- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - おくのほそ道
The Narrow Road to the Deep North -
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .
Before he reached Fukui and then Tsuruga, Basho crossed
. Kinome tooge 木目峠 / 木ノ芽峠 Kinome Toge Pass .
- - - Station 40 - Fukui - - -
The distance to the city of Fukui was only three miles. Leaving the temple after supper, however, I had to walk along the darkening road with uncertain steps. There was in this city a poet named Tosai whom I had seen in Edo some ten years before. Not knowing whether he was already dead or still keeping his bare skin and bones, I went to see him, directed by a man whom I happened to meet on the road. When I came upon a humble cottage in a back street, separated from other houses by a screen of moon-flowers and creeping gourds and a thicket of cockscomb and goosefoot left to grow in front, I knew it was my friend's house.
As I knocked at the door, a sad looking woman peeped out and asked me whether I was a priest and where I had come from. She then told me that the master of the house had gone to a certain place in town, and that I had better see him there if I wanted to talk to him. By the look of this woman, I took her to be my friend's wife, and I felt not a little tickled, remembering a similar house and a similar story in an old book of tales. Finding my friend at last, I spent two nights with him. I left his house, however, on the third day, for I wanted to see the full moon of autumn at the port town of Tsuruga. Tosai decided to accompany me, and walked into the road in high spirits, with the tails of his kimono tucked up in a somewhat strange way.
Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa
source : terebess.hu/english
福井は三里計なれば、夕飯したゝめて出るに、たそがれの路たど/\し。爰に等栽と云古き隠士有。いづれの年にか江戸に来りて予を尋。遥十とせ餘り也。いかに老さらぼひて有にや、将死けるにやと人に尋侍れば、いまだ存命してそこ/\と教ゆ。市中ひそかに引入て、あやしの小家に夕顔へちまのはえかゝりて、鶏頭はゝ木ゝに戸ぼそをかくす。さては此うちにこそと門を扣ば、侘しげなる女の出て、いづくよりわたり給ふ道心の御坊にや。あるじは此あたり何がしと云ものゝ方に行ぬ。もし用あらば尋給へといふ。かれが妻なるべしとしらる。むかし物がたりにこそかゝる風情は侍れと、やがて尋あひて、 その家に二夜とまりて、名月はつるがのみなとにとたび立。等栽も共に送らんと裾おかしうからげて、路の枝折とうかれ立。
- - - - - Not mentioned in Oku no Hosomichi
meigetsu no midokoro towan tabine sen
let us go to a place
with a beautiful autumn moon -
let's travel together
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in 元禄2年8月12日~16日の間, when Basho visited Kobe Toosai 神戸洞哉/ 神戸等哉 / 等栽 Kobe Tosai.
Tosai was the center of the Basho shool in Fukui and had met Basho long ago in Edo.
Basho had given him the name of 洞哉 Tosai.
During his trip in OKU, he accompanied Basho from Fukui to Tsuruga.
One hokku by 洞哉 Tosai:
Basho visited temple Eihei-Ji around 元禄2年8月12?~14日)

source : itoyo/basho
Basho visits the home of Tosai, but the wife tells him her husband is not at home.
Painting by Buson.
. WKD : Eihei-Ji Temple 永平寺 in Fukui .
. Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - Introduction .