
Goyu and Akasaka


- Goyu 御油 and Akasaka 赤坂 on the Tokaido Road -

35. Goyu-shuku 御油宿 (Toyokawa)
36. Akasaka-juku 赤坂宿 (Otowa, Hoi District)
37. Fujikawa-shuku 藤川宿 (Okazaki)


Tokaido, Goyu 御油(ごゆ) by Toyokuni

. WKD : Lodging on the Tokaido Road 東海道 .

Goyu is located in Goyu-chō in the city of Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. A pine tree colonnade, one of the few remnants from the Edo period post town, is a well-known tourist spot. It was approximately 10.4 kilometres (6.5 mi) from Yoshida-juku, the preceding post station. Goyu was about 298 km from Edo and 195 km close to Kyoto. Now it is in Toyokawa.
Goyu-shuku was established in 1601, at the behest of Tokugawa Ieyasu. At its most prosperous, there were four honjin in the post town, though there were never less than two at any point. The classic ukiyoe print by Ando Hiroshige (Hoeido edition) from 1831-1834 depicts the main street of the post town at dusk, with aggressive female touts (for which the post station was infamous) attempting to drag travellers into teahouses and inns for the night.
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Akasaka (赤坂宿, Akasaka-juku)
was the thirty-sixth of the fifty-three stations of the Tōkaidō. It is located in present-day Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. It was only 1.7 kilometres (1.1 mi) from Goyu-juku, the preceding post station.

Along with the preceding Yoshida-juku and Goyu-shuku, Akasaka-juku was well known for its meshimori onna, rice-serving ladies. The classic ukiyoe print by Ando Hiroshige (Hoeido edition) from 1831-1834 depicts a typical inn; the scene is divided in half by a sago palm in the center. To the right, travellers are taking their evening meal, and to the left, prostitutes are putting on make-up and preparing for the evening entertainment.
Due to its reputation, Akasaka was a popular post station with many travellers.

by Ando Hiroshige

Ōhashi-ya (大橋屋), an inn that first opened in 1649, less than half a century after the creation of the Tōkaidō, still operates today. The building it uses was built in 1716. During a census in 1733, there were 83 inns in Akasaka-juku, but only Ōhashi-ya remains today. At its peak, though, there were 349 buildings, including three honjin, one sub-honjin and 62 hatago.

Goyu-shuku was less than 2 km from Akasaka-juku, making them the closest stations on the whole of the Tōkaidō.
At Sekigawa Shrine (関川神社) in Otowa, Matsuo Basho wrote the following haiku, because they were so close:

夏の月 御油より出でて 赤坂や
natsu no tsuki Goyu yori idete Akasaka ya

By the summer moon,
depart out from Goyu and
reach Akasaka.

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source : itoyo/basho

Basho wrote this hokku in 延宝4年, age 33.

source - more photos : commons.wikimedia.org

Sekigawa Shrine 関川神社


37. Fujikawa-shuku 藤川宿 (Okazaki)

At its peak, Fujikawa-juku was home to 302 buildings, including one honjin, one sub-honjin and 36 hatago.
Its total population was approximately 1,200 people.[1] The classic ukiyo-e print by Andō Hiroshige (Hōeidō edition) from 1831 to 1834 depicts a daimyō procession on sankin-kōtai entering the post station, which would have been a common occurrence. Three commoners are shown as kneeling as the lord's retinue passes. [2] The Okazaki city government has been working actively on preserving this old post town as a tourist destination.
In addition to creating the Fujikawa-shuku Archives Museum within the preserved waki-honjin, detailing the history of the post town, the city has preserved a number of old structures such old street lights, and traditional houses with lattice windows. A line of old pine trees extending for approximately a kilometer marks the location of the Tōkaidō road.
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. The 53 stations of the Tokaido Road 東海道五十三次 .
Tōkaidō Gojūsan-tsugi

. Places visited by Matsuo Basho .

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .


ama divers


- ama 海女 woman diver -
lit. "woman of the sea"
..... isodo 磯人(いそど), iso ama 磯海女 "woman of the sea shore"

Ama are now famous for pearl diving, but originally they dove for food like seaweed, shellfish, lobsters, octopus, and sea urchins — and oysters which sometimes have pearls.

In a larger sense, ama can also be men, usually fishermen, since male divers were not common.
ama 海人 / 海士 fisherman, fishermen

. WKD : ama 海女 (あま) woman diver .

Awabi abalone collectors 鮑取り - by Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿

under construction

- - - - - Basho visiting Suma 須磨
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

ama no kao mazu miraruru ya keshi no hana

quote from Barnhill
The sky of mid-Fourth Month was still misty and the moon of the brief night was exceptionally lovely. The mountains were dark with young leaves, and at dawn, the time the cuckoo sings, light began to fall upon the sea. The high plain was reddened with waves of wheat, and white poppies were visible among the eaves of the fishers’ huts.
The faces of fishers are dark with suntan amid the white poppies.

the faces of the fishers
were seen first —
poppy flower

Tr. Barnhill

Oi no Kobumi 笈の小文 Knapsack notebook - Suma
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

あながちに何わざするとも みえず*。「藻塩たれつゝ」*など歌にもきこへ侍るも、いまはかゝるわざするなども見えず*。きすごといふうをゝ網して、眞砂の上にほしちらしけるを、からすの飛来りてつかみ去ル。是をにくみて弓をもてをどすぞ、海士のわざとも見えず。 若古戦場の名殘をとヾめて、かかる事をなすにやと、いとど罪ふかく、猶むかしの戀しきまゝに、てつかひが峯*にのぼらんとする。導きする子のくるしがりて、とかくいひまぎらはすを、さまざまにすかして、「麓の茶店にて物をくらはすべき」など 云て、わりなき躰に見えたり*。かれは十六と云けん里の童子*よりは、四つばかりもをとうとなるべきを、数百丈の先達として、羊腸 險岨の岩根*をはひのぼれば、すべり落ぬべき事あまたゝびなりけるを、つゝじ・根ざゝにとりつき*、息をきらし、汗をひたして、漸雲門に入こそ、心もとなき導師*のちからなりけらし。

source : itoyo/basho

須磨の海士の矢先に鳴くか郭公 / 須磨の あまの矢先に鳴か郭公
. Suma no ama yasaki ni naku ka hototogisu .


ama no ya wa ko-ebi ni majiru itodo kana

a fisher’s hut:
mingling with small shrimp,

Tr. Barnhill

in the fisherman's hut
among the small shrimp
there are cave crickets . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in 1690 元禄3年9月, Basho age 47.
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

. WKD : itodo 竈馬 (いとど) cave cricket .
..... kamadomushi かまどむし"insect of the hearth"
ebi koorogi えび蟋蟀(えびこおろぎ)"locust cricket"
Diestrammena apicalis. This animal likes to live in the kitchen, especially of old farmhouses.


source : turbobf1516

kodai sasu yanagi suzushi ya ama ga tsuma

skewering small sea breams
on cool willow twigs —
the fisherman’s wife

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in 1689 元禄2年7月12日
Oku no Hosomichi, in Echigo 越後西頸城郡にて - according to the Sora diary.
ama no tsuma 海士が妻 spelling of Sora.
. - - - Station 33 - Echigo 越後路 - - - .  

. Matsuo Basho - suzushisa 涼しさ coolness - .


sode yogosuran tanishi no ama no hima o nami

with dirty sleeves
farmers-turned-fishermen pick up mud snails
ever so busy

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in 天和2年, Basho age 39.
Written on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month, jooshi 上巳 , the Day of the Doll Festival (hina matsuri).

In this season, fishermen at the sea are busy picking shells and mussels.
On the other hand the farmers are picking tanishi mud snails as offerings for the Doll Festival, walking in the fields and getting all muddy.
The mud snails are prepared for a dish with vinegar and miso paste.

. WKD : tanishi 田螺 mud snail .
kigo for spring


source : ja.ukiyo-e.org/image/ohmi
Ama - by Wada Sanzo 和田三造


. WKD : ama 海女 (あま) woman diver .

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .




- aware 哀れ, あわれ、あはれ touching, pityful,
to feel compassion -

melancholy, deep feeling, sorrow, lonely
a sight so moving

The word aware used in the hokku by Basho is difficult to translate and has a slightly different nuance in each poem.

Please add your comments about the translations to this entry.

saru o kiku hito sutego ni aki no kaze ika ni

those who listen for the monkeys:
what of this child
in the autumn wind?

Tr. Barnhill

Basho contrasted his genuine pity for the deserted child with the imaginary grief that Japanese poets put into their poems about the monkey's cry. I

. WKD : Human Misery and Pity .

mono no aware ものの哀れ the pity of things
the pathos of things
"sensitivity to things"

- Reference -


An Interview with Michael F. Marra
by Robert D. Wilson
. . . about Motoori Norinaga

Norinaga is well known for his conceptualization of the term mono no aware.
Would you describe this conceptualization and, perhaps, include an example or two?

Mono-no-aware simply means to be moved by exteriority.
It is the appeal that external things have on people perceiving them. "Aware" conveys the idea of the moving power of "things" (mono).
For example, let's say that a brush fire destroys an entire mountain, and that in the fire ten people die and a thousand people lose their homes and everything that took them a lifetime to accumulate. Mono no aware refers to the reaction that people who never experienced a devastating fire should have (and the key word here is the categorical imperative "should"): they should feel the pain of those who have lost everything, including their lives.

One might say, this is only natural, but that's not the case. It would be sufficient to turn on the TV in Los Angeles during one of the many Southern California brush fires and to listen to the broadcasters' comments: the fires are consistently "spectacular, breathtaking, sublime (because broadcasting comes from the safety of Hollywood offices), marvelous, sometime even beautiful." Listening to these comments one inevitably feels that the broadcasters are actually the ones responsible for setting the fire in the first place, just to make sure they have the "spectacular" news.

Now, for Norinaga, to be moved by "things" is not the result of a natural process everybody develops from birth (the broadcasters of my example are living proofs that Norinaga was right).

The ability to be "moved" (aware) is the result of arduous study, especially poetry and the classics that help readers realize the meaning of affects. Apparently, in Hollywood poetry and the classics are not very popular. For Norinaga, ethics is actually the result of aesthetics which is the result of poetics: one knows how to behave because he/she has learned how to feel. But one does not know how to feel unless he/she knows how to read poetry.
source : simply haiku 2007


Motoori Norinaga 本居宣長
21 June 1730 - 5 November 1801


Norinaga Ki 宣長忌 Memorial Day for Norinaga
Suzu no Ya Ki 鈴の屋忌 Suzunoya memorial day

observance kigo for late autumn

Suzu no ya 鈴屋(すずのや)was the name of his study room
Home of the bells, which he liked very much. He hung a bell in the tokonoma of his study and used to ring it, when he needed a break from his studies.

... a Japanese scholar of Kokugaku 国学 Japanese studies, active during the Edo period. He is probably the best known and most prominent of all scholars in this tradition.

Hitherto scholars of ancient literature had shown a preference for the grandness and masculinity of Man'yōshū poetry and an aversion to works like the Tale of Genji, which were regarded as unmanly and feminine. Norinaga resurrected the position of the Tale of Genji, which he regarded as an expression of mono no aware, a particular Japanese sensibility of "sorrow at evanescence" that Norinaga claimed forms the essence of Japanese literature.

In undertaking his textual analysis of ancient Japanese, Norinaga also made vital contributions to establishing a native Japanese grammatical tradition, in particular the analysis of clitic morphems, particles and auxiliary verbs.
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. WKD : Memorial Days of Famous People .


春 はただ花の一重に咲くばかり

haru wa tada hana no hitoe ni saku bakari
mono no aware wa aki zo masareru

Blooms simply
in one petal of the cherry blossoms -
In autumn mono no aware
is at its highest.

Norinaga Motoori 本居宣長

Shuishu 拾遺集 / 拾遺和歌集
Tr. Michael F. Marra

. WKD : Autumn (aki) 秋 .


asagao wa heta no kaku sae aware nari

morning glory:
even when painted poorly,
it has pathos

Tr. Barnhill

Written in summer of 1687 貞亨4年夏.

His straight criticism of a painting from his disciple Ransetsu 嵐雪.
This poem shows that there was really no need for enryoo 遠慮 polite holding back or polite reserve, between him and his student.

even when painted poorly
the morning glory
is touching . . .

paraverse by Elaine Andre

how evocative...
a morning glory even when
poorly painted

paraverse by Dennis Chibi Holmes

. Hattori Ransetsu 服部嵐雪 .

This hokku is in one sentence, with the cut NARI at the end of line 3.


. furi uri no gan aware nari Ebisu koo .
(New Year) Ebisu festival. peddler. geese. pathos


furusu tada aware naru beki tonari kana

the old nest
will be so very lonely without
my neighbour

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in the third lunar month of 1686 貞亨3年閏3月.
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.

His friendly neighbour, the priest Sooha 宗波 Soha of the Obaku Zen school, had gone off for a religious trip to Kyoto. This is the good-by present for him.
Soha had accompanied him to see Zen priest Butcho in Kashima.
Basho feels like a mother bird, when a well-loved baby bird has left its nest and taken off to its own life.

. Kashima Kiko, Kashima Mode 鹿島詣 .

Dates about the life of Soha 宗波 are not well known.
He had been priest at temple Joorinji 定林寺 Jorin-Ji in Honjo, Edo and been good friends with Basho.
When he left for Western Japan, Basho wrote him a letter of introduction to his disciple Shimosato Chisoku 下里知足 (1640 - 1704) in Narumi.

When Basho visited Iga Ueno, Soha came visiting him in 1688 貞亨5年2月19日.
But Soha had been very ill already.


koen 古庭 A desolate Garden

hana mina karete aware o kobosu kusa no tane

flowers all withered
spilling their sadness:
seeds for grass

Tr. Barnhill

All the flowers withered,
A pity it is, to see falling
The seeds of weeds.

Tr. Oseko

Autumn of 1686 貞亨3年秋 or 貞亨2年
The season is winter.


. higashi nishi aware sa hitotsu aki no kaze .

on the death of Mukai Chine 向井千子, poet and sister of his disciple Mukai Kyorai 向井去来 .

higashi is Basho in the East -- nishi is Kyorai in the West


hirugao ni kometsuki suzumu aware nari

by the noonflower
a rice-pounder cools himself:
a sight so moving

Tr. Barnhill

The rice-pounder,
Cooling himself by the convolvulus flowers,—
A sight of pathos.

Tr. Blyth

Comment by Blyth:
The rice-pounder is exhausted, and sits in the shade mopping his brow. Along the fence the convolvulus flowers are blooming because of and in spite of the heat. The half-obliviousness of the flowers on the part of the man, and the complete obliviousness on the part of the flowers, gives Bashō a feeling which, like God, is nameless.

Summer 1681
Maybe in the years of Tenwa (1681 - 1683) 天和年間

In the Edo period, there were special workers to pound the rice grains from brown genmai into white rice, especially farmers from Echigo and Etchu.

. WKD : Rice Reis, meshi gohan .

. WKD : Bindweed (hirugao)  昼顔 .
Fa. Concolvulus


. Kohoogen dedokoro aware toshi no kure .
about a painting by Kano Motonobu Kohōgen (1476―1559)


tooki yori aware wa tsuka no sumiregusa / sumire-gusa

more pitiful
than the parsley is this violet
by his grave mound

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written on the second day of the second lunar month, Genroku 6
For his disciple Kondoo Romaru 近藤呂丸 / 露丸,
who had shown him around at the mountains of Dewa (Oku no Hosomichi) and they had seen this flower together. Romaru's work was to dye the robes of the yamabushi monks of this mountain monastery. He had been to Kyoto and suddenly died on this trip in the home of Kyorai. His grave is in Kyoto.

Tooki is the name of this flower of his home region, the mountains of Dewa.

Sadder than this parsley is
A violet
At the mound.

Tr. Saito/Nelson

tooki 当帰, トウキ Angelica acutiloba

Angelica acutiloba
is a perennial herb from the family Apiaceae or Umbelliferous (carrot or parsley family). It is predominately in Japan and is used to prepare traditional Chinese medicine (kanpo 漢方).
The Japanese name, tōki has a literally meaning like “recovering good health”.
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. ume ga ka ni mukashi no ichiji aware nari .
(spring) fragrance of plum blossoms. the character for "past". pathos
for Baigan 梅丸, who had lost his son


In the Christian Bible, the words "Kyrie eleison"
are translated as

 shu yo, aware mi tamae 主よ憐れみ給え

Herr, Erbarme Dich unser!

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translating Basho -
even when worded poorly,
it has pathos


『もののあはれ』と日本の美」Mono no Aware to Nihon no Bi
Art Exhibition about "mono no aware"

Exhibition at the Suntory Museum サントリー美術館
source : www.suntory.co.jp


. WKD : Human Misery and Pity .

Mono no aware: subtleties of understanding
C.B. Liddell
. . . . . the appreciation of things in the shadow of their future absence.
. Mono no aware: subtleties of understanding - essay .

Cultural Keywords used by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .




Basho Do Hall


- Bashoo doo 芭蕉堂 Basho Do Hall -

Takakuwa Rankoo 高桑闌更 Takakuwa Ranko

source : hannari-tabi.seesaa.ne



shiba no to to kiku wa kuyashiki naredo




Saigyo Do Hall, Basho Do Hall in Kyoto


Amidaboo 阿弥陀房 Monk Amida

shiba no to no tsuki ya sono mama Amida boo



shiba no io to kiku wa kuyashiki nanaredomo
yo ni konomoshiki sumai narikeri

. - Shiba no To 柴の戸 Brushwood Gate - .


This hall has been built in the middle of the Edo period in memory of Matsuo Basho.
It has first been established by a haikai poet from Kaga

Takakuwa Rankoo 高桑闌更 Takakuwa Ranko
(1727 - 1799)

source : asajihara.air-nifty.com

at Maruyama Koen Park, Kyoto  円山公園界隈

At this hall there is an annual ceremony

hana kuyoo 花供養 in memory of Basho.

Basho in Kyoto –“Hanakuyo”and a stone with a Haiku of Basho.
Takeuchi Chiyoko
Basho in Kyoto is famous for “Hanakuyo” at “Basho-do”, and a stone of a Haiku of Basho, the monuments of Basho’s Haiku which were built in some sightseeing areas, are also familiar with people. Both of them were, originally, under the influences of “Shigure-e” and a grave stone of Basho. This paper examines how “Hanakuyo” and a stone with a Haiku of Basho shook them off and went through the original development in Kyoto.

“Hanakuyo” and Haiku circles in Kyoto
Matsumoto Setsuko
When Ranko started his activity as a master of Basho-do in the sixth year of Tenmei on Edo era, the number of Tenja and Haikaikouja are about 43. Ranko had hardly communicated with those people. This means they had differences with each other on the ideas about Haikai, audiences and the way of spreading it.

Publishing firm “Katsuta Zensuke”
Kishimoto Yuko
Katsuta Zensuke was not only a haiku poet, but also the publisher of Haiku books “Hanakuyo”, which had been published from the third year of Kyowa of Edo era to the ninth year of Bunka of Edo era. This paper examines such two aspects of his through “Hanakuyo.”

4 “Hanakuyo” and ”Basho-do”
Kobayashi Toru
This paper examines the system of publication after the Tempo era, when Haiku
books “Hanakuyo” were regularly published, and also examines the role of Basho-do
in this period.
source : www.arc.ritsumei.ac.jp - PDF


Takakuwa Rankoo 高桑闌更 Takakuwa Ranko
(1727 - 1799) or (1726-1798)
享保11年(1726)~寛政5年(1798)。He died at age 73.

source : haikukan.city.hakusan.ishikawa.jp

Ranko was born in the home of a rich merchant Tsurube-Ya 釣瓶屋 in Kanazawa.
He was a haikai student of Ki-In 希因.
He travelled a lot in Japan and finally settled in Kyoto to work as a medical doctor.

. - Disciples from Kanazawa 金沢 - .

Some of his works


aki tatsu ya mise ni korobishi tsuchi ningyoo

autumn begins -
at the store a clay doll
has tumble down

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Haiku about Clay Dolls .


. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .




- Business with Basho -

There are quite a few modern businesses in the name of Basho.

Restaurants, noodle shops, souveniers and much more.

I will pick them up as I find them.

Basho figure in front of a souvenir shop in Matsushima.
You can sit beside him and take a photo.

. Ogaki Town 大垣市 with Basho mascots, museum and all .
The last station of Oku no Hosomichi has its great hero!

under construction

Basho-an raamen 芭蕉庵 ラーメン Noodle Soup
Noodle soup restaurants

There are some
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

source : 尾倉 - 北九州

kama-age soba 釜揚げそば buckwheat noodles


Komatsu Udon 小松のうどん Udon noodles from Komatsu
Ishikawa prefecture. Wheat Noodles in Soup

Matsuo Basho tasted these noodles already !
Oku no Hosomichi

source : www.komatsuguide.jp

. WASHOKU - UDON noodles .


Bashoo manga 芭蕉 漫画 Basho Manga

Books, tee shirts, . . .

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Basho Karuta 芭蕉 カルタ 

haiku karuta -
study your culture
while you play

Basho Tabi Karuta 芭蕉旅かるた
Click for more samples !

card games with poems or letters to match an image.

Oku no Hosomichi
. WKD : haiku karuta .

- - - - -

. Sea Shell Game - Kai-Awase .
Oku no Hosomichi 貝合わせギャラリー 〜奥の細道〜

source : www.yumekougei.com

. Enpitsu de Oku no Hosomichi えんぴつで奥の細道 .
Tracing the Narrow Road to the Deep North with a Pencil - BOOK


Bashoo ningyoo 芭蕉人形 Basho dolls

source : gotoshop

Oku no Hosomichi 奥の細道(松尾芭蕉) 
Hakata Clay Dolls - Hakata Ningyo

. WKD : Dolls from Hakata 博多人形 .


Kokeshi 芭蕉こけし wooden dolls

source : zenmaitarow

source : syareteruyan.jugem.jp

Big Basho Kokeshi beside a box to deposit your haiku !
Seen in Matsushima.

- shared by Jill on facebook -

CLICK for more Basho kokeshi !

. WKD : Kokeshi, Wooden Dolls こけし .


Kitty Chan Doll, Matsushima キッチチャン

. . . CLICK here for ningyo doll Photos !

Rirakuma Basho, relax bear from Tohoku

. Netsuke and strap with Basho 根付とストラップ  .


from 九谷庄三郎銘

芭蕉と才次郎 古九谷の謎にせまる
source : HeartLand-Hinoki

. WKD : Kutaniyaki 九谷焼 Kutani Pottery  .


Basho is in the car!

松尾芭蕉 マスコットキャラクター
Click for all kinds of mascots and town characters with Basho
- Reference Mascots -


Matsuo Basho Telephone Cards 松尾芭蕉

. Telephone Cards テレフォン カード .


Basho rain 芭蕉ライン  boat tour of river Mogamigawa

Food is served while you can enjoy the trip downriver.
source : www.blf.co.jp/

rain is the Japanese pronounciation of the German river Rhine, representing any kind of travel by boat down a river.


Basho senbei 芭蕉煎餅 Sembei crackers

source : kabukiya.shop-pro.jp
From Yokote town 横手銘菓

. . . CLICK here for Sembei Photos !

. WKD : Rice crackers (senbei せんべい) .


Basho Mizu Toofuu 芭蕉水豆腐 "Basho Tofu"
from Ogaki town, made with the fresh water 水 from Ogaki.

source : www.delicasuito.co.jp

. Tofu, Tōfu 豆腐 bean curd .


tee shirts シャーツ

CLICK for more samples !

source : naturalfine.co.jp
From Ogaki town, Gifu


yunomi 湯のみ tea cups


Special Dolls made with clay

source : nendoillust.sblo.jp


dorei 土鈴 clay bell

source : kyoudogangu.xii.jp
Basho himself !!
clay bell from Iga Ueno 伊賀上野
and more clay bells in memory of Basho
芭蕉翁故郷塚土鈴 old farm house
芭蕉翁遺跡土鈴 in memory of Basho
旧跡鍵屋の辻 Kagiya no Tsuji

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source : 鳴門観潮 

hitoshio ni tsuki hiki-otosu Naruto kana

hokku clay bell from Naruto 鳴門
This hokku might not be by Basho after all.

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source : yamatono_dorei_m
clay bells with haiku

samidare ya

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dorei 土鈴 clay bell with a hokku of Basho
from Hyogo

. takotsubo ya hakanaki yume o natsu no tsuki .
about the octopus pot

. shiba no to no tsuki ya sono mama Amida boo .

More clay bells related to Basho :
source : www.from-yamato.com


kirinuke paper cut

source : kirinuke.blo


Fukushima Stamp Ralley

source : fks-happy.com/naka


