
Voice of animals and Basho


- The voices of animals used by Basho -
Stimmen der Tiere im Haiku

. WKD : Basho using voices of animals .

- - - - - including

ikauri no koe magirawashi hototgisu

蜘何と 音をなにと鳴 秋の風
kumo nan to ne o nani to naku aki no kaze

さびしさや 岩にしみ込 蝉のこゑ
sabishisa ya iwa ni shimikomu semi no koe

やがてしぬ けしきはみえず 蝉の声
yagate shinu keshiki wa miezu semi no koe

撞鐘も ひびくやうなり 蝉の聲
tsuku kane mo hibiku yo nari semi no koe

suzumeko to koe nakikawasu nezumi no su

under construction

. chichi haha no shikiri ni koishi kiji no koe .
voice of a pheasant


source : itoyo/basho
memorial stone at the Yaita Inari Shrine in Tochigi 矢板稲荷神社

haranaka ya mono ni mo tsukazu naku hibari

mid the plain —
attached to nothing,
the singing skylark

Tr. Barnhlill

Amongst the fields
And unattached
Sings a skylark.

Tr. Thomas McAuley

Amidst the grassland
Sings a skylark
Free and disengaged from all things.

Tr. Miura 三浦譲

above the moor
not attached to anything
a skylark sings

Tr. Ueda

The English word "moor" (Moor in German) has a very special meaning:
a moor, a bog or peat bog, a fen. There are no moors of this type in Japan.
. WKD : kareno 枯野 withered fields .

in the fields -
not attached to anything
there sings a skylark

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in 貞亨4年, Basho age 44.
The cut marker YA is at the end of line 1.


hibari naku naka no hyooshi ya kiji no koe

a skylark's singing,
and keeping to its rhythm,
a pheasant's cry 

Tr. Barnhill

Written in 1689 元禄2年春。Other sources quote 1690.
two spring kigo: skylark ('hibari') and pheasant ('kiji')

. hibari yori sora ni yasurau tooge kana .
at temple Hasedera

- - - - - two lark hokku from the Saga Nikki 嵯峨日記 Saga Diary

hito hi hito hi mugi akaramite naku hibari

day by day
the barley reddens toward ripeness:
singing skylark

Tr. Barnhill

mugi no ho ya namida ni somete naku hibari

ears of barley —
tinted in the tears
of crying skylarks

Tr. Barnhill

Both written on the 23rd day of fourth lunar month (now May 20)
Written in 元禄4年 Basho age 48.

The barley reddens as it matures, while the skylarks weep for the passing of spring.

. mugi 麦 (むぎ) Mugi .
kigo for summer
Since the Edo period, the word MUGI is usually used for oomugi 大麦 - barley.

. Saga Nikki 嵯峨日記 Saga Diary .

- - - - -

. nagaki hi mo saezuri taranu hibari kana .


. - hototogisu 郭公 / ほととぎす - little cuckoo and Basho .
郭公声横たふや水の上 - hototogisu koe yokotau ya mizu no ue

一声の江に横たふやほとゝぎす - hito-koe no e ni yokotau ya hototogisu

ikauri no koe magirawashi hototgisu

suzumeko to koe nakikawasu nezumi no su

海くれて 鴨のこゑ ほのかに白し
. umi kurete kamo no koe honoka ni shiroshi .
the voice of the wild duck is faintly white


xyz no koe - xyzの声 - the voice of an animal
. WKD - Basho using voices of animals .

