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. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
- - - - - Latest Additions in 2012 - - - - -
. tsumiken ya cha o kogarashi no aki to mo shirade .
(spring) picking tea leaves. winter storm. autumn. they do not know
. kogakurete chatsumi mo kiku ya hototogisu .
(spring) picking tea leaves. to hear. hototogisu
. inasuzume cha no kibatake ya nigedokoro .
(autumn) sparrows in the rice fields. field with tea trees. to flee
. yamabuki ya Uji no hoiro no niou toki .
(spring) yellow mountain rose. tea oven of Uji. fragrant
. furuki na no Tsunuga ya koishi aki no tsuki .
(autumn) moon. old name of Tsunuga. full of memories (Tsuruga)
. zoosui ni biwa kiku noki no arare kana .
(summer) hail. falling on the eaves. sounds like a biwa lute. rice porridge
. yuki o matsu joogo no kao ya inabikari .
(winter) snow. we are waiting. faces of sake drinkers. lightning
. tsutsuji ikete sono kage ni hidara saku onna .
(spring) dried cod fish. azaleas. in the shadow a woman
. ano naka ni maki-e kakitashi yado no tsuki .
(autumn) moon. at the inn. maki-e laquer. I want to draw
. sakazuki ya yamaji no kiku to kore o hosu .
(autumn) chrysanthemum. this sake cup. mountain road. I drink it all
. sakazuki no shita yuku kiku ya kutsuki bon .
(autumn) chrysanthemum. sake cup. tray from Kitsuki
remembering Yoro no Taki Waterfall 養老の滝
. yuki ya suna uma yori ochiyo sake no yoi .
(winter) snow. sand. you fall from your horse. drunk on sake
for Ochi Etsujin
. tsuki hana mo nakute sake nomu hitori kana .
(spring) cherry blossoms. no moon, no blossoms. he drinks sake alone
. ogi no ho ya kashira o tsukamu Rashoomon .
(autumn) ogi reed. it grabs my head. Rashomon gate (Kyoto)
. shoshun mazu sake ni ume uru nioi kana .
(spring) New Year (First Spring). first comes sake. fragrance of plum blossoms
. sake nomeba itodo nerarenu yoru no yuki .
(winter) snow at night. when I drink sake I can not sleep
. oogi nite sake kumu kage ya chiru sakura .
(spring) cherry blossoms. my fan. I pretend to drink sake
. kuwa no mi ya hana naki choo no yosute-zake .
(summer) mulberries. hermit sake for the butterflies
. asagao wa sakamori shiranu sakari kana .
(autumn) morning glories. we drink sake and make merry
. mukashi kike Chichibu dono sae sumootori .
(autumn) sumo wrestling. listen to old stories! Lord of Chichibu
. sekizoro o suzume no warau detachi kana .
(winter) Year-End Singers. sparrows laugh
. sekizoro no kureba fuuga mo shiwasu kana .
(winter) Year-End Singers. elegance. last month of the year
. inazuma ni satoranu hito no tattosa yo .
(autumn) lightning. no enlightenment. how admirable
. haru kaze ni fukidashi warau hana mogana .
(spring) spring wind. burst into laughter. cherry blossoms
. tsuka mo ugoke waga naku koe wa aki no kaze .
(autumn) autumn wind. grave mound. move. I am crying
. ame no hi ya seken no aki o Sakai choo .
(autumn). rainy day. the every-day world. Sakai quarters 堺町 (in Edo)
. hasu no ka o me ni kayowasu ya men no hana .
(summer)lotus. fragrance. reaches the eyes. nose of a Noh mask.
. warau beshi naku beshi waga asagao no shibomu toki .
(summer) morning glories. should I laugh? should I cry? whithering
. mi ni shimite daikon karashi aki no kaze .
(autumn) autumn wind. penetrates my body. pungent radish
. shi ni mo senu tabine no hate yo aki no kure .
(autumn) autumn dusk. end of my journey. I did not die yet
(shini mo senu)
. uzumi-bi mo kiyu ya namida no niyuru oto .
(winter) uzumibi, banked charcoal fire. dying. my tears. hissing sound
. Kiyotaki no mizu kumasete ya tokoroten .
(summer) Tokoroten jelly. draw water from river Kiyotaki 清滝川
for Sakai Yamei 坂井野明 in Sagano, Kyoto.
. karahafu no irihi ya usuki yuu suzumi .
(summer) evening coolness. Chinese gable. sunset.
. ume koite u no hana ogamu namida kana .
(summer) deutzia blossoms. I long for. I bow to plum blossoms. I shed tears.
On the death of high priest Daiten 大顛和尚
. nadeshiko ni kakaru namida ya kusu no tsuyu .
(summer) Nadeshiko pinks. tears are falling. dew on the camphor tree
for father and son Kusunoki.
. kogarashi no mi wa Chikusai ni nitaru kana .
(winter) winter drizzle. I resemble (doctor) Chikusai
. tachibana ya itsu no no naka no hototogisu .
(autumn) Tachibana citrus fruit. when, where. hototogisu
. Suruga ji ya hana tachibana mo cha no nioi .
(summer) Tachibana citrus blossoms. Suruga road. smell of tea
. iwa tsutsuji somuru namida ya hototogisu .
(spring) "rock azaleas". colored by tears. hototogisu
. yoku mireba nazuna hana saku kakine kana .
(New Year) sheperd's purse. looking closely. hedge
. yogi wa omoshi Goten ni yuki o miru aran .
(winter) snow. bedclothes. heavy. Kingdom of Wu 呉天
. - ume ga ka 梅が香 plum fragrance - .
. ume ga ka ni mukashi no ichiji aware nari .
(spring) fragrance of plum blossoms. the character for "past". pathos
. ume ga ka ya Shirara Ochikubo Kyootaroo . (spring)
fragrance of plum blossoms. Shirara. Ochikubo. Kyotaro.
. kame waruru yoru no koori no mezame kana .
(winter) ice. water jar. breaking. I wake up
. tooki yori aware wa tsuka no sumiregusa / sumire-gusa .
(spring) violet. pitiful. Angelica-type parsley. his grave mound
. Kohoogen dedokoro aware toshi no kure .
about a painting by Kano Motonobu Kohōgen 1476―1559)
. hirugao ni kometsuki suzumu aware nari .
(summer bindweed. noonflower. rice pounder. to cool. pityful
. hana mina karete aware o kobosu kusa no tane .
(winter) withered flowers. pity. seeds of weeds
. yamazato wa manzai ososhi ume no hana .
(winter) manzai performance. mountain village. late. plum blossoms
. yo ga fuuga wa karo toosen no gotoshi .
(winter) handfan in winter. my elegance. fireplace in summer
. furusu tada aware naru beki tonari kana .
(spring) old nest. so lonely. my neighbour
. Mafukuda ga hakama yosou ka tsukuzukushi .
(spring) horsetail. Priest Mafukuda. to wear
. hokku nari Matsuo Toosei yado no haru .
(spring). This is a hokku. Matsuo Tosei (Green Peach), later Basho
. choo yo choo yo Morokoshi no haikai towan .
butterfly - Haikai in China
. toshi hete shinobu wa nani o shinobu-gusa .
(autumn) weeping fern. imperial mausoleum. to remember
. kiyoku kikan mimi ni koo taite hototogisu .
(summer) hototogisu. clear sound. burning incense near the ear
. hototogisu ootakeyabu o moru tsukiyo .
(summer) little cuckoo. bamboo, moon night
. hototogisu naku ne ya furuki suzuri-bako / suzuribako .
(summer) little cuckoo. old inkstone box
. hototogisu Urami no Taki no ura omote .
(summer) little cuckoo. Urami no Taki waterfall (Nikko). back and front
. ukifushi ya take no ko to naru hito no hate .
(spring) bamboo shoots. wretched. fate of a person
. mochi-bana ya kazashi ni saseru yome ga kimi /mochibana .
(New Year) "mochi flower" decorations. first mouse
. mochiyuki o shira-ito to nasu yanagi kana .
(winter) snow like mochi. white stripes. willow
. mochi o yume ni ori musubu shida no kusa makura .
(New Year) shida fern. dream. my pillow stuffed with grass
. - choo, 蝶 choochoo 蝶々 butterfly - .
and the Chinese sage Chuang-Tsu (Chuang Tzu), Sooji 荘子 Soji、Zhuangzi
. gu anzuru ni meido mo kaku ya aki no kure .
(autumn) end of autumn. in my humble view . the netherworld
. yanagigoori 柳行李 wicker trunk .
koori, katani 行李片荷 carrying boxes for travellers
. mizu mukete ato toi tamae doomyooji .
(summer) Temple Domyo-Ji cold rice 道明寺. offering water. console the spirit
. hatake utsu oto ya arashi no sakura asa .
(spring) to plough the fields. sound. storm. "cherry-blossom hemp"
. kure kurete mochi o kodama no wabine kana / kurekurete .
(winter) pounding mochi rice-cakes. end of the year. echo. I sleep alone
. ariake mo misoka ni chikashi mochi no oto .
(winter) sound of pounding mochi. dawn. last day of the year
. Visiting Daibutsu Temple in Nara .
hatsu yuki ya itsu Daibutsu no hashira date
yuki kanashi itsu Daibutsu no kawarabuki
. mazu iwae ume o kokoro no fuyu-gomori / fuyugomori .
(winter) winter seclusion. celebrating. plum blossoms
. byoobu ni wa yama o egaite fuyu-gomori .
(winter) winter seclusion. folding screen. a painted mountain
. utsukushiki sono hime uri ya kisaki zane .
(summer) melon. how beautiful! oval face
. omoshiro ya kotoshi no haru mo tabi no sora .
(spring) spring of this year. how exciting. sky of wayfaring
. mata koemu Sayo no Nakayama hatsugatsuo .
(summer) first skipjack katsuo bonito. Sayo no Nakayama pass. to cross again
katsuo uri ikanaru hito o yowasuran
. Kamakura o ikite ideken hatsugatsuo .
(summer) first katsuo bonito. town of Kamakura. to be alive
. hatsu yuki ni usagi no kawa no hige tsukure .
(winter) first snow. rabbit, fur. beard
. niawashi ya mame no ko meshi ni sakura-gari .
two hokku about rice dishes
. aki no iro nukamiso tsubo mo nakari keri .
(autumn) . pot for fermented Miso paste. he does not have
. ne no hi shi ni miyako e ikan tomo mo gana .
(New Year) day of the rat. capital Kyoto. no friend
. tsuki sabiyo Akechi ga tsuma no hanashi sen .
(autumn) moon. be somber. wife of Akechi (Mitsuhide) 明智光秀. tell a story
. u no hana mo haha naki yado zo susamajiki .
(summer) dautzia blossoms. home without mother. dreadful
. asamutsu ya tsukimi no tabi no ake-banare .
(autumn) moon viewing. six in the morning. travelling. dawn
. - hatsumono 初物 first things - .
. - hototogisu 郭公 / ホトトギス - .
. - sake 酒 ricewine -
- sakazuki 杯 ricewine cup - .
. Basho about Basho - about his own life .
. Basho shedding tears .
- tears 涙 namida - to cry 泣くnaku -
. One sentence hokku with three segments 5 7 5 .
- aware 哀れ touching, pityful, sorrow -
. Basho on Stamps 切手 kitte .
. - - - karumi かるみ【軽み】 lightness - - - .
. - kumo 雲 cloud, clouds - .
. mazu - first of all まづ mazu .
. Onomatopoetic expressions .
- tootoi とうとい尊い / 貴い holy, noble, pathos, respectful -
. - ukiyo 浮世 the floating world - .
. - yume 夢 dream - .
. Business in the name of Basho .
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