- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
- - - Station 38 - Daishoji 大聖寺 (Daishooji) - - -
I stopped overnight at the Zenshoji Temple 全昌寺 near the castle of Daishoji 大聖寺, still in the province of Kaga. Sora, too, had stayed here the night before and left behind the following poem:
All night long
I listened to the autumn wind
Howling on the hill
At the back of the temple.
Sora and I were separated by the distance of a single night, but it was just the same as being separated by a thousand miles. I, too, went to bed amidst the howling of the autumn wind and woke up early the next morning amid the chanting of the priests, which was soon followed by the noise of the gong calling us to breakfast. As I was anxious to cross over to the province of Echizen in the course of the day, I left the temple without lingering, but when I reached the foot of the long approach to the temple, a young priest came running down the steps with a brush and ink and asked me to leave a poem behind. As I happened to notice some leaves of willow scattered in the garden, I wrote impromptu,
I hope to have gathered
To repay your kindness
The willow leaves
Scattered in the garden.
and left the temple without even taking time to refasten my straw sandals.
Hiring a boat at the port of Yoshizaki on the border of the province of Echizen, I went to see the famous pine of Shiogoshi. The entire beauty of this place, I thought, was best expressed in the following poem by Saigyo.
Inviting the wind to carry
Salt waves of the sea,
The pine tree of Shiogoshi
Trickles all night long
Shiny drops of moonlight.
Should anyone ever dare to write another poem on this pine tree it would be like trying to add a sixth finger to his hand.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
source : terebess.hu/english
全昌寺 Daisho-Ji
と残す。一夜の隔、千里に同じ。吾も秋風を聞て衆寮に臥ば、明ぼのゝ空近う読経 声すむまゝに、鐘板鳴て食堂に入。けふは越前の国へと心早卒にして、堂下に下るを若き僧ども紙硯をかゝえ、階のもとまで追来る。折節庭中の柳散れば、
庭掃て出るや寺に散柳 - niwa haite
汐越の松 Shiokoshi no Matsu - Shiogoshi no Matsu / Shiokoshi
月をたれたる汐越の松 西行 (Saigyo)
Daishooji 大聖寺 Daisho-Ji, a castle town in Kaga
in the Edo period 白山五院の一つの大聖寺の門前町
niwa haite idebaya tera ni chiru yanagi
I would sweep the garden
before departing: in the temple,
falling willow leaves
Tr. Barnhill

source : ee4y-nsn/oku
Shiogoshi - Shiokoshi 塩越 - 汐越
a station along the road between Sendai and Dewa
Sendai Kaidoo 出羽仙台街道
羽後街道 broke off from Yoshioka 吉岡 leading to Iwadeyama 岩出山.

shiogoshi ya tsuru hagi nurete umi suzushi
the Shallows—
a crane with legs wet,
the sea cool
Tr. Barnhill
Tide-Crossing -
The crane’s long legs are wetted
How cool the sea is!
Tr. Donald Keene
Shiokoshi no Matsu 汐越の松 The Pine of Shiokoshi
The pine tree of Shiogoshi
Trickles all night long
Shiny drops of moonlight.
source : thegreenleaf.co.uk
Echizen - Basho no Michi 越前 芭蕉の道!
「物書きて 扇引き裂く 余波哉なごりなり」 松岡 mono kaite
「名月の 見所問わん 旅寝せん」 洞哉宅 meigetsu no
「月見せよ 玉江の芦の からぬ先」 玉江 tsuki miseyo
「あさむつを 月見の旅の 明離」 朝六つ橋! asamutsu o
「明日の月 雨占はん ひなが嶽」 日野山!asu no tsuki
「月に名を つつみ兼ねてや いもの神」 湯尾峠!tsuki ni mei o
「義仲の 寝覚めの山か 月かなし」 燧ひうちヶ城! Gichuu no
「月清し 遊行のもてる 砂の上」 敦賀! tsuki aoshi
「名月や 北国街道 定めなき」 気比! meigetsu ya
「寂しさや 須磨に勝ちたる 浜の秋」 色の浜! sabishisa ya Suma ni
「波の間や 小貝にまじる 萩の塵」 色の浜!nami no ma ya
source : echizen-urara.hippy.jp - Fukusuke Echizen
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .