called "botanyuki", peony snow.
. WKD : "snow like rice cakes" mochiyuki 餅雪 もちゆき .
mochi-bana ya kazashi ni saseru yome ga kimi /mochibana
. WKD : Mochi flowers for the New Year .
. First mouse 嫁が君 (よめがきみ ) yomegakimi .
old name of the mouse / New Year
. ryoo no te ni momo to sakura ya kusa no mochi .
. shinobu sae karete mochi kau yadori kana .
At Atsuta Shrine
. taga muko zo shida ni mochi ou ushi no toshi .
. uguisu ya mochi ni funsuru en no saki .
. wazuraeba mochi o mo kuwazu momo no hana .

source : www.ichinoseki-hakken.com
Mochi no Hosomichi もちの細道 in Memory of Basho
“奥の細道” で有名な『 松尾芭蕉 』のように
Shop named Ichinoseki いちのせき which serves all kinds of mochi.
Mochi-Musume is the owner of this shop.
See her tansaku at the beginning of this page.
. WKD : Rice cakes (mochi 餅) .