- suzushisa 涼しさ coolness -
During the old times without air conditioning, people had to live with the seasons as they where and try to enjoy them as best as they could.
There are many kigo evoking the coolness during the hot summer of Japan.
. WKD : suzushisa 涼しさ coolness .
..... ryooki 涼気、すずしい、涼しい
"taste of coolness" ryoomi 涼味
kigo for all summer
for suzumi 涼み see below
In an age without air conditioners, the word "cool" (suzushisa), a seasonal word for summer, was the ultimate compliment that could be paid to the host of a summer's lodging.
Basho composed as many as 25 hokku with the word "coolness" (suzushisa or suzushimi), many of them in 1689 and 1694, when he traveled during the summer.
- - - Haruo Shirane - Traces of Dreams
source : books.google.co.jp - page 166
. aki suzushi te goto ni muke ya uri nasubi .
coolness in autumn
. asa-tsuyu ni yogorete suzushi uri no doro .
- - - - - 朝露によごれて涼し瓜の土 - asatsuyu ni yogorete suzushi uri no tsuchi
cool melons
. hirugao ni kometsuki suzumu aware nari .
pounding rice, feeling cool
. kodai sasu yanagi suzushi ya ama ga tsuma .
cool willow twigs
. kono atari me ni miyuru mono wa mina suzushi .
everything around here is cool
Juhachiro no Ki 十八楼ノ記 Tower of Eighteen - Gifu

source : osakagas.co.jp/company
. . . . . the cool sound of a wind chime . . .
. matsukaze no ochiba ka mizu no oto suzushi .
the cool sound of water
. namu hotoke kusa no utena mo suzushikare .
the pedestal of a Buddha statue must be cool too
. shibaraku wa tsumi o wasurete tsuki suzushi .
the moon feels cool
. shiogoshi ya tsuru hagi nurete umi suzushi .
the sea feels cool
. suzushisa o e ni utsushi keri Saga no take .
cool bamboo from Saga
. suzushisa o Hida no takumi ga sashizu kana .
the carpenter from Hida builds a cool home
- - - 涼しさの指図に見ゆる住まゐかな - suzushisa no sashizu ni miyuru sumai kana
. suzushisa o waga yado ni shite nemaru nari .
I take a rest in a cool lodging
. suzushisa ya hono mikazuki no Haguroyama .
this coolness at mount Haguro
涼しさや 海にいれたる 最上川
. suzushisa ya umi ni iretaru Mogamigawa.
cool sunset at river Mogamigawa, Sakata town

source : itoyo/basho
. suzushisa ya sugu ni nomatsu no eda no nari .
the coolness and wild pine branches
. yanagigoori katani wa suzushi hatsu makuwa .
the coolness of the first makuwa melon
- suzumi 涼み - すゞみ to enjoy a cool breeze in summer -
nooryoo 納涼 to enjoy the cool
. Atsumiyama ya Fukuura kakete yuusuzumi / Atsumi-yama ya Fuku-Ura kakete yuu-suzumi .
evening cooness at mount Atsumiyama
. inochi nari wazuka no kasa no shita suzumi .
coolness under a traveler's hat
. kawakaze ya usugaki kitaru yuusuzumi .
evening coolness by the river
. sarabachi mo honoka ni yami no yo suzumi . - sarabachi mo honoka no yami no yoi suzumi
evening coolness in the dark
. tanoshisa ya aota ni suzumu mizu no oto .
coolness of the sound of water
夏かけて名月あつきすゞみ哉 - 夏かけて名月暑き涼み哉
. natsu kakete meigetsu atsuki suzumi kana .
moon of autumn cool as in a "summer night"
破風口の日影やよはる夕涼み / 破風口の日影や弱る夕涼み hafu-guchi ni hikage ya yowaru yusuzumi
唐破風の入日や薄き夕涼み . kara hafu no irihi ya usuki yuu suzumi .
coolness of the temple gables at sunset
hyaku ri kitari hodo wa kumoi no shita suzumi
I walked one hundred RI -
now I enjoy the cool
under the ceiling of clouds
Tr. Gabi Greve
one RI is about 3.9 km.
hodo wa kumoi 程は雲居 - a phrase from a waka from the Ise Monogatari
忘るなよ 程は雲居に なりぬとも
空行く月の めぐりあふまで
wasuru na yo hodo wa kumoi ni narinu to mo
sora yuku tsuki no meguri-au made
Though I am as far away
As the realm of clouds,
Remember me until I come again,
Even as the moon returns
From ist celestial journeying.
Tr. McCullough
Ungo 雲居 a Zen priest from China (835 - 902)
飯あふぐかゝが馳走や夕涼 - 飯あふぐ 嬶が馳走や 夕涼み
. meshi augu kaka ga chisoo ya yuu suzumi .
- - - wasurezuba Sayo no Nakayama nite suzume
. Nakayama 佐夜の中山 Sayo no Nakayama - .
. yuubare ya sakura ni suzumu nami no hana .
coolness and cherry blossoms on the waves
. uri tsukuru kimi ga are na to yuusuzumi .
coolness in the evening
In contrast to Basho, Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 wrote only a few haiku with coolness:
. WKD : suzushisa 涼しさ coolness .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .