- kasa 笠 hat -
For the traveler in the Edo period, a large hat was a protection against rain and shine.
. WKD : Hat, strawhat, straw hat and more (kasa 笠) .
straw hat, sedge hat, bamboo hat, umbrella-hat, kasa
traveling hat, traveler's hat

hinokigasa ひのき笠 "cypress hat" cypress-bark hat
pilgrim's hat, traveler's hat, made from pine bark
mino to kasa 蓑と笠 mino-raincoat and rain-hat
This is another expression used by Basho to describe the outfit of the farmers and travelers.
There is also the kasa 傘 umbrella,
usually made from bamboo and oiled paper in the times of Basho.
. WKD : kasa 傘 umbrella (for rain or sunshine) .
. izuku shigure kasa o te ni sagete kaeru soo .
. karakasa ni oshiwake mitaru yanagi kana .
降らずとも 竹植る日は 蓑と笠
. furazu tomo take uu hi wa mino to kasa .
even if it does not rain
ichibito yo kono kasa uroo yuki no kasa
let me sell you this hat
full of snow
Tr. Shirane
"In a comic style reminiscent of the speech of a kyoogen (comic drama) actor, the speaker offers to sell a hat piled with snow. Such a hat is priceless to the poet, who prizes snow, a major object of poetic beauty, but worthless to merchants dealing in material goods.
In a haikai-esque inversion, the useless becomes valuable."
Comment by Shirane
This haiku appears in "The Records of a Weather-exposed Skeleton"
(1684). It was written in Nagoya, where Basho attended a snow-viewing party.
Shirane, in a footnote, makes the following citation for an alternate version:
"Oi nikki" (1695, edited by Shikoo) gives the following version.
At Hoogetsu's residence
ichibito ni ide kore uran kasa no yuki
to the market shoppers
I shall go and sell this:
a hatful of snow
source : Compiled by Larry Bole
waga yuki to omoeba, karoshi kasa no ue
. Enomoto Kikaku, Takarai Kikaku 宝井其角 .

source : itoyo/basho
memorial stone in Tokyo 東京品川泊船寺
ikameshiki oto ya arare no hinoki-gasa
so harsh
the sound - hail
on my traveler's hat
Tr. Gabi Greve
Basho listens to the sound of hail bouncing off from his hat.
This is the only hokku where he uses ikameshii, so it must have been quite frightening and special.
This hokku has the cut marker YA in the middle of line 2.
ikameshii 厳めしい solemn, stern, harsh, grave, dignified
. Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行 .
貞亨元年, 1684
. inochi nari wazuka no kasa no shita suzumi .
kasa mo naki ware o shigururu ka ko wa nanto
no rain hat
in the winter showers?
well, well!
Tr. Barnhill
Written in 貞亨元年, Nozarashi Kiko, on the way to Atsuta.
Winter of 1684/85
He was surprized by a sleet shower on the road.
shigure 時雨 is not simply a kigo for winter, it also expresses the important "fuuryuu 風流" furyu - "poetic elegance" in Japanese poetry.
ko wa nan to - short for nan to nan to shows his great way with choosing words.
- shigure 時雨 winter drizzle, sleet -
. shigure ki 時雨忌 (しぐれき) Winter-Drizzle Anniversary
Bashō's (Death) Anniversary / Basho's Memorial Day .
. Kasa-dera ya moranu iwaya mo haru no ame .
Temple Kasadera Kannon 笠寺観音 in Nagoya - with a legend about the KASA.
. Kasajima wa izuko satsuki no nukari michi.
sometimes spelled Kasashima
Station 16 of Oku no Hosomichi

Tree-leaves are falling,
The coloured cherry leaves are light
On my cypress hat!
Tr. Oseko
Haiku Sweets by Kikyo san
source : kikyou0123
konoha chiru sakura wa karushi hinokigasa
falling leaves
of the cherry trees so light
on my pilgrim's hat
Written in 1684, 貞享1年, Basho age 41
Basho is making his way into the mountains of Yoshino, usually famous for the sakura blossoms in spring.
This hokku is handed down in the family of his travel companion
. Kasuya Chiri 粕谷千里 .
Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行
. Yoshinoyama - 吉野山 .
kono umi ni waranji suten kasa shigure
I throw my straw sandals into the sea
in Atsuta at the home of
.- Hayashi Tooyoo 桐葉 Hayashi Toyo - .
. Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行 .
. kyoo yori ya kakitsuke kesan kasa no tsuyu .
from today on. the inscription of my hat erased
Oku no Hosomichi, Natadera Station 37
. Musashino ya sawaru mono naki kimi ga kasa .
Musashino plain.
nothing to interfere now with your traveler's hat
for Toosan 塔山 Tosan
. toshi kurenu kasa kite waraji hakinagara .
Basho traveling with straw sandals and his hat
. tootosa ya yuki furanu hi mo mino to kasa .
. . . . .when seeing the ragged image of
Ono no Komachi, Sotoba Komachi 卒都婆小町
the Beauty Komachi on a grave marker.
. uguisu no kasa otoshitaru tsubaki kana .
uguisu bush warbler drops its camellia hat
. wakareba ya kasa te ni sagete natsu-baori .
time to say good bye. my traveler's hat in my hand
. yamabuki ya kasa ni sasu beki eda no nari .
I should stick a branch of the yellow mountain rose in my hat like a branch
. Yoshino nite sakura mishoo zo hinoki-gasa .
watching Cherry Blossoms in Yoshino
Here we are in Yoshino
so let us look at the cherry blossoms !
My pine-bark hat.
Haibun by Yosa Buson
I do not follow the tradition [of Basho], who, when he hurried on the road to Yoshino, chanted
“I will show you the cherry flowers, cypress hat.”
I only stay at home and struggle with toils of this world. Should I do this? Should things be like that? So I think, but I fail to carry out all that I have planned earlier. In the end, even though the examples of [people] losing interest in landscape, birds and flowers are the common state of the world, I feel as if I am the only one so stupid, and I am ashamed to see others.
Cherry blossom fallen;
in its own darkness –
cypress hat
Yahan (signature of Yosa Buson)
source : Chen-ou Liu
hana chirite mi no shitayami ya hinokigasa
blossoms have fallen -
in its own shadow
my cypress hat
Tr. Ueda
The cut marker YA is at the end of line 2.
. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

Hosomichi - his outfit
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. WKD : Hat, strawhat and more (kasa 笠) .
straw hat, sedge hat, bamboo hat, umbrella-hat, kasa
. Hinoki cypress - Chamaecyparis obtusa .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .