- Nara 奈良 ancient capital of Japan -
The town is famous for its many temples and shrines and the sacred deer, which roam the city freely.

Inishie no Nara no miyako no Yae-zakura
Kyo kokonoe ni Nioi nuru kana
Eight-fold cherry flowers
That at Nara--ancient seat
Of our state--have bloomed,
In our nine-fold palace court
Shed their sweet perfume today.
61 - Lady Ise no Osuke 伊勢大輔
. WKD : Nara 奈良 the ancient capital .

source : itoyo/basho
kiku no ka ya Nara ni wa furuki hotoketachi
fragrance of chrysanthemums -
in Nara there are so many
old Buddha statues
This was written on the ninth day of the nineth lunar month, the festival of the chrysanthemums.
It shows a peaceful scene of the gentle faces of the Buddhas and the lovely fragrance of the chrysanthemums.
kiku no ka ya Nara wa ikuyo no otokoburi
fragrance of chrysanthemums -
the manly attitude of so many
men in Nara
. Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo 重陽) double nine .
Nara nanae shichi doo garan yae-zakura
the seven buildings
of the temples in Nara -
double cherry blossoms
Written in spring of 1684 貞亨元年, Basho age 41 or later.
Here Basho contrasts the number seven for the temple buildings with the number eight (八 meaning many) for the cherry blossoms.
The "Seven halls of a temple compound" 七堂 were different in Nara
Kondoo 金堂 Golden Hall
Koodoo 講堂 Lecture Hall
Too 塔 Pagoda
Shooroo 鐘楼 Bell tower
Kyoozoo 経蔵 Sutra Hall
Shokudoo 食堂 /中門)Hall for Eating
Sooboo 僧坊 living quarters for the monks
There is also a waka by Ise no Oosuke - Taifu 伊勢大輔
a poet of the Heian period
Inishie no Nara no miyako no yae-zakura
kyo kokonoe ni nioi nuru kana
The double cherry blossoms are smelling sweet in bloom today in the imperial Court in Kyoto (Heian) as well as long ago in the ancient capital in Nara.
. Matsuo Basho visiting Temples .

source : itoyo/basho
- - - Departing from old friends at Nara
shika no tsuno mazu hito fushi no wakare kana
deer horns
developing their first branch:
our separation
Tr. Barnhill
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
Basho had met with some disciples from Iga Uneo: Ensui 猿雖, Kasaya Ichibei 卓袋, Baiken 梅軒, 梨雪 and 示蜂.
. Oi no Kobumi 笈の小文 .
MORE - about wakare, parting with friends -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
kiku ni dete Nara to Naniwa wa yoizukiyo
with chrysanthemums
I left Nara and in Naniwa too
a crescent moon at night
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 元禄七年, Basho age 51
"When I left Nara it was time for the Chrysanthemums, but now as I reach Naniwa, it is time for the beginning of the autum moon season."
MORE - hokku about Naniwa - now Osaka
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. wabite sume tsuki wabisai ga naracha uta .
Live poor! be bright!
Moongazer sings
a song of Nara gruel
Tr. Haruo Shirane
Written in 延宝9年, Basho age 38
. Narachagayu 奈良茶粥 Basho and Haikai .
. WKD : Nara, 奈良 the ancient capital .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .