- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
Narrow road to the interior
Back Roads To Far Towns
source with haiku : basho/footmark
In 1689 - 元禄2年3月27日 - 9月6日
He leaves for "Oku no Hosomichi"奥の細道
on the 27th day of the 3rd lunar month and reaches Ogaki
on the 6th day of the 9th lunar month.
The dates for the Gregorian calendar are given with varying dates,
starting from May 6 to May 24.
Road measurements are given in ri 理.
1 ri - 36 choo 町 - about 3,9 km.
Most official roads of the Edo period had a stone marker and tree on a mound at each ri.

ichirizuka 一里塚 mound at each RI
(equivalent of a milestone)
These mounds were a mark for a restplace, travelers could rest in the shade of the tree.
Usually they were pine (sugi 杉 or matsu 松), or
. enoki 榎 nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree . .
Basho's trip took 600 Ri in 150 days,
about 2400 kilometers of walking.
. Oku no Hosomichi - NHK 2007 .
. Was Basho a ninja or onmitsu spy? .
Onmitsu : Oku no Hosomichi 隠密 - 奥の細道
Sora, Kawai Sora 河合曾良
奥 OKU - what does this stand for?
. Michinoku, Mutsu 陸奥 region in Tohoku .
Basho traveled to the Tohoku region, where he had less friends than in Kansai, but could visit places in memory of
. Priest Saigyo Hoshi 西行法師 .
. Priest Noin Hoshi 能因法師 (Nooin Hooshi) .
. - His outfit as a traveler in the Edo time - .

Days and months are the travelers of eternity.
The years that pass are also but travelers in time.
. Stage 1: Prologue (Edo) 序章 .
. Stage 2: Senju, Departure 千住 江戸、旅立ち .
3月37日 (now May 16)
. Stage 3: Sooka 草加 Soka .
. Stage 4: Muronoyashima (Muro no Yashima) 室の八島 "Eight Islands of Muro" .
. Stage 5: Nikko 日光 .
4月1日 (now May 19) / 仏五左衛門 Hotoke Gozaemon
. Stage 6: Nasu 那須 .
. Stage 7: Nasu (Kurobane) 黒羽 .
4月3日 (now May 21)
. Stage 8: Nasu (Temple Unganji) 雲巌寺 / 雲岸寺 .
. Stage 9: Nasu (Sesshoseki) 殺生石 "murder stone", "killer stone" .
. Stage 10: Shirakawa 白河の関 .
4月20日 (now June 7)
. Stage 11: Sukagawa 須賀川 .
4月22日 (now June 9)
. Stage 12: Asaka (Fukushima) Asaka yama 安積山 .
. Stage 13: Shinobu no sato しのぶの里 / 忍ぶの里 / 信夫 .
. Stage 14: Sato Shoji 佐藤庄司が旧跡 .
. Stage 15: Iizuka 飯塚 .
. Stage 16: Kasajima 笠島 (Kasashima) .
. Stage 17: Takekuma no matsu 武隈 .
. Stage 18: Sendai 仙台 .
5月4日 (now June 20)
. Stage 19: Tsubo no Ishibumi 壺の碑 (Ichikawa) .
. Stage 20: Shiogama 塩釜 .
. Stage 21: Matsushima 松島 (Oshima 雄島) .
5月9日 (now June 25)
. Stage 22: Ishinomaki 石巻 . 石の巻 .
5月12日 (now June 29)
. Stage 23: Hiraizumi 平泉 .
5月13日 (now June 29)
. Stage 24: Dewagoe (Naruko) 出羽越え .
. Stage 25: Obanazawa 尾花沢 .
5月17日 (now July 03)
. Stage 26: Ryushakuji (Yamadera) 立石寺 .
5月27日 (now July 13)
. Stage 27: Ooishida 大石田 Oishida .
. Stage 28: Mogamigawa 最上川 River Mogami (Yamagata) .
6月03日 (now July 19)
. Stage 29: Hagurosan (Dewa Sanzan) 羽黒山 - 出羽三山 .
. Stage 30: Gassan (Dewa Sanzan) 月山 - 出羽三山 and Yudono San 湯殿山 .
6月6日 (now July 22)
- Tsuruoka 鶴岡 6月10日 (now July 26)
. Stage 31: Sakata 酒田 - Tsurugaoka 鶴が岡 .
6月 13日 (now July 29)
. Stage 32: Kisakata - Kisagata 象潟 .
6月 16日 (now August 01)
- Back to Sakata - 6月 18日 (now August 03) for one week
. Stage 33: Echigo 越後 (Niigata) - Izumosaki, Izumozaki 出雲崎 .
7月 4日 (now August 18)
. Stage 34: Ichiburi 市振の関 .
. Stage 35: Kanazawa 金沢 .
7月15日 (now August 29)
. Stage 36: Komatsu 小松 .
. Stage 37: Komatsu 小松 - Natadera 那谷寺 .
- and Yamanaka Onsen Hot Spring 山中温泉 7月27日 (now September 10) - for 8 days
. Stage 38: Daishoji - 全昌寺 .
Shiogoshi - Shiokoshi 塩越 - 汐越
. Stage 39: Matsuoka 松岡 - Maruoka 丸岡 .
. Stage 40: Fukui 福井 .
. Stage 41: Tsuruga 敦賀 .
8月14日 (now September 27)
. Stage 42: Ironohama 色の浜 .
. Stage 43: Ogaki 大垣 (Oogaki) .
9月6日 (now October 18)
. Stage 44: Postscript 跋.
by Kashiwagi Soryoo, Soryuu 柏木素龍 Soryo, Soryu / 素竜書
. Stamps from Oku no Hosomichi .
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Kai-awase 貝合わせ おくの細道 sea shell game

with 23 pairs
source : www.yumekougei.com
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Paintings by Yosa Buson
- Reference with paintings -
The first poem of the trip begins with
yuku haru 行く春 spring is ending
The last poem ends with
yuku aki 行秋 autumn is ending
This shows Basho's keen appreciation of the seasons.
In the actual journey that Basho took in the spring of 1689, he had extremely limited success in finding new disciples in Michinoku.
- snip -
Basho, in short, made no significant new contacts in the northeast, the original destination of the journey, and his style and school did not take root in this area (Yamagata).
By contrast, Dewa and the area facing the Japanese Sea, particularly the Shonai region (northwest Yamagata. . .) and the Hokuriku area - Echigo, Etchu, Kaga and Echizen (Fukui) - proved to be a haikai goldmine.
Although Basho had almost no connections in the Shonai region, he encountered a number of young and talented poets:
- snip -
- Shirane, Traces of Dreams, page 250
source : books.google.co.jp

Kuniharu Shimizu
source : tfship.net/bookstore


天野吉則 Amano paintings on the way

芦原 伸
taking the train, Basho on my weekends
CLICK for more samples of Japanese books !

Oku no Hosomichi - Karuta 奥の細道かるた

Basho karuta -
study your culture
while you play
Basho speaks paradoxically about how the gods have motivated his decision to travel.
He refers to two types of gods.
The first is Sozorogami, the other are the Dosojin 道祖神.
Vom Kofferpacken und dem Gott des Fernwehs.
sozorogami そぞろ神 / そヾろ神 / 漫ろ神
suzurugami すずろがみ / 漫神
sowasowa no kami そわそわの神
. WKD : Aruki-gami 歩行神 God of Wandering .
"Unfortunately, Japanese haiku loses a lot in translation ... "

おくのほそ道: Oku No Hosomichi - Professor Donald Keene
- source : http://books.google.co.jp

Narrow Road to the Interior:
And Other Writings
Bashō Matsuo, Sam Hamill

Oku no Hosomichi - Haiku and Senryu

Notes to the transalations
source : terebess.hu/english
Barnhill, David Landis Barnhill
Basho's Journey: The Literary Prose of Matsuo Basho - 2005
- source : books.google.co.jp

Britton, Dorothy Britton (1941 - September 16, 2014)
- source : http://books.google.co.jp
Cid Corman and Kamaike Susumu
Back Roads To Far Towns:
Basho's Travel Journal (Companions for the Journey)
- Full Text - PDF file -
Sato, Hiroaki Sato - Bashō's Narrow Road: Spring & Autumn Passages : Two Works
- source : http://books.google.co.jp
Yuasa, Nobuyuki Yuasa
Matsuo Basho's "Narrow Road to the Deep North"
with extensive literature links
source : terebess.hu/english
- - - - -
Chilcott, Translation - bilingual by Dr Tim Chilcott
source : Simply Haiku
Utamakura: Storied Places
Bashō’s Oku no Hosomichi (Narrow Roads of Oku)
with google map and all !
source : Dennis Kawaharada
Oku no hosomichi - Wikipedia
With a long list of all the publications, books etc.
source : en.wikipedia.org
Oku no Hosomichi - Wiki Travel
Narrow Road to the Deep North
source : http://wikitravel.org/en/Narrow_Road
- Further Reference -
Basho in Akita Prefecture 秋田県
source : Akita International Haiku Network
The Text of Basho's Oku no hosomichi
source : etext.virginia.edu
Detailed Itinerary with all the dates and distances
source : itoyo/basho/okunohosomichi
Translation into modern Japanese - Rodoku
with sound track to listen to roodoku おくのほそ道」の朗読
source : hosomichi.roudokus.com

source : www.e-hon.ne.jp
神社仏閣一覧 shrines and temples visited during Oku no Hosomichi
source : komichan/tanbou
source : www.bashouan.com
おくのほそ道 芭蕉・曽良句集 - with beautiful images
source : www.bashouan.com kushuu
私の芭蕉紀行 - 私の「おくのほそ道」
source : intweb.co.jp/miura

walking along, drawing paintings . . .
source : hide-tabi.blog
- Further Reference - おくのほそ道
Auf schmalen Pfaden durchs Hinterland
Geza S. Dombrady and Ekkehard May - Dieterich’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Mainz 1985
(Vollstaendiger Text)
Bashô (1644 - 1694) und sein Tagebuch "Oku no Hosomichi"
Hans Ueberschaar
source : books.google.co.jp

Landschaft und Erinnerung: Zu Bashōs Oku no Hosomichi
Robert F. Wittkamp
- - - - - mit Holzschnittbildern aus dem Bashō-ō Ekotoba-den
source : deutsche-ostasienstudien.de

source : www.yasudaya-kagu.com
Paper Umbrella with Basho and Sora
wagasa from Gifu 和傘 - 岐阜
. Enpitsu de Oku no Hosomichi - えんぴつで奥の細道 .
Tracing the Narrow Road to the Deep North with a Pencil
. Oku no Hosomichi - NHK 2007 .

Izakaya Oku no Hosomichi 居酒屋おくのほそ道 - 太田和彦, 村松 誠 -
. Sake no Hosomichi のほそ道 "The Narrow Roads of Ricewine".
Manga by Razuweru Hosoki ラズウェル細木 Rozwell Hosoki
Mochi no Hosomichi もちの細道 in Memory of Basho
. Mochi Rice Cakes 餅 .

Novel by Richard Flanagan
The Narrow Road to the Deep North
by Roger Pulvers
The time line of Richard Flanagan’s new novel, “The Narrow Road to the Deep North,” slips back and forth from prewar Tasmania, Melbourne and Adelaide to postwar Sydney, among other locations. Yet there is only one stark, unrelenting and everlasting present — “the Line,” the 415-km-long Burma-Thailand railway that was built between June 1942 and October 1943 by more than 300,000 prisoners of war under the command of the Japanese. One in three prisoners’ lives was lost on that arch-brutal forced march. Of those who perished, 90 percent were Asian, primarily Burmese and Malayans, but also Chinese, Tamils, Thais and Javanese. Nearly 3,000 Australians were among those killed. Richard Flanagan’s father was one of the lucky POWs who survived.
This being a newspaper published in Japan, it seems appropriate to mention that some of the haiku appearing in the novel are badly mistranslated. (The novel’s title comes from Basho’s classic and, as such, haiku play a key role in the narrative.)
The translation of Issa’s haiku about “the world of dew” that forms a chapter heading in the novel renders kenka as “struggle,” when what the poet means here is “quarrel.” Issa was commenting on a dispute of inheritance he had with his family. “Struggle” might be more meaningful in the context of wartime suffering, but it’s not what the original expresses and it sends the wrong signals.
The first chapter of the novel is preceded by Basho’s haiku about a bee emerging from the depths of a peony. The translation used has the bee “staggering out” of the peony, while in the original, from “Nozarashi Kikō,” tells us that the bee is coming out of the flower not staggering but with reluctant regret. Basho (the bee) is expressing gratitude to his hosts who took such good care of him on the road, telling them how sad he is to leave them.
- source : /www.japantimes.co.jp - November 2013
kojiki no yo 乞食の世 "A Beggar's world"
. Travels by Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
. WKD : Calendar Systems .