- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
- - - Station 19 - Tsubo no Ishibumi 壺の碑 - - -
Relying solely on the drawings of Kaemon which served as a guide, pushed along the Narrow Road to the Deep North, and came to the place where tall sedges were growing in clusters. This was the home of the famous sedge mats of Tofu. Even now it is the custom of the people of this area to send carefully woven mats as tribute to the governor each year.
I found the stone monument of Tsubo no Ishibumi on the ancient site of the Taga castle in the village of Ichikawa. The monument was about six feet tall and three feet wide, and the engraved letters were still visible on its surface through thick layers of moss. In addition to the numbers giving the mileage to various provinces, it was possible to read the following words: This castle was built upon the present site in the first year of Jinki (724) by General Ono no Azumabito dispatched to the Northern Provinces by His Majesty, and remodelled in the sixth year of Tempyohoji (762) by His majesty's Councillor and general Emi no Asakari, Governor of the Eastern and Northern Provinces.
According to the date given at the end of the inscription, this monument was erected during the reign of Emperor Shomu (724-49), and had stood here ever since, winning the increasing admiration of poets through the years. In this ever changing world where mountains crumble, rivers change their courses, roads are deserted, rocks are buried, and old trees yield to young shoots, it was nothing short of a miracle that this monument alone had survived the battering of a thousand years to be the living memory of the ancients. I felt as if I were in the presence of the ancients themselves, and, forgetting all the troubles I had suffered on the road, rejoiced in the utter happiness of this joyful moment, not without tears in my eyes.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
source : terebess.hu/english
かの画図にまかせてたどり行ば、おくの細道の山際に 十符の菅有。今も年々 十符の菅菰を調て国守に献ずと云り。
壷碑 市川村多賀城に有
つぼの石ぶみは高サ六尺餘横三尺計歟。苔を穿て文字幽也。四維国界之数里をしるす。此城、神亀元年、按察使鎮守府将軍大野朝臣東人之所置也。天平宝字六年、参議東海東山節度使、 同将軍恵美朝臣獲修造而十二月朔日と有。聖武皇帝の御時に当れり。むかしよりよみ置る哥枕、おほく語傳ふといへども、 山崩川落て、跡あらたまり、石は埋て土にかくれ、木は老て若木にかはれば、時移り代変じて、其跡たしかならぬ事のみを、爰に至りて疑なき千歳の記念、今眼前に古人の心を閲す。行脚の一徳、存命の悦び、羈旅の労をわすれて泪も落るばかり也。
There are many poems about the sedge mats of Tofu (Tofu no Suge 十符の菅 or Tofu no sugamono).

Tsubo no Ishibumi
This refers to an ancient stone monument found at Tsubomura just north of Shichinoe. Later the stone monument at Taga Castle came to be called by the same name.

Tagajōhi 多賀城碑 - Memorial stone from Tagajo castle
another name for this stone.
.... a Nara period inscription that gives distances to Nara, the province of the Emishi, and a number of other regions. Matsuo Bashō (松尾 芭蕉) creatively recounts his viewing of the stele in Oku no Hosomichi (奥の細道), concluding 'there are seldom any certain vestiges of what has been, yet in this place there are wholly trustworthy memorials of events a millennium ago', and is moved to tears. In his account the monument functions as a poetic place or utamakura.
In 1998 it was designated an Important Cultural Property.
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Ono no Azumabito 大野東人
Ono no Azumabito accompanied Fujiwara Umakai in his attack on the barbarian Emishi. He built Taga Castle. According to Zoku Nihongi, he died in the 14th year of Tempyo.

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source : itoyo/basho
Basho looking at Tsubo no Ishibumi.
On the 8th day of the 5th lunar month 5月8日 Basho left Sendai and arrived in Shiogama around 3 in the afternoon. After eating some rice 茶漬け he visited some of the famous places of the town, like Sue no Matsuyama.
Next morining he was back in Sendai at the home of Kaemon 加右衛門.
- quote
From The Essential Basho by Sam Hamill, Shambhala, 1998, pp 14-15:
‘At Taga Castle, we found the most ancient monument Tsubo-no-ishibumi, in Ichikawa Village. It’s about six feet high and three feet wide. We struggled to read the inscription under heavy moss:
This Castle Was Built by Shogun Ono-no-Azumabito in 724. In 762, His Majesty’s Commanding General Emi-no-Asakari Supervised Repairs.

‘Dated from the time of Emperor Shomu, Tsubo-no-ishibumi inspired many a poet. Floods and landslides buried trails and markers, trees have grown and died, making this monument very difficult to find. The past remains hidden in clouds of memory. Still it returned us to memories from a thousand years before. Such a moment is the reason for a pilgrimage: infirmities forgotten, the ancients remembered, joyous tears trembled in my eyes.’
Note: Emperor Shomu [聖武天皇, Shōmu-tennō, 701 – June 4, 756]
- source : okunomichi.wordpress.com - The Path Beyond
- further reference -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
. Shiogama 塩竃市 .