- Shinto Shrines visited - Shinto Schreine
Basho visited many Shinto shrines and
sometimes used the name of them in the haiku itself.
It is helpful to know a bit about the history and legends around these shrines and temples to be able to understand his poems better. I try to add as much information for you as I can find.
His visits including names of temples and other places are listed in entries of their own.
See the tabs on the right side.
. - - - - - Matsuo Jinja 松尾神社 - - - - - .
This shrine is not related to the Basho, the poet, but to the Matsuo Shrines of Japan.
The main Matsuo shrine is
. Matsu no o Taisha 松尾大社 "Matsuo Taisha" Grand Shrine -. - Kyoto
formerly Matsunoo-jinja 松尾神社
The deity of the shrine is known as a God of Japanese sake.

source : blog/sendai
Basho and Sora on the road
under construction
. Atsuta Jinguu 熱田神宮 Atsuta jingu .
. Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮 .
- - - - - and
. tootosa ni mina oshi-ainu gosenguu .
Ise gosenguu 伊勢御遷宮 transposition of the shrine's sanctuary
- - - - - and
. Nehan-e ya shiwade awasuru juzu no oto .
- - - - -
. hoorai ni kikabaya Ise no hatsudayori .
. Kashima Jinguu 鹿島神宮 Kashima Jingu .
- Kashima Kikoo 鹿島紀行 - A Visit to the Kashima Shrine -
. Kehi Jingu 気比神宮 Kehi Shrine in Tsuruga .
Kei Shrine (Barnhill)
. Ryuuguu 龍宮 Ryugu Dragon Palace .
. Tada Jinja 多太神社 . Komatsu, Ishikawa
. Usaka jinja 鵜坂神社.
and - Usaka matsuri 鵜坂祭 Usaka Festival
- - - - - hoya 穂屋 "shrine hut with a thatched wall"
at Shrine Misayama Jinja 御射山神社 and the "Lower Shrine 下社" of Suwa.
In early autumn, there is the hoya matsuri 穂屋祭 "Festival of the thatched hut"

yuki chiru ya hoya no susuki no karinokoshi
snow falling—
miscanthus for the shrine hut
still uncut
Tr. Barnhill
scattering snowflakes --
tufted reeds left uncut
for the thatched prayer hut
Tr. Chris Drake
Written in 元禄3年作, Basho age 48. at
. Suwa Taisha 諏訪大社 Grand Suwa Shrine .
- - - - - miyamori 宮守 shrine warden
. miyamori yo waga na o chirase konohagawa .
宮人よ我が名を散らせ落葉川 / - - in 笈日記
miyamori yo waga na o chirase ochibagawa
- - - - - okorago 御子良子 shrine maidens
. okorago no hitomoto yukashi ume no hana .
. Buddhist Temples visited by Matsuo Basho .
. - Matsuo Basho and Kami 神 - Shinto deities - .
. WKD : Shinto Shrine .
. WKD : Japanese deities (kami to hotoke) .