- uguisu 鶯 nightingale, bush warbler -
. WKD : nightingale, ugusiu うぐいす、鶯 .
kigo for all spring
uguisu no kasa otoshitaru tsubaki kana
The uguisu have dropped
their hats
camellias all over the ground
An old poetic convention has uguisu wearing little caps of plum blossoms.
Basho puts a twist on this folksy image by suggesting the birds have thrown off camellias like broad-brimmed farmer's hats.
source : Liza Dalby
a bush warbler
drops its hat:
camellia blossom
Tr. Barnhill
A bush warbler
Has dropped its hat from the tree:
A camellia blossom!
Tr. Oseko
A warbler
Dropped its hat -
A camellia.
Tr. Saito / Nelson
Written in 1690, 元禄3年2月6日 in Iga Ueno.
Basho stayed at the estate of Hyakusai 百歳.
Nishijima Hyakusai 西島百歳 (?1668 - 1705, 4月26日) died at the age of 38.
Hakusai lived in Iga Ueno, he was the 5th son of Fujidoo Yoshishige 藤堂良重 and was adopted by the Nishijima family.
His name was Juuroozaemon 十郎右衛門.
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
. uguisu o tama ni nemuru ka aoyanagi .
ao yanagi
. uguisu ya mochi ni funsuru en no saki .
uguisu ya take no ko yabu ni oi o naku
this bush warbler -
in a grove of bamboo shoots
it sings of old age
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in the fifth lunar month, 1694 元禄7年5月
Basho on his way to Western Japan, near Sagami. He superimposes his own old age with that of the animals.
Basho died in the same year in the 10th lunar month.
uguisu is a bird of spring, but now in summer it is getting old.
the kigo related to the summer bird are :
"old nightingale", old bush warbler, oi uguisu 老鶯
..... roo oo 老鶯
the nightingale sings / cries of old age
..... uguisu oi o naku 鶯老を鳴
summer bush warbler, natsu uguisu 夏鶯
late nightingale, zanoo 残鶯
..... ranoo 乱鶯
. takenoko 竹の子 bamboo sprouts .
kigo for summer
. uguisu ya yanagi no ushiro yabu no mae .

source :haiku-kigo.com/article
this uguisu -
the Chinese tea
is a bit thin
Tr. Gabi Greve
凡茶 Boncha
Boncha san tries to find a new "partner" for the traditional kigo of uguisu.
. WKD : nightingale, ugusiu うぐいす、鶯 .