- shigure 時雨 winter drizzle, sleet -
shigure 時雨 is not simply a kigo for winter,
it also expresses the important "fuuryuu 風流" "poetic elegance" in Japanese poetry.
shigure ki 時雨忌 (しぐれき) Winter-Drizzle Anniversary
Bashō's (Death) Anniversary / Basho's Memorial Day (It is said that the first sleet of the season fell on this day.)
Old Master's Day (Okina no hi 翁の日)
Green Peach Day (Toosei ki 桃青忌)
. WKD : Basho Memorial Day (Basho-Ki) .
kigo for early winter
. Shigure-An 時雨庵 Shigure Hall .
in his honor, at temple Honryu-Ji in Gifu 本龍寺
. WKD : shigure 時雨 winter drizzle .
"First things" were important to the poets of the Edo period, since they carried a lot of "wabi and sabi" with their limited appearance only once in a year.
- First Things, New Things 初物 hatsumono - and
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

source : hatake.blog16.jp
Painting by Hasegawa Shun 長谷川俊
. hatsu shigure saru mo komino o hoshige nari .
(winter) winter drizzle, monkey, straw coat. -
first hokku from Sarumino 猿蓑
hatsu shigure hatsu no ji o waga shigure kana
first winter shower
and the character "first"
for my winter shower . . .
Written in 貞亨元年 or later, Basho age 41 - 51.
This seems to be a greeting hokku to a person he visited for the first time. The meaning is not quite clear.
The cut marker KANA is the end of line 3.
. hito one wa shigururu kumo ka Fuji no yuki .
winter drizzle and snow on Mount Fuji
. hito shigure tsubute ya futte Koishikawa .
hailstones falling. Koishikawa (in Edo)
. izuku shigure kasa o te ni sagete kaeru soo .
where has been this winter drizzle? umbrella in hand. a monk returns
. kasa mo naki ware o shigururu ka ko wa nanto .
no rain hat in the winter showers?
霧時雨 富士を見ぬ日ぞおもしろき
. kiri shigure Fuji o minu hi zo omoshiroki .
(winter) Mount Fuji 富士山
. kono umi ni waranji suten kasa shigure .
Cold shower on my hat!
Basho had finally arrived at the home of 林桐葉
草枕犬も時雨るるか夜の声 / 草枕犬も時雨ゝかよるのこゑ
. kusamakura inu mo shigururu ka yoru no koe .
(winter) sleet. "grass pillow" . a dog in the rain. voices of the night
. kyoo bakari hito mo toshiyore hatsushigure .
(winter) first winter drizzle. just today. growing older.
. matsu sugi o homete ya kaze no kaoru oto .
- (matsusugi)
(summer) fragrant breeze, sound, pines. Shigure no Matsu 時雨の松
planted by Fujiwara no Sadaie

stone memorial at Iga Ueno, 辺公園
shigure o ya modokashigarite matsu no yuki
winter drizzle -
it is quite impatient
this snow on the pines
Written in 1666, 寛文6年, Basho age 23. He still used the haiku name of 宗房.
One of his very early hokku.
This might be a pun with MATSU, to wait.
The green pine is waiting for the snow to paint it white.
Maybe Basho was thinking of a waka by
monk Jien 慈円 (1155 - 1225) - 吉水僧正
my love can not be expressed in words,
just as a winter drizzle can not paint the green pines white.
shigururu ya ta no arakabu no kuromu hodo
First winter rain,--
Enough to turn
The stubble black.
Tr. Blyth
Written in 元禄3年, Basho age 47, in Iga Ueno
With every winter sleet, the fields become more black and winter comes to his homeland.
. Blyth about the style of Basho .
. shinwara no desomete hayaki shigure kana .
(autumn) new straw. coming out early. winter drizzle

shira-geshi ya shigure no hana no saki tsuran
shirageshi ya shigure no hana no sakitsuran
shira geshi ya shigure no hana no saki tsu ran
these white poppies -
the blossoms of winter drizzle
begin to flower
Written around 天和元年, Basho 38 or older.
Basho is reminded of the white sleet from last winter, which seems to have transformed to the white flowers in the field.
. tabibito to waga na yobaren hatsu shigure .
more haiku from Basho, the Eternal Traveller
. takegari ya abunaki koto ni yuu shigure .
(autumn) collecting mushrooms. danger of getting drenched. cold evening shower
. tsukurigi no niwa o isameru shigure kana .
(winter) drizzle. trees in the garden
. . .
tsukurinasu / niwa o isamuru / shigure kana
. umakata wa shiraji shigure no Ooigawa .
(winter) sleet. horse leader does not know. River Oigawa 大井川
. yado karite na no nanorasuru shigure kana .
(winter) sleet. getting a lodging. to state my name (at Shimada-juku)
. Yamashiro e Ide no kago karu shigure kana .
(winter) sleet. to Yamashiro. from Ide I had to use a palanquin.
yuku kumo ya inu no kakebari mura shigure
Having become a city man with ambition to become a professional poet, Bashō progressed rapidly in style. Two stylistic developments were prerequisites for the religious life of haiku he was later to adopt, although at this time they were strictly literary changes. The first was an expansion of his subject matter to include the commonplace and even lower sides of life. The stimulus for this development came from the Danrin school, which often applied classical allusions to mundane or even wild contexts.
A rather extreme extension of subject matter can be found in the following:
Passing clouds —
Like a stray dog relieving himself,
Scattered showers.
Tr. and comment by Blyth
Written in 延宝5年, Basho age 34.
. shoben, shooben, shomben 小便 pissing .
bari suru 尿 する

source : www.rakanneko.jp
fuyu chikashi shigure no kumo mo koko yori zo
winter is close
and the clouds of a winter sleet
start right from here . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
Buson visited the Hut of Basho.
. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

source : www.asanoya.co.jp/kaori
. WKD : shigure 時雨 winter drizzle .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .