- taue, ta-ue, ta ue 田植 rice planting -
Fields, especially the rice fields are very important for the farming communities of Japan. Life depended on a good harvest and the deities have been evoked in many rituals relating to rice planting.

source : www.chiba-tpa.or.jp
. WKD : taue 田植 planting rice in the paddies .
. song for rice planting, taue uta, taue-uta 田植歌 .
..... tauebushi 皐月節(さつきぶし)
..... saotome uta 早乙女唄(さおとめうた)
fuuryuu no hajime ya Oku no taue uta
The beginning of all art:
a song when planting a rice field
in the country's inmost part.
Tr. Henderson
jetzt wirds langsam poetisch ...
das Lied der Reispflanzer
von den Nordprovinzen
Tr. Gabi Greve
- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - - - Station 11 - Sukagawa 須賀川 - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

at our local ricewine store . . .
shiba tsukeshi uma no modori ya tauedaru (taue-daru)
having carried brushwood,
the horse returns -
wine casks for rice-planting
Tr. Barnhill
Written in summer of 1694 元禄7年. A tribute to his host, Kubota.
Basho stayed in Iga Ueno at the home of Kubota Izen 窪田意専.
The tenant farmers of Izen had just finished planting his fields and he thanked them with sake to celebrate the event. The farmers carried the casks home on the back of their horses. Everyone was in a festive and leisurely mood after all the hard work was done.
having carried firewood
the horses now return -
barrels of rice wine
Tr. Gabi Greve
Trying to make a difference between European wine made from grapes and sake, rice wine, the traditional brew of Japan.
Written in the same summer of 1694 元禄7年, Basho age 51, at the home of Kubota:

shin wara no desomete hayaki shigure kana
the new straw
is already out and there is
a cold drizzle . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
MORE - hokku about - shigure 時雨 winter drizzle, sleet -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Further information about this hokku :
. WKD : shinwara, shin wara 新藁 (しんわら) new straw .
kigo for late autumn
inazuma ya yami no kata-yuku goi no koe
a flash of lightning -
into the darkness the voice
of a night heron
Written in the 7th lunar month of 1694 元禄7年7月.
During a haikai meeting with Kubota and 土芳 Toho. As the storm raged and lightning was on the horizon, this became the topic for their meeting.
goi 五位 is short for goi sagi 五位鷺 a night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax).
As the name says, it comes out in the evening and gives an eerie sound when flying over land. In the direction toward the lightning, the sky is all black and this makes the situation even more eerie.
A lightning gleam:
into darkness travels
a night heron’s scream
Tr. ?
. WKD : inazuma 稲妻 lightning .
kigo for all autumn
Kubota Izen 窪田意専 / Sooshichi 惣七 Soshichi
(?1640 - 1704) - 宝永元年11月10日 at age 65
Kubota Sooshichiroo 窪田惣七郎 Kubota Soshichiro
Uchi no Kamiya 内神屋
His haiku name was Ensui 猿雖.
Together with Tohoo 土芳 Toho he was one of the leading haikai poets of Iga Ueno and a good friend of Basho, although he was four years older than the Master. Basho sent him a lot of letters.
In 1689 he entered the monkhood and took on the name of Izen 意専.
He lived in a retreat in the outskirts and left the family business to his heir. Every time Basho returned to Iga Ueno, they had a haikai party together.
At the temple Myookakuji 明覚寺 Myokaku-Ji in Iga Ueno is a stone memorial for his hokku.

source : www.bunka.pref.mie.lg.jp
karuki mi no semi wa ko mo nashi oya mo nashi
cicadas have a free life -
there are no children
there are no parents
"wine casks for rice-planting" - taken literally :

Nowadays, people even use large sake casks for planting rice in them.
. PERSONS introduced by Matsuo Basho .
MORE about - uma 馬 - koma 駒 horse, horses -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - SAIJIKI - humanity kigo .
inekari 稲刈 harvesting rice
. yo no naka wa ine karu koro ka kusa no io .
saotome 早乙女 girls planting rice
. sanae toru temoto ya mukashi shinobuzuri .
shirokaku, shiro kaku 代掻く tilling the rice paddies
. yo o tabi ni shiro kaku oda no yuki modori .
. WKD : taue 田植 planting rice in the paddies .
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .