
Tanabata Star Festival


- Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival -

..... referring to the double-date of the Asian lunar calendar, the 7th day of the 7th month; now celebrated 7 July in some places, on 7 August or even later in others.

It used to be at the change of the season from summer to autumn (yukiai 交合), celebrated on the night of the 6th of August until early morning of August 7, when autumn had started.
It has been celebrated since the Heian period in Japan, with the wish that young girls would become proficient in weaving and keeping a good home.

Tanabata was inspired by the famous Chinese folklore story,
"The Princess and the Cowherd".
Some versions were included in the Man'yōshū, the oldest extant collection of Japanese poetry.

. araumi ya Sado ni yokotau amanogawa .

the wild sea of Sado and the "river of heaven", Milky Way

Oku no Hosomichi - - - - Station 33 - Echigo 越後路 - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. WKD : Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival .


. Tanabata no awanu kokoro ya uchuuten .
(autumn) Tanabata star festival. the hearts can't meet. rain in heaven.

. Tanabata ya aki o sadamuru yo no hajime .
(autumn) Tanabata star festival. now autumn has really come
at the home of Yadoo 野童 Yado in Kyoto


hoshi-ai, hoshi ai 星合 "the stars are meeting"

nemu no ki no hagoshi mo itoe hoshi no kage - (ねむのきの はごしもいとえ ほしのかげ)
nebu no ki no hagoshi mo itoe hoshi no kage

do not peek
even through silk tree leaves:
the stars’ light

Tr. Barnhill

do not even peek
through the leaves of the silk tree:
light falls from the stars

Tr. Chilcott

Written in autumn of 1690. 元禄3年7月7日

. WKD : nemu no ki 合歓木 silk tree . - Albizia julibrissin, Acacia nemu. Albizzie


折る気色、二星も屋形を失ふべし。 今宵なほ、ただに過さんも残り多しと、一燈かかげ添ふる折節、遍 照・小町が歌を吟ずる人あり。これによってこの二首を探りて雨星 の心をなぐさめんとす

takamizu ni hoshi mo tabine ya iwa no ue

with flooding waters
the stars too sleep on their journey —
upon a rock

Tr. Barnhill

Written in 1692 - 元禄6年7月7日.
On that night there was a great rain in Edo. His disciple Sanpu had come over to the home of Basho in Fukagawa and the two of them enjoyed the evening anyway.

They were thinking of Ono no Komachi, who might have been forced to sleep on a rock near the river crossing during a stormy rainy night.

Here is one of her poems on Tanabata:

Wretch that I am - a floating waterweed, broken from its roots.
If a stream should beckon, I would follow it, I think

Tr. Keene

source : andante.blog92.fc2
Komachi Tanabata Festival at Yuzawa Town

. WKD : Ono no Komachi 小野 小町 .

c. 825 — c. 900. Waka Poetess and Famous Beauty

MORE - hokku about tabine - sleeping on the road
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


suigaku mo norimono kasan Ama-no-gawa

maybe Suigaku
can lend them a ship -
Heavenly River

Written in 延宝6年, Basho age 35 at the Tanabata Star Festival night.
On that night there was a lot of rain and the two lovers might have difficulty to meet . . .

Suigaku Sooho 水学宗甫 Soho had come from Nagasaki and studied the ways of water very intensively. He was famous for water mechanisms. He had been invited from a stay in Osaka to help out with the construction of the mines in Sado Island. He invented a very effective hand pump to drain the mines.


. WKD : Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival .

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .


tenmon - heaven


- tenmon 天文 kigo-category of heaven - Himmel -

. WKD : tenmon 天文 HEAVEN - - - the Complete SAIJIKI.

This is a list of the seasonal expressions about "heaven" used by Matsuo Basho in his various poems.


- - - - - haru 春 SPRING - - - - -

haru no ame 春の雨 rain in spring
haru no kaze 春の風 wind in spring
haru no yuki 春の雪 snow in spring

kageroo 陽炎 heat shimmers

kaiyose 貝寄風 "shell-drawing wind"

kasumi 霞 spring haze, spring haziness

kochi 東風 "east wind", strong easterly wind

oboro 朧 haze, hazy
oborozuki 朧月 moon in the spring haze, hazy moon


- - - - - natsu 夏 SUMMER - - - - -

hae, nanpuu 南風 southern wind

kaze kaoru 風薫る fragrant wind

kumo no mine 雲の峰 "peak of clouds", billowing clouds

natsu no tsuki 夏の月 moon in summer

samidare 五月雨 "rain in the fifth lunar month" (now rain in the rainy season)
(quite a lot of hokku)

suzukaze, ryoofuu, ryōfū 涼風 cool breeze, refreshing breeze

tsuyu 梅雨 rainy season


- - - - - aki 秋 AUTUMN - - - - -

aki no kaze 秋の風 wind in autumn
(quite a lot of hokku)

aki no shimo 秋の霜 frost in autumn

ama no kawa 天の川 the Milky Way (Heavenly River)

inzuma 稲妻 lightning

izayoi 十六夜 autumn moon on day 16

kiri 霧 fog

matsuyoi 待宵 "waiting in the evening" for the moon

meigetsu 名月 full autumn moon
(quite a lot of hokku)

mikazuki 三日月 crescent moon

nochi no tsuki 後の月 "next full moon". One month after the meigetsu, now october,

nowaki, nowake 野分 typhoon "parting the fields"

tsuki 月 moon
(quite a large lot of hokku)

tsukishiro, tsuki shiro 月代 "white autumn moon" when the sky in the east is still white

tsuyu 露 dew

yuuzukiyo 夕月夜 evening moon

. WKD : kigo about the Moon in Autumn .


- - - - - fuyu 冬 WINTER - - - - -

arare 霰 hail
(quite a lot of hokku)

fuyu no ame 冬の雨 rain in winter

hatsushimo, hatsu shimo 初霜 first frost

hatsu yuki 初雪 first snow

kan no ame 寒の雨 rain in the cold

kogarashi 凩 withering wind

shigure 時雨 and hatsu shigure 初時雨

shimo 霜 frost
(quite a lot of hokku)

tsuyu kooru 露凝る dew is freezing

yuki 雪 snow
(quite a large lot of hokku)


. WKD : tenmon 天文 HEAVEN - - - the Complete SAIJIKI.

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .


toshi no kure - end of the year


- toshi no kure 年の暮  end of the year -

toshi no hate 年の果、toshi no owari 年の終
. WKD : Ending of a season, ending of the year .

. Basho SAIJIKI - category humanity, daily life 生活 seikatsu - .

under construction

. - - - WKD : mochitsuki 餅搗 pounding mochi rice-cakes .

. ariake mo misoka ni chikashi mochi no oto .

. kure kurete mochi o kodama no wabine kana / kurekurete .


. - - - WKD - sekizoro 節季候 Year-End singers .

. sekizoro no kureba fuuga mo shiwasu kana .

. sekizoro o suzume no warau detachi kana .


. - - - WKD : susuharai 煤払 cleaning off the soot (of the ending year) .

. susuhaki wa ono ga tana tsuru daiku kana .

susuhaki wa sugi no ko no ma no arashi kana

. tabine shite mishi ya ukiyo no susu harai (susuharai) .  


. - - - WKD : toshi no ichi 年の市 market at the end of the year, Year-End Fair .
..... kure no ichi 暮の市(くれのいち) Year-end market
..... kure ichi 暮市(くれいち)
shiwasu no ichi 師走の市(しわすのいち) December market
sekki ichi 節季市(せっきいち)seasonal market

These markets were famous for selling goods cheaply for the New Year Celebrations.

Ikkyuu ga kawarake kawan toshi no ichi

priest Ikkyu buys
a clay dish -
Year-End Market


I am going to buy
a clay dish used by priest Ikkyu -
Year-End Market

. Ikkyu Sojun 一休宗純 (1394-1481) Zen priest .
He was quite an eccentric, frequenting brothels and sometimes using a skull as a begging bowl.

. WKD : kawarake かはらけ clay dishes .
they were used to drink New Year Sake (o-toso お屠蘇) and then usually thrown away.

- - - - - Interpreting the ga as NO
Ikkyuu NO kawarake kawan toshi no ichi
would lead to the idea that Basho himself went to the market to try and buy a dish, or maybe a skull bowl that Ikkyu had used in his time.
a paraverse thanks to - Naotaka Uematsu -

"Hey, let's buy that china bowl(skull) which Ikkyuu loved to use for begging, coz it's auspicious("irony") year-end sale."

From the collection
. - Moto no Mizu もとの水 - 句集 - A Hokku Collection attributed to Basho in 1787 - .

- - - - -

toshi no ichi senkoo kai ni idebayana

Year-End market -
I go out to buy
some incence

Written in the last month of 1686 貞亨3年師走.

Basho, who lived like a recluse, was not accustomed to the lively atmosphere of so many people coming together for their year-end preparations and last buys.
Let us hope they sold some incense at the market too.

. WKD : koo, senkoo 線香 incense, incense stick .

- - - - -

nani ni kono shiwasu no ichi ni yuku karasu

why does it head
to the market at year's-end?
a flying crow

Tr. Barnhill

O crow,
why are you flying from here
to the noisy town?

Tr. DS

Written in 1689 元禄2年, Basho age 46, at Zeze 膳所.

Basho sees himself as a crow, heading for the busy Year-End Market. But he wonders what he, feeling like an outsider, is really doing there . . .
Or maybe he really observed a crow heading to the center of Zeze town, when he watched the winter sky?

. WKD : shiwasu no ichi 師走の市 December market .


. - - - WKD : toshi wasure 年忘 "forget the old year" - .

. hanjitsu wa kami o tomo ni ya toshi wasure .

. hito ni ie o kawasete ware wa toshi wasure .

. uo tori no kokoro wa shirazu toshi wasure .


setsukarete toshi wasure suru kigen kana

being invited so urgently
I take part in the year-end party
and now I feel great . . .

Written after 貞亨元年, Basho between 41 and 51 years.
This hokku has the cut marker at the end of line 3.


. - - - WKD : toshi yooi 年用意 "preparations for the New Year" .

. Suma no Ura no toshitori mono ya sai ichiha / ichipa .

passing into the New Year
at Suma no Ura -
a bundle of brushwood

Tr. Gabi Greve


. WKD : Ending of a season, ending of the year .

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .


taue, ta ue - rice planting


- taue, ta-ue, ta ue 田植 rice planting -

Fields, especially the rice fields are very important for the farming communities of Japan. Life depended on a good harvest and the deities have been evoked in many rituals relating to rice planting.

source : www.chiba-tpa.or.jp

. WKD : taue 田植 planting rice in the paddies .
. song for rice planting, taue uta, taue-uta 田植歌 .
..... tauebushi 皐月節(さつきぶし)
..... saotome uta 早乙女唄(さおとめうた)


fuuryuu no hajime ya Oku no taue uta

The beginning of all art:
a song when planting a rice field
in the country's inmost part.

Tr. Henderson

jetzt wirds langsam poetisch ...
das Lied der Reispflanzer
von den Nordprovinzen

Tr. Gabi Greve

- Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道 - - - Station 11 - Sukagawa 須賀川 - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


at our local ricewine store . . .

shiba tsukeshi uma no modori ya tauedaru (taue-daru)

having carried brushwood,
the horse returns -
wine casks for rice-planting

Tr. Barnhill

Written in summer of 1694 元禄7年. A tribute to his host, Kubota.

Basho stayed in Iga Ueno at the home of Kubota Izen 窪田意専.
The tenant farmers of Izen had just finished planting his fields and he thanked them with sake to celebrate the event. The farmers carried the casks home on the back of their horses. Everyone was in a festive and leisurely mood after all the hard work was done.

having carried firewood
the horses now return -
barrels of rice wine

Tr. Gabi Greve

Trying to make a difference between European wine made from grapes and sake, rice wine, the traditional brew of Japan.


Written in the same summer of 1694 元禄7年, Basho age 51, at the home of Kubota:

shin wara no desomete hayaki shigure kana

the new straw
is already out and there is
a cold drizzle . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.

MORE - hokku about - shigure 時雨 winter drizzle, sleet -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Further information about this hokku :
. WKD : shinwara, shin wara 新藁 (しんわら) new straw .
kigo for late autumn


inazuma ya yami no kata-yuku goi no koe

a flash of lightning -
into the darkness the voice
of a night heron

Written in the 7th lunar month of 1694 元禄7年7月.
During a haikai meeting with Kubota and 土芳 Toho. As the storm raged and lightning was on the horizon, this became the topic for their meeting.

goi 五位 is short for goi sagi 五位鷺 a night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax).
As the name says, it comes out in the evening and gives an eerie sound when flying over land. In the direction toward the lightning, the sky is all black and this makes the situation even more eerie.

A lightning gleam:
into darkness travels
a night heron’s scream

Tr. ?

. WKD : inazuma 稲妻 lightning .
kigo for all autumn


Kubota Izen 窪田意専 / Sooshichi 惣七 Soshichi
(?1640 - 1704) - 宝永元年11月10日 at age 65
Kubota Sooshichiroo 窪田惣七郎 Kubota Soshichiro
Uchi no Kamiya 内神屋
His haiku name was Ensui 猿雖.

Together with Tohoo 土芳 Toho he was one of the leading haikai poets of Iga Ueno and a good friend of Basho, although he was four years older than the Master. Basho sent him a lot of letters.
In 1689 he entered the monkhood and took on the name of Izen 意専.
He lived in a retreat in the outskirts and left the family business to his heir. Every time Basho returned to Iga Ueno, they had a haikai party together.

At the temple Myookakuji 明覚寺 Myokaku-Ji in Iga Ueno is a stone memorial for his hokku.

source : www.bunka.pref.mie.lg.jp

karuki mi no semi wa ko mo nashi oya mo nashi

cicadas have a free life -
there are no children
there are no parents


"wine casks for rice-planting" - taken literally :

Nowadays, people even use large sake casks for planting rice in them.

. PERSONS introduced by Matsuo Basho .

MORE about - uma 馬 - koma 駒  horse, horses -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - SAIJIKI - humanity kigo .

inekari 稲刈 harvesting rice

. yo no naka wa ine karu koro ka kusa no io . 

saotome 早乙女 girls planting rice

. sanae toru temoto ya mukashi shinobuzuri .

shirokaku, shiro kaku 代掻く tilling the rice paddies

. yo o tabi ni shiro kaku oda no yuki modori .  


. WKD : taue 田植 planting rice in the paddies .

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .


tsuyu dew


- tsuyu 露 dew, dewdrops -

. WKD : Dew, dewdrops (tsuyu 露) .
morning dew, asa tsuyu 朝露
heavy with dew, tsuyukeshi, tsuyukesa 露けし, 露けさ
dew on chrysanthemums, kiku no tsuyu 菊の露

heaven kigo for all autumn

There are also haiku some with the chrysanthemum.

In alphabetical order


aki o hete / chō mo nameru ya / kiku no tsuyu
autumn, butterfly, chrysanthemum

. asa-tsuyu ni yogorete suzushi uri no doro .
asatsuyu - morning dew
- - - - - 朝露によごれて涼し瓜の土
- - - - - asatsuyu ni yogorete suzushi uri no tsuchi

hatsutake ya / mada hikazu henu / aki no tsuyu
first mushrooms. autumn dew

hito tsuyu mo / kobosanu kiku no / kōri kana
chrysanthemum, ice


hyoro hyoro to nao tsuyu keshi ya ominaeshi
hyorohyoro to nao tsuyukeshi ya ominaeshi

trembling, teetering
now even more dew-like -
lady flowers

Tr. Barnhill

tsuyukeshi, a variant of tsuyukesa

ominaeshi 女郎花 (おみなえし)
. maiden flower, Patrinia scabiosaefolia. .


ishi no ka ya / natsu kusa akaku / tsuyu atsushi
summer plants


kiku no tsuyu ochite hiroeba nukago kana

a chrysanthemum drops its dew,
but when I pick it up:
a brood bud

Tr. Barnhill

. propagule 零余子 (むかご) mukago, nukago .


kyō yori ya / kakitsuke kesa n / kasa no tsuyu
straw hat

. michi hososhi sumotorigusa no hana no tsuyu .

. nadeshiko ni kakaru namida ya kusu no tsuyu .
(summer) Nadeshiko pinks. tears are falling. dew on the camphor tree
for the samurai father and son Kusunoki 楠木

. Saigyō no waraji mo kakare matsu no tsuyu .
Saigyoo, Saigyo the Poet

寒からぬ露や牡丹の花の蜜 (さむからぬつゆやぼたんのはなのみつ)
samukaranu / tsuyu ya botan no / hana no mitsu

. shiratsuyu mo kobosanu hagi no uneri kana  .

. suzuri ka to hirou ya kuboki ishi no tsuyu .


- - - - - sasa no tsuyu - - - - -

篠の露袴に掛けし茂り哉 (ささのつゆはかまにかけししげりかな)
. sasa no tsuyu hakama ni kakeshi shigeri kana .
arrow bamboo - trouser-skirt

たかうなや雫もよよの篠の露 (
takauna ya / shizuku mo yoyo no / sasa no tsuyu
arrow bamboo

takauna means shinodake 筍/笋 bamboo, often takenoko タケノコ bamboo sprouts

yoyo 「夜々」「世々」pun on "night after night" or "this fleeting world".
It can also mean spittle dripping from the lips.

Written when Basho was about 18 to 29. Referring to the Genji Monogatari:
横笛の巻 - Yokobue no maki
On-ha no ohi izuru ni kui atemu tote,
takauna o tsuto nigiri mochie, shizuku mo yoyo to kui nurashi tamaeba,

- quote
. . . the Third Princess receiving a letter with bamboo shoots and taro roots from her father, the retired Emperor Suzaku 朱雀,
source : www.aisf.or.jp/~jaanus

An example of the Teimon school of haikai 貞門風俳諧.


for the poet-priest Saigyo 西行上人

. tsuyu itete fude ni kumihosu shimizu kana .

tsuyu toku toku kokoromi ni ukiyo susugabaya / tokutoku

dew trickles down:
in it I would try to wash away the dust
of the floating world

Tr. Barnhill

tokutoku no shimizu とくとくの清水 is a phrase used by Saigyo.
See the link.

. WKD - Saigyō - Basho and Saigyo .

- Yoshinoyama 吉野山 Mount Yoshino and the Cherry Blossoms -
. Matsuo Basho in Yoshino .

- - -

I like to wash,
the dust of this world
In the droplets of dew.

With dewdrops dripping,
I wish somehow I could wash
this perishing world

Tr. ?
source : thegreenleaf.co.uk


. yamabuki no tsuyu na no hana no kakochigao naru ya .
yellow mountain rose


. WKD : Dew, dewdrops (tsuyu 露) .




uguisu nightingale


- uguisu 鶯 nightingale, bush warbler -

. WKD : nightingale, ugusiu うぐいす、鶯 .

kigo for all spring


uguisu no kasa otoshitaru tsubaki kana

The uguisu have dropped
their hats
camellias all over the ground

An old poetic convention has uguisu wearing little caps of plum blossoms.
Basho puts a twist on this folksy image by suggesting the birds have thrown off camellias like broad-brimmed farmer's hats.
source : Liza Dalby

a bush warbler
drops its hat:
camellia blossom

Tr. Barnhill

A bush warbler
Has dropped its hat from the tree:
A camellia blossom!

Tr. Oseko

A warbler
Dropped its hat -
A camellia.

Tr. Saito / Nelson

Written in 1690, 元禄3年2月6日 in Iga Ueno.
Basho stayed at the estate of Hyakusai 百歳.
Nishijima Hyakusai 西島百歳 (?1668 - 1705, 4月26日) died at the age of 38.
Hakusai lived in Iga Ueno, he was the 5th son of Fujidoo Yoshishige 藤堂良重 and was adopted by the Nishijima family.
His name was Juuroozaemon 十郎右衛門.

This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.


. uguisu o tama ni nemuru ka aoyanagi .
ao yanagi

. uguisu ya mochi ni funsuru en no saki .


uguisu ya take no ko yabu ni oi o naku

this bush warbler -
in a grove of bamboo shoots
it sings of old age

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in the fifth lunar month, 1694 元禄7年5月
Basho on his way to Western Japan, near Sagami. He superimposes his own old age with that of the animals.
Basho died in the same year in the 10th lunar month.

uguisu is a bird of spring, but now in summer it is getting old.
the kigo related to the summer bird are :

"old nightingale", old bush warbler, oi uguisu 老鶯
..... roo oo 老鶯

the nightingale sings / cries of old age
..... uguisu oi o naku 鶯老を鳴

summer bush warbler, natsu uguisu 夏鶯
late nightingale, zanoo 残鶯
..... ranoo 乱鶯

. takenoko 竹の子 bamboo sprouts .
kigo for summer


. uguisu ya yanagi no ushiro yabu no mae .


source :haiku-kigo.com/article


this uguisu -
the Chinese tea
is a bit thin

Tr. Gabi Greve

凡茶 Boncha
Boncha san tries to find a new "partner" for the traditional kigo of uguisu.


. WKD : nightingale, ugusiu うぐいす、鶯 .



ume ga ka plum fragrance


- ume ga ka 梅が香 plum fragrance -

. WKD : Fragrant plum blossoms (ume ga ka) .

ume, sometimes spelled mume むめ, as it was called in the Heian period.
Basho makes use of both spellings.
Prunus mume, a kind of apricot tree.

under construction

Plum Blossom Scent (Ume Ga Ka, 1694)
- A Haikai Sequence
tarns. by Haruo Shirane

In the plum blossom scent
the sun pops up --
a mountain path

Here there pheasants
crying as they fly away

house repairs in
spring's slow season

From the city: news
of a rise in the price of rice

- - - Discussion of this sequence
In the early spring of 1694, Basho composed with Yaba in Edo a haikai sequence, "Plum Blossom Scent," ("Ume ga Ka"), and later died in the early winter of the same year. As one of his last sequences, "Plum Blossom Scent" demonstrates his "karumi" style ("lightness") developed in his last years, one that "stressed everyday common life, contemporary language and rhythm, and avoided heavy conceptualization or allusions to the past" (Shirane, p. 201).
source : neverendingstoryhaikutanka.blogspot.jp

. Shida Yaba 志太野坡 . (1662 - 1740)


quote David Coomler
including a “formal” translation of the original;
and a rewritten “American” version.

ume ga ka ni mukashi no ichiji aware nari

In the scent of ume,
The single character “past”
is sad.

At the scent of plum blossoms,
The single word “past” –
How sad!

Tr. David Coomler

The point of the verse is the writer’s smelling the scent of plums while looking at (or writing) the single Chinese character read in Japanese as mukashi — “the past.” The combination fills him with a sad, nostalgic feeling (aware, pronounced ah-wah-ray) because he knows that all things are impermanent and nothing lasts, least of all the fragrance of the early spring blossoms.

The verse was written as an “occasion” verse for Bashō’s student Baigan, on the anniversary of the death of the student’s son, which had happened a year earlier. We can see how indirectly hokku deals with such matters.

ume ga ka ni oimodosaruru samusa kana

At the scent of ume
The routed has returned –
The cold!

In the scent of plum,
What left has returned –
The cold!

Not a good hokku. The rather minimal point is that spring has warmed enough to bring out the fragrant ume blossoms, but at the time the writer is smelling the fragrance, a cold spell has occurred. So the cold he thought had been routed by the warmth of spring has returned. It shows how changeable early spring weather is.

Ume ga ka ya Shirara Ochikubo Kyōtarō

The scent of plum blossoms;
Shirara, Ochikubo,
Kyōtarō ...

It is little more than an allusion to a line from a Japanese book called the Jōruri-hime Monogatari, in which the question is asked which books a certain Lady Jōruri read, whether that titled Shirara, or Ochikubo, or Kyōtarō, etc. The reader is supposed to be reminded of a pretty, elegant young woman reading a book of stories as spring begins. Of course this kind of verse does not survive time and travel to a different culture, and it depends entirely on the reader knowing the literary allusion Bashō is making.
I have included it here only to show how unlike modern hokku some of Bashō’s verses were, and how “literary” in contrast to what we consider the best hokku. For the western student of modern hokku, which deliberately avoids dependance on such literary allusions, these old ”see how well-read I am” verses are quite useless other than as examples of what not to do.
source : David Coomler - Hokku

. Joruri-Hime 浄瑠璃姫 and Ushiwakamaru / Yoshitsune .
jooruji gozen 浄瑠璃御前 Lady Joruri - 浄瑠璃姫 Princess Joruri

- - - - -

ume ga ka ni mukashi no ichiji aware nari

in the plum's fragrance
the single term "the past"
holds such pathos

Tr. Barnhill

- - - - -

written on the 13th day of the second lunar month, 1694

His disciple Baigan 梅丸, 水谷久右衛門 of Ogaki, Mino, had lost his son and Basho sent this hokku of condolence.

This hokku makes reference to a waka of Heian period


tsuki ya aranu haru ya mukashi no haru naranu
waga mi hitotsu wa moto no mi ni shite

Is this not the same moon?
Is this not
The spring of old?
Only this body of mine
Is the original body.

source : Tr. Marra

Ariwara no Narihira.

MORE - Hokku about AWARE by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. ume ga ka ni notto hi no deru yamaji kana .
(spring) fragrance of plum blossoms. mountain road
- see the sequence above -

Read more translations. - The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.


ume ga ka ya / minu yo no hito ni / gyoi o uru


ume ga ka ya Shirara Ochikubo Kyootaroo
(see above)

fragrant plum blossoms -
Shirara, Ochikubo

Tr. Gabi Greve

written in the first lunar month of 1691 元禄4年1月
When smelling the fragrant plum blossoms, it is a time to remember "the good old times" of the Heian period poetry and monogatari stories.
The three names Basho mentions, Shirara, Ochikubo and Kyotaro, were well known to the educated haikai poets of his time.
Now only the Ochikubo story is still well known.
This is a hokku without a verb. It is a good example for the statement:
Basho's hokku have been called a "poetry of nouns".
. "Haiku is the poetry of nouns." .  

Ochikubo Monogatari (落窪物語), also known as The Tale of Ochikubo, is a story from the Heian period which is similar to the famous fairy tale Cinderella.

Ochikubo Monogatari was written during the later part of the 10th century by an unknown author. It is known as the oldest remaining tale in Japanese literature to include harassment and bullying from a stepmother. Ochikubo Monogatari's well-formed plot and vivid description of characters influenced many writers such as Murasaki Shikibu, author of The Tale of Genji. The lively dialogues are also of particular quality.

After suffering from relentless harassment from her stepmother, Princess Ochikubo meets a man named Michiyori who is a general. The two marry and Princess Ochikubo lives very happily with him. Michiyori starts to take revenge on Princess Ochikubo's family, setting up a series of humiliating events.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. ka o saguru ume ni kura miru nokiba kana .
searching for the plum fragrance


Other hokku beginning with UME

. ume koite u no hana ogamu namida kana .
(summer) deutzia blossoms. I long for. I bow to plum blossoms. I shed tears.
On the death of high priest Daiten 大顛和尚

ume no ki ni / nao yadorigi ya / ume no hana

ume shiroshi / kinō ya tsuru o / nusumareshi


ume tsubaki haya-zaki homen Hobi no sato

plum and camellia:
praise to their early bloom
here in Hobi village

Tr. Barnhill

Written in 貞亨4年11月, Basho age 44
Hobi is a famous place in Aichi prefecture at the Atsumi peninsula 渥美半島, the tip of it is Iragozaki 伊良湖岬.
The famous In no Mikado emperor 院の帝 had once stayed here and enjoyed the plum blossoms.

Nozarashi Kiko.

. - Tsuboi Tokoku 坪井杜国 - .
In 1684 he became a disciple of Basho, but in the following year he was banned from Nagoya (because of some fraud) and moved to the village Hobi 保美村 at the Hobi peninsula in Aichi.


. ume wakana Mariko no yado no tororo jiru .
(autumn) yam soup. plum and young greens. postal station of Mariko

ume yanagi / sazo wakashu kana / onna kana


. WKD : Fragrant plum blossoms (ume ga ka) .

Fragrance hokku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. KIGO used by Basho .

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .



yuugao and asagao


- asagao 朝顔 morning glory -

. WKD - asagao 朝顔 morning glory .
lit. "morning face"


. asagao ni ware wa meshi kuu otoko kana .
(autumn) morning glories. I am a man eating rice

. asagao wa heta no kaku sae aware nari .
(autumn) morning glories. painted poorly. showing pathos

. asagao wa sakamori shiranu sakari kana .
(autumn) morning glories. we drink sake and make merry

- - - - - Basho closes the Fukagaww Hermitage. heikan no setsu 閉関の説

. asagao ya hiru wa joo orosu mon no kaki .

. asagao ya kore mo mata waga tomo narazu .


mikazuki ya / asagao no yūbe / tsubomuran

. soo asagao ikushi ni kaeru nori no matsu .
(autumn) morning glories. monks. to die. Dharma pine
at temple Taimadera 当麻寺

. warau beshi naku beshi waga asagao no shibomu toki .
(summer) morning glories. should I laugh? should I cry? whithering


- yuugao 夕顔 bottle gourd -

. WKD - yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd (plant) .
Calonyction aculeatum, Ipomea alba. moonflower
lit. "evening face"


yūgao ni / kanpyō muite / asobi keri

yūgao ni / mitoruru ya mi mo / ukari hyon

. yuugao no shiroku yoru no kooka ni shisoku torite .
(autumn) moonflower. white. outhouse. torchlight (?candle)


yuugao ya / aki wa iroiro no / fukube kana

Look at a sake cup with this hokku:
. Basho and sakazuki 盃 sake cups .


yūgao ya / youte kao dasu / mado no ana
yuugao ya yoote kao dasu mado no ana

this bottle gourd flower -
I was drunk sticking my head out
of the hole of the window

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in summer of 1693. 元禄6年

It might well have been the small window of the toilet, since he mentiones the ANA, the hole of the window.
When Basho stuck his drunken head out of it, he saw the beautiful flower right there.
It is quite unlikely that he is writing about someone else.

Other versions recorded by Kyorai

yuugao NI

..... take sudare


hirugao ひるがお - 昼顔 field bindweed, convolvulus
Calystegia japonica
lit. "midday face"

. hirugao ni kometsuki suzumu aware nari .



. yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd (plant) .
Calonyction aculeatum, Ipomea alba. moonflower
- and
morning-glory, asagao 朝顔



zappai - miscellaneous


- zappai, zoo 雑 Zo - miscellaneous -

In haiku poetry there is the category of "miscellaneous", zappai 雑俳, zakku 雑句.

This comprises short poems that do not fall under the formal criteria set up for haiku/hokku, but which are often listed in a saijiki.

. Haiku - Senryu - Zappai .

In the pre-Meiji era (before 1868), almost all haiku contained a kigo.
For example,
Japanese experts have classified
only 10 of Matsuo Bashō's hokku in the miscellaneous (zō) category
(out of about 1,000 hokku).

. Kigo used in Haiku .

Other poems of the 5 7 5 type by Basho appeared in the middle part of a renku or kasen, where no season word was required.
They would not be seen as HOKKU 発句 - first KU in a linked verse - in his time.


. asayosa o taga Matsushima zo katagokoro .
asa yosa o taga Matsushima zo kata kokoro

7 5 5 - no kigo

. kachi naraba Tsuetsuki-zaka o rakuba kana .
during a ride up Walking-stick Hill

. katararenu Yudono ni nurasu tamoto kana .

. kono suji wa gin mo mishirazu fujiyuusa yo .
part of a kasen from Sarumino  猿蓑集 巻之五

呑明て花生となる二升樽 - nomi-akete hana-ike to naru nishoodaru
呑明て 花生 にせん二升樽 -
. nomi akete hana-ike ni sen nishoodaru .

. Saga Nikki 嵯峨日記 Saga Diary .

. yakuran ni izure no hana o kusamakura .
The season is autumn, but no special kigo is mentioned.


. Haiku - Senryu - Zappai .




- - Topics used by Basho


- Topics and Keywords used by Basho - Thema, Themen -

This is a still growing list. Please come back again.

The main list is here :
. - Cultural Keywords used by Basho - .

From this BLOG, with the lable Z-TOPIC
. Basho Archives - TOPIC entries .

. Basho about Basho - about himself, his own life .

. Business in the name of Basho .

This part is under construction.

. asagi あさぎ - 浅黄 / 浅葱 hues of light yellow, green and blue .

- aware 哀れ - あわれ touching, pityful, to feel commpassion -
mono no aware ものの哀れ the pity / pathos of things

. Child, Children 子供 - abandoned child - sutego 捨子 .

. cloud, clouds 雲 kumo . - hana no kumo 花の雲 - kumo no mine 雲の峰

. cow 牛 ushi .

. dream  夢 yume .

. Emotions expressed directly .

. first of all まづ mazu .

. Food - regional dishes .

. - Fuji 富士山 Mount Fujisan - .

. fragrance, smell 香 ka . - . koo 香 incense .

. hat, pine-bark hat 笠 kasa .

. horse, horses - uma 馬 - koma 駒 Pferd - .

. - iza いざ / 感  Let's Go! Farewell, Good-bye! - .

.  jiamari 字余り / jitarazu 字足らず .
too much, too little - outside of 5 7 5 - individual meter

. - kami 神 Shinto deities - .

. - kire and kireji 切れ - 切字 cut and cut markers - .

. - kokoro こころ - 心  "heart", mind, soul- .

. let us do this ! xyz せよ seyo . - giving direct orders -

. life, to be alive 命 inochi .

. - matsu 松 pine tree - .

. Medicine, illness and doctors 薬 - 町医者 .

. - Monk, Priest - 僧 soo, sō - .

. - mu 無 emptiness - nothingness - kyo 虚 emptiness .

. - nagori 余波 - 余韻- 余風 - 余情 - remains, memories, lingering - .

. Names of Persons . - and - gijinka 擬人化 personification

. no gotoku, no gotoshi  のごとく  the same as .
(comparing things directly )

. Numbers - one two three - and more .

. One sentence hokku with three segments 5 7 5 .

. Onomatopoetic expressions .

. pillow - 枕 makura, 草枕 kusamakura .

. Pissing (shooben 小便, bari 尿) pissing - done by humans and animals .

. Places visited, Basho Travelling .

. - rusu 留守 nobody at home - .

. . . . seken 世間 the every-day-world - the floating world .

. shibaraku wa しばらくは for a while - . ###

. Shinto Shrines visited .

. - shirazu, shiranu 知らず/ 知らぬ - I do not know - .

. SLEEPING in various situations .

. sleeve 袖 sode - and kosode 小袖 short-sleeved kimono * .

. sumi 炭 charcoal - Ono-zumi小野 charcoal from Ono and more .

. - TEA, drinking tea, 茶 cha - Tee - .

. tears 涙 namida - to cry 泣くnaku .

. - - - Temples, Buddhist Temples visited .

- tootoi とうとい尊い / 貴い holy, noble respectful -

. Travelling, sleeping on the road 旅 tabi, tabine . ###

. tsue 杖 walking stick, cane. Wanderstock .

. - ukiyo 浮世 floating world - .

. Voice of animals .

. - wakare 別れ Basho parting with friends  - . ### - departure, saying "good bye"

. - wasure わすれ the concept of forgetting - .

. Wind - kaze no oto 風の音 the sound of wind - .


shokumoku gin 嘱目吟 haiku trip whilst paying special attention to things

Basho wrote many in the time from about age 41 to 51.
Basho later formulated this

. Learn from the pine ! . - - - 松の事は松に習え、竹の事は竹に習え


. TOP of this BLOG .

