- Timeline of Basho's Life 松尾芭蕉 -
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. His Works - Archives .
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The dates vary considerably,
according to the lunar months or the modern calendar.

Basho Stamp at Tokyo Station
寛永21年(1644年) - 元禄7年10月12日(1694年11月28日)
Basyo Matuo, Baseo Matuo 1644-1694.10.12
1644 - Kanei 21 寛永21 Born in Iga, Ueno.
1655 - Meireki 明暦 1
1656 - Death of his father. He becomes a samurai-servant to Todo Yoshitada, the "Cicada poet"..
1659 - Manji 万治 1
1661 - Kanbun 寛文 1
1662 or 1663 寛文二年
His first known hokku at age 19:
haru ya koshi toshi ya yukiken kotsugomori
has spring come
or has the year gone?
Tr. Barnhill
what is spring that came
or was it the year that went?
the Second Last Day
Tr. Ueda
Ist das Frühjahr gekommen
oder das Jahr vergangen?
Der vorletzte Tag.
Tr. Udo Wenzel
Death of his young master
. Sengin 蝉吟 "Cicada poet" .
Todo Yoshitada Shinshichiro
1672 - Kanbun 12 寛文12
Kai Ōi 貝おほひ The Seashell Game (1672)
1673 - Enpoo 延宝1 Enpo
Edo Ryoogin Shuu 江戸両吟集 Two Poets in Edo
linked verse
1677 - 延宝5
Works for the Waterwork Department of Edo for four years.
. Basho and Sora .
1678 - Enpoo 6 延宝6 Enpo 8
Edo Sangin (江戸三吟)
1678 - 延宝6 (some sources quote 1677)
He becomes a free-lance haikai master. 頃俳諧宗匠として立机
1679 - Enpoo 7 延宝7 New Year
. hokku nari Matsuo Toosei yado no haru .
this is a hokku -
Matsuo Tosei's
home on New Year
1679 - Enpoo 7 延宝7
He becomes a koji 居士 Buddhist Lay Monk.
1680 - Enpoo 8 延宝8
Inaka no Kuawase 田舎之句合 (1680)
Tōsei Montei Dokugin Nijū Kasen 桃青門弟独吟廿歌仙 (1680)
Tokiwaya no Kuawase 常盤屋句合 (1680)
1681 - 延宝9
A banana tree is planted, the Bashooan 芭蕉庵 Basho-An hermitage is born.
. - Bashō-An, 芭蕉庵 Basho-An in Fukagawa 深川 - .
The Basho-An burns down in 1683.
He studies Zen with Master Butchoo 仏頂和尚 Butcho (1643– 1715).
He studies Chinese Taoism.
. Basho and Daoism .
1681 - Tenna 天和1 from the 9th month
1683 - Tenna 3, Tenwa 3天和3
Minashiguri 虚栗 "A Shriveled Chestnut"
His mother in Ueno died.
1684 - Tenna 4 天和4
Nozarashi Kikō 野ざらし紀行 Record of a Weather-Exposed Skeleton
*Fuyu no Hi (Winter Days, The Winter Sun) (1684)
1684 - Jyookyoo 貞享 Jokyo from the second month
1685 - 貞亨2
Visit to Iga Ueno, his hometown.
1686 - Jookyoo 3 貞亨3 貞享 - Jokyo 3
Haru no Hi 春の日 Spring Days (1686)*
Kawazu Awase かわず合せ Frog Contest (1686)
1687 - Jokyo 4 貞亨4
Kashima Kikō、Kashima Mairi 鹿島参り A Visit to Kashima Shrine
He visits his old Master Butcho.
1688 - Jokyo 5 貞亨5
Oi no Kobumi 笈の小文, or Utatsu Kikō (Record of a Travel-Worn Satchel) (1688)
Sarashina Kikō 更科紀行 A Visit to Sarashina Village
- Genroku started in the 9th month of 1688
1689 - Genroku 2 元禄2
Arano (Wasteland) (1689)*
He leaves for "Oku no Hosomichi"奥の細道
on the 27th day of the 3rd lunar month and comes back
on the 6th day of the 9th lunar month.
元禄2年3月27日 - 9月6日
1690 - Genroku 3 元禄3
Hisago 瓢 The Gourd (1690)*
He lives in Genjuuan 幻住庵 "The Unreal Hut" and writes his diary 幻住庵記
Oku no Hosomichi 奥の細道.
1691 - Genroku 4 元禄4
Sarumino 猿蓑 The Monkey's Raincoat (Monkey's Cloak) (1691)*
Saga Nikki 嵯峨日記 Saga Diary (1691)
Bashō no Utsusu Kotoba (On Transplanting the Banana Tree) (1691)
He lives for a while with Kyorai
. at the hermitage Rakushisha 落柿舎 . in Kyoto.
1692 - Genroku 5 元禄5
He is back in Edo, in another Basho-An hermigage.
Fukagawa Shū (Fukagawa Anthology)
Heikan no Setsu 閉関の説 On Seclusion, Statement of closure
some sources place this in 1693, 元禄6年7月
1693 - Genroku 6 元禄6
His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin "Peach Seal" dies at Basho-An.
1694 - Genroku 7 元禄7
- - - -元禄7年10月12日
He travells to Western Japan and dies on the road.
Day 12 of the 10th lunar month, given as
October 12, November 8, November 25 or November 28 of 1694
- - - - -
Anthologies published by his students:
Sumidawara 炭俵 A Sack of Charcoal (1694)*
Betsuzashiki 別座敷 The Detached Room (1694)
1698 - Genroku 11 元禄11
Zoku Sarumino 続猿蓑 The Monkey's Raincoat, Continued (1698)*
1694 - Genroku 7 元禄7
12th day of the 10th lunar month of Genroku 7
November 28, 1694 (1694年11月28日)
November 25 or November 28, Gregorian
. Basho Memorial Day (Basho-Ki 芭蕉忌) .
Winter Drizzle Anniversary (shigure ki 時雨忌, shigure-e 時雨会)
Old Master's Day (Okina no hi 翁の日)
Green Peach Day (Toosei ki 桃青忌)
'Green Peach' was Basho's pen name before he choose the Banana plant, Basho.
. Matsuo Basho - His Legacy .
shoomon 蕉門 Shomon, Basho's school - Basho disciples
shoomon jittetsu 蕉門十哲
Basho jittetsu 芭蕉十哲
* Denotes the title is one of the Seven Major Anthologies of Bashō
(Bashō Shichibu Shū)
source : Wikipedia
. External LINKS - English .
. External LINKS - Japanese .
Matsuo Basho Biography
source : famouspoetsandpoems.com
芭蕉年表 - 伊藤洋
source : itoyo/basho
source : www.senjumonogatari.com
The various facts of his life and travel are sometimes given with different dates.
Even the date of his death is not quite clear.
. WKD : Calendar Systems .