
- - Topics used by Basho


- Topics and Keywords used by Basho - Thema, Themen -

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. - Cultural Keywords used by Basho - .

From this BLOG, with the lable Z-TOPIC
. Basho Archives - TOPIC entries .

. Basho about Basho - about himself, his own life .

. Business in the name of Basho .

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. asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 / 浅葱 hues of light yellow, green and blue .

- aware 哀れ - あわれ touching, pityful, to feel commpassion -
mono no aware ものの哀れ the pity / pathos of things

. Child, Children 子供 - abandoned child - sutego 捨子 .

. cloud, clouds 雲 kumo . - hana no kumo 花の雲 - kumo no mine 雲の峰

. cow 牛 ushi .

. dream  夢 yume .

. Emotions expressed directly .

. first of all まづ mazu .

. Food - regional dishes .

. - Fuji 富士山 Mount Fujisan - .

. fragrance, smell 香 ka . - . koo 香 incense .

. hat, pine-bark hat 笠 kasa .

. horse, horses - uma 馬 - koma 駒 Pferd - .

. - iza いざ / 感  Let's Go! Farewell, Good-bye! - .

.  jiamari 字余り / jitarazu 字足らず .
too much, too little - outside of 5 7 5 - individual meter

. - kami 神 Shinto deities - .

. - kire and kireji 切れ - 切字 cut and cut markers - .

. - kokoro こころ - 心  "heart", mind, soul- .

. let us do this ! xyz せよ seyo . - giving direct orders -

. life, to be alive 命 inochi .

. - matsu 松 pine tree - .

. Medicine, illness and doctors 薬 - 町医者 .

. - Monk, Priest - 僧 soo, sō - .

. - mu 無 emptiness - nothingness - kyo 虚 emptiness .

. - nagori 余波 - 余韻- 余風 - 余情 - remains, memories, lingering - .

. Names of Persons . - and - gijinka 擬人化 personification

. no gotoku, no gotoshi  のごとく  the same as .
(comparing things directly )

. Numbers - one two three - and more .

. One sentence hokku with three segments 5 7 5 .

. Onomatopoetic expressions .

. pillow - 枕 makura, 草枕 kusamakura .

. Pissing (shooben 小便, bari 尿) pissing - done by humans and animals .

. Places visited, Basho Travelling .

. - rusu 留守 nobody at home - .

. . . . seken 世間 the every-day-world - the floating world .

. shibaraku wa しばらくは for a while - . ###

. Shinto Shrines visited .

. - shirazu, shiranu 知らず/ 知らぬ - I do not know - .

. SLEEPING in various situations .

. sleeve 袖 sode - and kosode 小袖 short-sleeved kimono * .

. sumi 炭 charcoal - Ono-zumi小野 charcoal from Ono and more .

. - TEA, drinking tea, 茶 cha - Tee - .

. tears 涙 namida - to cry 泣くnaku .

. - - - Temples, Buddhist Temples visited .

- tootoi とうとい尊い / 貴い holy, noble respectful -

. Travelling, sleeping on the road 旅 tabi, tabine . ###

. tsue 杖 walking stick, cane. Wanderstock .

. - ukiyo 浮世 floating world - .

. Voice of animals .

. - wakare 別れ Basho parting with friends  - . ### - departure, saying "good bye"

. - wasure わすれ the concept of forgetting - .

. Wind - kaze no oto 風の音 the sound of wind - .


shokumoku gin 嘱目吟 haiku trip whilst paying special attention to things

Basho wrote many in the time from about age 41 to 51.
Basho later formulated this

. Learn from the pine ! . - - - 松の事は松に習え、竹の事は竹に習え


. TOP of this BLOG .

