- kiku 菊 chrysanthemum -
- chooyoo 重陽 chrysanthemum festival -
chooyoo 重陽 (ちょうよう) "double prime number nine"
..... chookyuu 重九 "double nine" - Double Nine Day
okunichi (おくにち) "Honorable Day with a Nine", kunichi 九日
okunchi おくんち、kunchi くんち
The ninth of the ninth lunar month.
Nowadays often celebrated on the 9th of october.
September 9, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month ...
Now mostly held in October, celebrating the end of the harvest time.
It was one of the five special "double" days with double prime numbers, which are auspicious in the Lunar calendar,
. WKD : Chrysanthemum (kiku) .
dew on chrysanthemums, kiku no tsuyu 菊の露
plant kigo for all autumn
and also nogiku, wild chrysanthemum

by Hasegawa Keika
more TBA - for usu 臼 hand mill, see below
In alphabetical order
aki o hete / chō mo nameru ya / kiku no tsuyu
autumn, butterfly, chrysanthemum
. asacha nomu soo shizuka nari kiku no hana .
chō mo kite / su o sūkiku no / namasu kana
. hatsu shimo ya kiku hie somuru koshi no wata .
(autumn) chrysanthemums. first frost. cotton wrapper around my hip
hayaku sake kunichi mo chikashi kiku no hana
hurry up to bloom -
the Ninth Day is near for you,
chrysanthemum flowers
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written on the 4th day of the 9th lunar month 元禄2年9月4日 〔1689.10.16〕 during his trip Oku no Hosomichi.
He stayed at the samurai home of Asai Saryuu 浅井左柳 Asai Saryu in Ogaki 大垣 and this is his hokku at the haikai meeting.
Basho had to leave Asai again on the 6th of the ninth lunar month on his way to Ise.
another version is
hayoo sake kunichi mo shikashi yado no kiku
hurry up to bloom -
the Ninth Day is near for you,
chrysanthemums by this house
Tr. Gabi Greve
Asai Saryuu 浅井左柳 Asai Saryu
Not much is known about him. His name was Genbei 源兵衛.
Two of his poems from Zoku Sarumino 續猿蓑
- - - Station 43 - Oogaki 大垣 Ogaki - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
hito tsuyu mo / kobosanu kiku no / kōri kana
chrysanthemum, ice
ine koki no uba mo medetashi kiku no hana
how laudable also
this old woman threashing rice -
chrysanthemum flowers
. Basho at Temple Menshooji 妙法山明照寺 .
Hikone, Shiga
Chrysanthemums are a symbol of long life and this old woman was still doing her chores at the old farmhouse. She is to be appraised and celebrated just as the chrysanthemum flowers.
Written in October in 1692 元禄4年, Basho age 48.
. izayoi no izure ka kesa ni nokoru kiku .
izayoi is a word usually used for the moon on then next best day, but here Basho uses it for the next best day to view chrysanthemums. The best day for the chrysanthemums is the ninth day (of the ninth lunar month).
. kagemachi ya kiku no ka no suru toofugushi .
Tofu bean curd on sticks
kakurega ya / tsuki to kiku to ni / ta san tan
- - - - - kangiku 寒菊 chrysanthemum in the cold
. kangiku ya amazake tsukuru mado no saki .
kangiku ya ko nuka no kakaru usu no hata
The following verse on chrysanthemums, for example, literally places the heavily loaded conventional image in a quotidian “run-of-the-mill” scene.
Winter chrysanthemums
covered by the rice bran
beside the hand mill.
The juxtaposition of two or more images and topics in an opening verse is a typical structure of Shômon haikai and is termed toriawase (combination). Bashô once said:
“One should know that hokku is a construction of combination. Combinations that come from conventional themes are rarely superior; they are mostly stale.”
The hokku above testifies to Bashô’s conviction and sets chrysanthemums outside the conventional periphery of associations: instead of suggesting elegance or the life of a recluse, as seen in Bashô’s earlier haibun on his plantain hut that imitates Tao Qian’s poetry, here chrysanthemums are accompanied by a “hand mill,” an extremely common item in an ordinary person’s life in Bashô’s time.
To achieve novelty and naturalness through unconventional combinations was an important technique Bashô used in his last years; by so doing he shook off the heavy conceptual meanings the old traditions had loaded upon poetic images and brought them back to a natural lightness.
source : Basho-and-the-Dao - Peipei-Qiu
Different types of USU 臼
. The hand mill of the Kappa - folktale .
Winter Chrysanthemums !
Coated with falling rice bran
From the hand-mill nearby.
Tr. Oseko
This was a lighthearted (karumi) hokku of a linked verse meeting with his disciple Shida Yaba 志太野坡.
Written in 1693 元禄6年, Basho age 50.
This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 1.
Basho was sitting outside in the sunshine of his garden, pounding rice with a mortar and mallet (or a handmill) to prepare mochi ricecakes. Some of the flour fell on the chrysanthemums and looked almost like snow.

stone marker at the temple Kikusui-Ji 菊水寺 in Chichibu, Saitama
This is temple nr. 33 at the Chichibu Kannon Pilgrimage.
The name of the temple means "Chrysanthemum Water".
kangiku, lit. "chrysanthemum in the cold"
. fuyugiku 冬菊 winter chrysanthemum .
. Basho and the chausu, cha usu 茶臼 tea-grinding mill * .
. WKD : kazariusu 飾臼 New Year decoration for the mortar .
. ishiusu zuka 石臼塚 mound with old used stone mortars .
Hoosenji 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji, Tokyo
kiku keitoo kiri tsukushi keri Omeikō
. for Nichiren, Saint Nichiren 日蓮 .
Omeiki ya abura no yoo na sake go masu
. kiku ni dete Nara to Naniwa wa yoi zukiyo .
Naniwa is the old name of Osaka.
kiku no hana / saku ya ishiya no / ishi no ai
kiku no ka ni / Kuragari noboru / Sekku kana
菊の香や奈良には古き仏達 - all about the old capital of NARA
. kiku no ka ya Nara ni wa furuki hotoketachi .
- - -
kiku no ka ya / Nara wa iku yo no / otoko buri
. kiku no ka ya niwa ni kiretaru kutsu no soko .
kiku no nochi / daikon no hoka / sara ni nashi
kiku no tsuyu ochite hiroeba nukago kana
a chrysanthemum drops its dew,
but when I pick it up:
a brood bud
Tr. Barnhill
. propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago, nukago .
. kotobako ya furumono dana no sedo no kiku .
. kusa no to ya higurete kureshi kiku no sake .
chrysanthemum sake, chrysanthemum ricewine
midokoro no / are ya nowaki no / nochi no kiku
nadeshiko no / atsusa wasururu / no-giku kana
okiagaru / kiku honokanari / mizu no ato
ori ori wa / su ni naru kiku no / sakana kana
. sakazuki no shita yuku kiku ya kutsuki bon .
(autumn) chrysanthemum. sake cup. tray from Kitsuki
. sakazuki ya yamaji no kiku to kore o hosu .
(autumn) chrysanthemum. this sake cup. mountain road. I drink it all
shiragiku, shira-giku 白菊 white chrysanthemum
. shiragiku no me ni tatete miru chiri mo nashi .
for Shiba Sonome 斯波園女
shiragiku yo shiragiku yo haji naga kami yo naga kami yo
Written when Basho was around 40 years.
This is a poem expanding on the proverb
- 寿多ければ恥多し / 命長ければ恥多し "Long life has long misery."
"If life is long there is a lot to be ashamed of."
"The longer you live, the more shame you suffer."
The white chrysanthemum is compared to a long life.
The long white petals are compared to the white hair (long life).
(BTW, this is considered of one of Basho's "tsumaranai" trivial poems.
The kireji YO is used four times, but not to CUT, but to emphasize the astonishment, surprise, exclamation.
The word YO is part of the normal Japanese language, not just a kireji for hokku/haiku.
The actual CUT in the meaning is after the word HAJI - shame.
Basho did not use the cut marker YA, which is only used in poetry, but not in normal language.
- - - imagine this - it reads quite strange in Japanese -
shira-giku ya shiragiku ya haji naga kami ya naga kami ya
. - kire 切れ and kireji 切字 - cut and cut markers .

white chrysanthemum, white chrysanthemum
all that shame with your
long hair, long hair
Tr. Barnhill
shaggy white chrysanthemums
your long hair a disgrace
such long hair
Tr. Jane Reishhold - 180
Oh you white chrysanthemum!
Oh you white chrysanthemum!
shame - Oh this long hair !
Oh this long hair!
Tr. Gabi Greve
. Yamanaka ya kiku o taoranu yu no nioi .
(autumn) chrysanthemum. Yamanaka hot spring. Fragrance
yase nagara / warinaki kiku no / tsubomi kana
. WKD : Chrysanthemum (kiku 菊) .