- tenmon 天文 kigo-category of heaven - Himmel -
. WKD : tenmon 天文 HEAVEN - - - the Complete SAIJIKI.

This is a list of the seasonal expressions about "heaven" used by Matsuo Basho in his various poems.
- - - - - haru 春 SPRING - - - - -
haru no ame 春の雨 rain in spring
haru no kaze 春の風 wind in spring
haru no yuki 春の雪 snow in spring
kageroo 陽炎 heat shimmers
kaiyose 貝寄風 "shell-drawing wind"
kasumi 霞 spring haze, spring haziness
kochi 東風 "east wind", strong easterly wind
oboro 朧 haze, hazy
oborozuki 朧月 moon in the spring haze, hazy moon
- - - - - natsu 夏 SUMMER - - - - -
hae, nanpuu 南風 southern wind
kaze kaoru 風薫る fragrant wind
kumo no mine 雲の峰 "peak of clouds", billowing clouds
natsu no tsuki 夏の月 moon in summer
samidare 五月雨 "rain in the fifth lunar month" (now rain in the rainy season)
(quite a lot of hokku)
suzukaze, ryoofuu, ryōfū 涼風 cool breeze, refreshing breeze
tsuyu 梅雨 rainy season
- - - - - aki 秋 AUTUMN - - - - -
aki no kaze 秋の風 wind in autumn
(quite a lot of hokku)
aki no shimo 秋の霜 frost in autumn
ama no kawa 天の川 the Milky Way (Heavenly River)
inzuma 稲妻 lightning
izayoi 十六夜 autumn moon on day 16
kiri 霧 fog
matsuyoi 待宵 "waiting in the evening" for the moon
meigetsu 名月 full autumn moon
(quite a lot of hokku)
mikazuki 三日月 crescent moon
nochi no tsuki 後の月 "next full moon". One month after the meigetsu, now october,
nowaki, nowake 野分 typhoon "parting the fields"
tsuki 月 moon
(quite a large lot of hokku)
tsukishiro, tsuki shiro 月代 "white autumn moon" when the sky in the east is still white
tsuyu 露 dew
yuuzukiyo 夕月夜 evening moon
. WKD : kigo about the Moon in Autumn .
- - - - - fuyu 冬 WINTER - - - - -
arare 霰 hail
(quite a lot of hokku)
fuyu no ame 冬の雨 rain in winter
hatsushimo, hatsu shimo 初霜 first frost
hatsu yuki 初雪 first snow
kan no ame 寒の雨 rain in the cold
kogarashi 凩 withering wind
shigure 時雨 and hatsu shigure 初時雨
shimo 霜 frost
(quite a lot of hokku)
tsuyu kooru 露凝る dew is freezing
yuki 雪 snow
(quite a large lot of hokku)
. WKD : tenmon 天文 HEAVEN - - - the Complete SAIJIKI.
. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .