- inochi 命 life, to be alive -

under construction
. kakehashi ya inochi o karamu tsuta katsura .
(autumn) tsuta and katsura vines. plank bridge. to be coiled
. hatsu hana ni inochi nanajuu gonen hodo .
I will gain at least 75 years
inochi futatsu no naka ni ikitaru sakura kana
Between our two lives
there is also the life of
the cherry blossom
source : google books
our two lives:
between them has lived
this blossoming cherry
Tr. Barnhill
. Hattori Dohoo 服部土芳 Doho from Iga .
When Basho left Iga, Doho was only 10 years old and now they met after 19 years.
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
between our two lives
there have also lived
these cherry blossoms . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行 in Kyoto
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Between our two lives
Is the vivid life
Of the cherry blossoms!
Tr. Oseko
haika 俳菓 haiku sweet by
source : kikyou0123
. inochi koso imo dane yo mata kyoo no tsuki .
the source of life in taro seed potatoes
inochi nari wazuka no kasa no shita suzumi
still alive:
under my traveler’s hat,
a bit of coolness
Tr. Barnhill
Oh, life!
The tiny pool of cool
Beneath my travelling hat.
Tr. Tito
Basho was also alluding to the philosophy expressed in another verse composed five hundred years earlier on the Tokaido road in Shizuoka at Sayo no Nakayama, where there was a famous rock:
toshi takete mata koyubeshi to omoiki ya
inochi narikeri Sayo no Nakayama
Weary of years,
Yet I find myself
Climbing once again
The Pass of the Crying Stone -
How wonderful life is!
Tr. Tito
Saigyo 西行
source : Tito, hailhaiku.wordpress.com
. Basho and Saigyo 芭蕉 - 西行 .

Sayo no Nakayama, Hiroshige 佐夜の中山の歌川広重
. - kasa 笠 Basho and his traveller hat - .
- Nakayama 佐夜の中山 Sayo no Nakayama - Saya no Nakayama -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Later on his way from Fukui to Tsuruga, Oku no Hosomichi, he remembered this
. Nakayama ya Koshi ji mo tsuki wa mata inochi .
Koshiji, Koshi-Ji 越路, the Road to Koshi,
an old name to the road toward Hokuriku 北陸道.
. kakehashi ya inochi o karamu tsuta katsura .
(autumn) tsuta and katsura vines. plank bridge. to be coiled
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .