- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
Basho stayed here on day 28 and 29 of the 5th lunar month. - 5月28日・29日
Now from 15th of July.
- - - Station 27 - Ooishida 大石田 Oishida - - -
I wanted to sail down the River Mogami, but while I was waiting for fair weather at Oishida, I was told that the old seed of linked verse once strewn here by the scattering wind had taken root, still bearing its own flowers each year and thus softening the minds of rough villagers like the clear note of a reed pipe, but that these rural poets were now merely struggling to find their way in a forest of error, unable to distinguish between the new and the old style, for there was no one to guide them.
At their request, therefore, I sat with them to compose a book of linked verse, and left it behind me as a gift. It was indeed a great pleasure for me to be of such help during my wandering journey.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
River Mogami
The Mogami River is one of Japan's three fast flowing rivers. It has its source in Azumayama on the border of Fukushima Prefecture. It flows north through Yamagata, then turns west entering the Japan Sea near Sakata.
According to Sora's diary they left the Ryushakuji on the 28th Day of the Fifth Month and went to Oishida where they stayed the 29th and 30th and held a poetry meeting. On the First Day f the Sixth Month they left Oishida and went to Shono and on the 3rd they left there heading for Motoaikai where they boarded a boat and started down the Mogami River.
source : terebess.hu/english
The following is not covered in Oku no Hosomichi.

source : itoyo/basho
Memorial Stone at the Hachiman Shrine 新庄市鳥越鳥越八幡神社
mizu no oku himuro tazunuru yanagi kana
at this water’s source
I would seek for an ice house:
willow tree
Tr. Barnhill
Written on the first day of the 6th lunar month 1689 元禄2年6月1日.
Basho stayed at the home of Fuuryuu 風流 Furyu on his way from 大石田 - 新庄 Oishida to Shinjo.
Fuuryuu, a very rich merchant, his name was 澁谷甚兵衛 Shibuya Shinbei. Basho hat met Furyu first at Obanazawa a few days ago.
There was a small river with willow trees, providing the feeling of coolness as if it had come right our of an ice storage. The place was called "Yanagi no kiyomizu" 柳の清水 "Clear water from the willow tree".
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
On the following day Basho visited the brother of Shinbei, Shibuya Seishin 澁谷盛信
. WKD : himuro 氷室 (ひむろ) icehouse, ice house, ice cellar, Eiskeller .
kigo for summer
新庄資料写真と解説(1) - 新庄資料写真と解説(2)
Photos from 鳥越 and 柳の清水. also 渋谷風流宅跡 - 芭蕉広場 - Motoaikai 本合海
source : www.bashouan.com
source : www.bashouan.com
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .