- kari, gan 雁 / 鴈 goose geese -
. WKD : Goose, geese (kari, gan) .
This refers to the wild geese.
kigo for late autumn
good by for the geese, kari no wakare 雁の別れ
kigo for late spring

source : www.hoshun.jp
Yamaguchi Hooshun 山口蓬春と水禽図 Water Birds
byoogan no yosamu ni ochite tabine kana
byōgan no yosamu ni ochite tabine kana
a wild goose falls
ill in the cold night;
itinerant sleep
Tr. Haldane
a sick goose
falling in the night’s cold:
sleep on a journey
Tr. Barnhill
like a sick goose
fallen ill on a cold night
I sleep on this journey . . .
Paraverse Gabi Greve
Written in 1689 元禄3年9月, Basho age 47.
Basho was visiting friends at the temple 本福寺 Honpuku-Ji in Katata (Katada) and fell ill himself. His disciple Mikami Senna 三上千那 cared for him.
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.

Ando Hiroshige - Descending Geese at Katata 堅田の落雁
One of the 8 scenes of Omi 近江八景
. Basho in Katata 堅田 .
MORE - hokku about - - - tabine 旅寝 sleeping on the road - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Mikami Senna 三上千那
(1650 - 1723) (慶安3年 - 享保8年4月27日)

11. generation priest at temple 本福寺 Honpuku-Ji in Katata, Otsu 大津堅田.
He was the leading figure of the Basho disciples in Otsu (Ootsu Shoomon 大津蕉門).
He met Basho during the Nozarashi travels and became his disciple in 1685.
When Basho visited his temple in 1689, Basho fell ill.
In 1707 he moved to the retreat "Grove of 100 Plum Trees" 千梅林 of Tanakka Senri.
In 1712 he attained the Buddhist name of Kanno-In 感応院.
In 1743, for the 50th death-anniversary of Matsuo Basho, Tanaka Senri built a memorial marker for Bahso.
- - - - - Hokku by Senna

近江の蕉門 Basho disciples from Omi
source : michiko328
. kari kiki ni miyako no aki ni omomukan .
to listen to the geese I will set out to the capital

source : itoyo/basho
keitoo ya kari no kuru toki nao akashi
these cockscombs -
as the geese arrive
they turn even more red
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 1694 元禄7年, Basho age 51.
The Chinese characters of another name for this plant is
ganraikoo 雁来紅 "becoming crimson when the geese come"
. WKD : keitoo 鶏頭 (けいとう) cockscomb, .
kara ai no hana 韓藍の花 flower of Korean indigo
hageitoo 葉鶏頭 amaranth - Amaranthus tricolor.
- kigo for autumn
kumo to hedatsu tomo ka ya kari no ikiwakare
like clouds drifting apart,
a wild goose separates, for now,
from his friend
Tr. Barnhill
as clouds drift apart
a wild goose now separates
from his only friend
Tr. Chilcott
Clouds will separate
The two friends, after migrating
Wild goose's departure.
Tr. Yuasa
Written in 1672, Basho age 29. 寛文12
Basho had left Iga Ueno and begun to live in Edo.
His young lord and friend Sengin had died 6 years ago in Iga Ueno, but Basho now has to leave back the memories and move on with his own life.
Basho also had to leave behind a lot of other friends in Iga Ueno.
. Sengin 蝉吟 (1642 - 1666) "Cicada poet" .
This hokku has the segments 6 7 5 and the cut marker YA in the middle of line 2.
. WKD : Goose, geese (kari, gan) .
kigo for late autumn
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .