- Yamashiro 山城 and Ide 井出 / 井手 -
Yamashiro, lit. "mountain castle"
A town in the south of Kyoto, the Sooraku 相楽 Soraku district.
Now part of Kizukawa town 木津川 市.

source : www.mapshop.co.jp
Map from the year 1834 - 天保5年
It was part of the old domaine Yamashiro no kuni 山城の国、山城国.
Yamashiro Province (山城国, Yamashiro no Kuni) was a province of Japan, located in Kinai. It overlaps the southern part of modern Kyoto Prefecture on Honshū. Aliases include Jōshū (城州), the rare Sanshū (山州), and Yooshuu, Yōshū (雍州). It is classified as an upper province in the Engishiki.
Yamashiro Province included Kyoto itself, as in 794 AD Yamashiro became the seat of the imperial court, and, during the Muromachi Period, was the seat of the Ashikaga Shogunate as well. The capital remained in Yamashiro until its de facto move to Tokyo in the 1870s.
“Yamashiro” was formerly written with the characters meaning “mountain” (山) and “area” (代); in the 7th century, there were things built listing the name of the province with the characters for “mountain” and “ridge”/“back” (山背国). On 4 December 794 (8 Shimotsuki, 13th year of Enryaku), at the time of the christening of Heian-kyō, because of the resultant scenic beauty when Emperor Kammu made his castle utilizing the natural surroundings, the shiro was finally changed to “castle” (山城国).
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Ide town 井手町, part of Tsuzuki district 綴喜(つづき)
Also part of the old Yamashiro no Kuni.
Basho passed here on the way from Nara to Yamashiro.
Ide is about 15 km away from Nara
This region was famous for its frogs (kawazu 蛙) and the yamabuki 山吹 mountain roses.
. Ide no Tamagawa 井手の玉川 - Kyoto .
a famous place for Japanese poetry.
. Kyoto, hana no miyako 花の都 capital of blossoms .

Yamashiro e Ide no kago karu shigure kana
to Yamashiro
I had to use a sedan chair from Ide
because of the winter sleet . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in the 12th lunar month of 1689, 元禄2年12月. Basho age 46
Instead of taking a leisurely walk, Basho had to hurry in the cold rain, using a palanquin for protection.
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
. WKD : kago 篭 palaquin, sedan chair .
. - shigure 時雨 winter drizzle, sleet - .
山吹や 井出を流るる 鉋屑
yamabuki ya Ide o nagaruru kannakuzu
these yellow roses -
wood shavings are flowing down
the river Ide
Tr. Gabi Greve
. Yosa Buson and Yamabuki .
More about the ralationship of kannakuzu and the river Ide to be explored
永らへば また此頃や しのばれむ
憂しと見し世ぞ 今は恋しき
Fujiwara no Kiyosuke 藤原清輔朝臣
嵐ふく 三室の山のもみぢ葉は
竜田の川の にしきなりけり
Noin Hooshi 能因法師
『袋草子』上巻 (『新日本古典文学大系29』岩波書店)
Fukuro zooshi - 袋草子
source : www.oneg.zakkaz.ne.jp
. Kyoto, hana no miyako 花の都 capital of blossoms .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .